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OP/Scoundrels are fine


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Never used adrenals and all that other stuff that people consider "vital" to the class, and was still ranking #1 with damage and kills before the nerf. And this was before I got Flechette Round (I was playing scoundrel)


So seeing as I was doing just fine without the 100% armor penetration, why won't I continue to do just fine when I do get high enough to get the now 30% armor pen?


Also, a 20% nerf to damage doesn't make an ability completely useless. 1.5sec KD instead of 3sec KD? Boohoo, now I actually have to press one more button to kill someone.


So yeah, not seeing how operatives and scoundrels are no longer worth playing at all. I'm thinking it's mainly due to the theorycrafters who don't actually play the game seeing that nerf from 100% to 30% and thinking it kills the class, when they don't actually play it themselves.


Get to fing 50 before you blab about what you don't know. Bracket 50 is a whole different ball game . I hate newbs coming in here saying it's not bad when they haven't even reached endgame. When you hidden strike for 800 damage come back and cry how you ruined your operative by hitting max level.

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This makes sense!


I have not said not worth playing....Many have but those are the peeps that aren't loyal to the class.


The loyal at end game see the problem (Fully geared with BM/Rakata combos).


The problem is the nerf went a little overboard....


Even the crappiest sorc can kill an operative 1 shot if he uses his utilities (knock backs) in the right places (insta death from a knockback into an abyss or poison)...when did you see an Operative 1 shot you like that? Should that be nerfed too?


Or a grapple that can put you in a poison spot and kill you in 1 vs 1 fight ?



Catch the drift?


We dont have tools to do stuff like that...we had damage...now its regular damage and everyone has that because gear...


everyone can do same damage operative does.....so what makes us different? Nothing and everything we can do can be done way better and easier without crutches and utilities....


One of the nerf items could of fixed the class but 3 different items went into effect and messed up our PVE to some extent...


Especially when nothing else was buffed to compensate for what we were designed to do..


Did I mention the recent surge nerf multiplied the damage they did with their first 3 nerfs?

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I see many people complaining about nerfs and so on.


First of all, I don´t feel underpowerede at all, and I excell very well at both PVE and PVP (Endgame).

I am always top 3 on dmd, kill vs. death ratio and number of medals and in PVE I do alot of dmg. I am scoundrel, scrapper.


Now, as there are 16 players in a pvp arena, I think that ALWAYS comming out top 3 is a very good start. However, I DO also USE 22 keybindings. This suggests, that if you know how to play this class, he becomes extremely powerfull. And I mean extremely, which means, that the nerf was needed. Before that, I was more than extremely powerfull; like godlike or having m-m-m-monsterkill (for you guys who remember UT)


I think most of the frustration is due to people, who want this class to be in top 3 without using those 22 keybindings like I do. HOWEVER, you are 16 ppl. in a WZ and you are not supposed to be the king of the game, without mastering it. In the case of Scoundrels /opperatives, mastering the class is essential to be top 3 in both pvp vs. pve. If you want more info on my combination of skills I can make a detailed explanation. But please, do not say that Scoundrels/op are a broken class. it is far, far from and I can guarantee, that if they changed the last nerf to improve some of our skills.. well. I would consider myself a class too powerfull for this game.


If you want to be top 3, learn how to be there. You are playing against other humans who have been playing for days specialising in their own class. Face the competition and reality guys ;)


Class balance is not relative to player skill.


Class balance is relative to how much a class can bring to the table vs other classes. Operatives don't bring anything that another class can't, so Operatives are underpowered.

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