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How to turn of Corruption


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The 'Sith Corruption' turning itself back on every time you zone is a bug. It was introduced in November. They fixed it for two days, then broke it again with their last small beta mini patch.


Anyone's guess as to when they fix it again. 'Till then, you have to turn it off yourself every time you zone.

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Have already posted a few times in the CSR Forums to no avail. I am assuming there is a command line we can insert into the Config file, to manually disable this permanently. I just don't know what it would be as I have not found it yet.
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It probably harkens back to the ole' "Pink Boots" problem that plagued CBT throughout. The textures/shaders are probably conflicting and reverting back to the "blank" pink texture that occurred quite often with various armors in CBT.


Even still, my only complaint is that it will not stay turned off.

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