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Best Commando Spec [Full Heal and Full DD]


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so, i'm valor rank 70 and we're about to clear hc vault. I've experimented with different specs A LOT and i've come up with an absolutely ridicolous spec that allows you to be a full DD and a Full Healer at the same time.




I've experienced, that almost everything on the top end of gunnery isnt necessary or its buggy and doesnt work. so i tried to put those points into healing. and i've respecced so many times, until i had only 16 points in gunnery and i still do close to the same amount of damage, if i dont invest time into healing.

The only thing thats really missing is demolition round and Cell Charger but the huge amount of utility i gain from the healing tree makes up for that.

I've stopped using full auto a while ago, so i wont miss spending 6 points into it.

Charged Barrel is buggy and doesnt work, so i definitely wont miss that.

All the other Talents are pretty much nice to have, but nowhere near necessary.



The first thing to notice is, that i fight with combat support cell. at first it looks like its only good for healers, but thats not true. Hammershot does charge cells even if you shoot at an enemy and your charges only diminish after 1 minute and its nearly impossible not to hammershot someone or to heal someone with probe to stay at max cells (you'll do 3% more damage and 3% more heal with full charges). you only pop your supercharge (which is one of the best skills of the commando) if you need to burst heal really fast.

There are also a load of talents that profit from your CSC. The boni from Special Munitions (3% crit) is very nice. You'll take 4% less damage thanks to treated wound dressings, which adds to the 10% reduction of your Charged Barrier. If you have about 10% competence bonus, thats a crapload of damage you wont get. With all your hots, armorbuffs, heals and the improved psych aid, you WILL FEEL INDISTRUCTIBLE.


I wear 2 pieces of rakata (Eliminator) and the rest is battlemaster (also eliminator). Thats because i dont like the set boni of the healing gear. as i said, i see myself as a DD that is capable of healing. but you can play this spec also as a healer and just stack the gravround barrier and the gravround debuff which works very well in operations. You can really choose your role for any given situation and you can do both roles as good as anyone whos a full healer or a full DD.


Get Aim>Surge>Crit

Dont get precision on your implants and earpieces, get alacricy. it's way better (not only for this spec).



Last thing to say is, that its a hard spec to play, because you have to constantly decide wheter you want to heal or to do damage and you have a huge amount of skills to use. So you will need time to get used to this spec.

Edited by Secured
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this has given me a lot to think about,


Im kinda at that point where im asking my self what am i doing wrong? And why isnt there a cure for my problem?


im lvl 50, gunnery spec, with combat medic centurion and champion pieces, (slowly gearing up)

i herd that the Alac. bonuses help heaps with spaming grav rounds super fast in pvp, but it still seems like when i find "my spot."My grav rounds and Demo shots, and high impact bolts just bounce off, and ANY other class (be it Imps or Reps {in huttball}) just look at me, hold up their bare hand in the form of a gun and say "Bang bang" and i drop in 3 sec's flat.


So my questions are ; What gear did you use before your battlemaster stuff?

and do you truly withstand the test of some juiced up sorcerer / Jug. running at you and smacking you out of it, or spaming force lightning?

Edited by Stevevr
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So my questions are ; What gear did you use before your battlemaster stuff?

and do you truly withstand the test of some juiced up sorcerer / Jug. running at you and smacking you out of it, or spaming force lightning?


before battlemaster i obviously used champion/columi gear ^^


and yes, i withstand any damage from any source. i dont loose any 1v1's. you'll only get killed if multiple enemys focus you down. but dont be too tempted to use too much healing abilitys, you will do more damage than heal in a given period of time. choose your targets wisely (enemys and teammates!). against a tank for example, you will feel the lack of armorpenetration.


but i should say that i'm on a very low populated server and that im with only valor rank 70 the highest ranked on that server (worlds highest should be about 90 by now). obviously, my gear is better than most others and this game is extremely stat-dependent.

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I don't see how this is the "best" commando spec.


You can't achieve "full DD" when the spec cuts out some of the most important abilities to the gunnery tree (Demo Round and the Full Auto buffs), just spamming Grav and HiB will never achieve the same burst capability or sustained dps that full gunnery provides.


The same applies to healing. Without the top tier medic talents you're going to be doing less healing then a fully specced medic.


This is more of a problem in PVE then PVP, where cookie cutter specs are less "defined", but the point still stands.


Overall using this spec is just going to result in less killing/healing power in both pvp and pve.

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I don't see how this is the "best" commando spec.


You can't achieve "full DD" when the spec cuts out some of the most important abilities to the gunnery tree (Demo Round and the Full Auto buffs), just spamming Grav and HiB will never achieve the same burst capability or sustained dps that full gunnery provides.


The same applies to healing. Without the top tier medic talents you're going to be doing less healing then a fully specced medic.


This is more of a problem in PVE then PVP, where cookie cutter specs are less "defined", but the point still stands.


Overall using this spec is just going to result in less killing/healing power in both pvp and pve.


Full Auto is a complete useless and buggy skill. you shouldn't spend 6 points into it (or even use it).


and yes, you will feel the lack of demolition round and its impossible to be able to heal and dd without giving up a little damage and a little heal.


it will result in less dmg than a full dd and in less heal than a healer. but thats because you're not 2 players, you're one. and you have to make the decision in any given situation if you should heal or not.

if i did 400k damage in a game. i do about 200k dmg and 200k heal now and there is a huge amount of utility like debuff/stun removals that win you games but dont show up anywhere in these stats.


i think that this spec just gives you and your team so many tools, that its really stupid not to recognize that. and by my experience, dedicated dd's and dedicated healers are far too overrated in this game. the classes that really bring you victories are the ones that can do damage and do healings, depending on situation. and this is my attempt of a spec that can really both do successfully.


this spec is for someone who can play and understands the supporting role. i've never seen a class in any mmo that can fulfill this role so well. you have the utilitys, you have the heal, you definitely have the damage and you have very high survivability.





and about my rotation: i dont have a rotation, i'm not a robot, i'm a player who adapts to situations. you have so many tools and there are so many combinations that i could only state the most obvious ones (which you already did by the way ^^). also, because you're a healer too, you will pop heals and other utilitys as you attack someone.


but i would not recommend getting 30 charges and then attack. i would also not recommend to pop SCC for offensive purposes. Use it defensively. Do Damage, get 30 stacks and stay there until a target gets pressured heavily. Then pop it, spam both probes and maybe a bomb to get the targeted player out of the danger zone ^^

Edited by Secured
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Switched to a similar spec, but mines a little different. I only put 11 points in Gunnery, skipping Concussive Force and Charged Barrier. The -damage taken on Barrier is small and it's going to be troubling to keep up if you're trying to play for utility. For Concussive Force, the extra KB distance isn't so big and the Stockstrike KB isn't super useful. It won't push melee far enough to way to matter, so it's only useful as an interrupt (but you're rarely going to be in someones face anyways). You obviously lose Gravity Surge, but again not so bad.


In Medic, I'd lose Psych Aid and put it in Combat Shield. "Mental Effects" are CC abilities like whirlwind and flashbang, and it's just way too situational to dump a point into outside of some type of arena setting. The combat shield talent, on the other hand, turns you into a complete monster for twelve seconds, especially if Suppercharge is up. As someone who also has a 50 Op, having a caster go interrupt immune is INCREDIBLY frustrating. The last five points should go into Potent Medicine.


Basically, you're sacrificing two things: Full Auto and Demo Round. Demo Round doesn't to much harder than Grav Round, and although it comes out instantly it still takes the same number of GCD's, so over a one minute interval your damage is going to be really close. Losing Full Auto hurts, but having to stay turreted for three seconds is tough, especially since you're typically screaming "interrupt me!" constantly anyways. Regardless, it's a DPS loss, but it's not huge (you're still going to be terrifying in PvP).


In return, you get pretty much everything a pure heal spec Commando gets. Bacta Infusion, on it's long CD, is already not terribly useful. At the end of the day, I'd trade Bacta Infusion for Grav Round and Full Auto/Demo Round for a ~very~ strong set of heals any day. I ran a few HM's with groups who weren't geared and had zero issue keeping everyone topped off while being able to keep a 5x grav round debuff on bosses constantly.


The spec actually feels real good, too. You're incredibly strong in a 1v1 situation and being able to top off a friendly in two GCDs and then put 6k+ damage into his target in the next two GCDs is great. There's no energy management issues, you always have something to do, and you're simultaneously one of the top dps/healers on the team. Real good build. You may not be the best in either role, but you're top tier in each.



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I thought about combat shield a lot. i dont like talents too much that are bound to a skill that has such high cooldown. but i can see te benefit in it.


Psych Aid on the other hand is by far the most important talent if you want to be a real supporting character, because you need to remove a stun from your main dd's or especially healers ASAP. It wont really help in PvE much, but in any other game situation it WILL be extremely useful.


Charged Barrier and Concussive Force have become staples for me. The bonus knockback IS in fact a very big deal and i DO go rambo and stockstrike-interrupt those channeling douche inquisitor XD


The one thing that annoys me is, that i cant reach 5k healcrits. tried everything... dont get there. highest is about 4.6k. Potent Medicine could do the trick.

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Started using this spec on my 43 mando and wow...sure my dps is down a little but the sheer versitility and strength it gives you is unbelivable...

so far the only problem is remembering to keep the support cells topped up , but otherwise ive gone from a mediocre damage dealer to an unkillable monster in solo play...can't wait to try it in instancing :)


thank you!

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My commando is currently level 34, and this is almost identical to the spec I had planned (I put the point from Field Aid into Combat Shield). So I have just finished out the 25 points of Combat Medic I had planned on and came here to see whether what I was going to do going forward was feasible or not.


I'm quite sure that this will work great for PvP and leveling, where damage can be as important as the heals. But is this a really feasible spec for PvE though? Is missing Potent Medicine and Bacta Infusion a dealbreaker as a healer in HMs? Can anyone speak to this?

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so, i'm valor rank 70 and we're about to clear hc vault. I've experimented with different specs A LOT and i've come up with an absolutely ridicolous spec that allows you to be a full DD and a Full Healer at the same time.




I've experienced, that almost everything on the top end of gunnery isnt necessary or its buggy and doesnt work. so i tried to put those points into healing. and i've respecced so many times, until i had only 16 points in gunnery and i still do close to the same amount of damage, if i dont invest time into healing.

The only thing thats really missing is demolition round and Cell Charger but the huge amount of utility i gain from the healing tree makes up for that.

I've stopped using full auto a while ago, so i wont miss spending 6 points into it.

Charged Barrel is buggy and doesnt work, so i definitely wont miss that.

All the other Talents are pretty much nice to have, but nowhere near necessary.



The first thing to notice is, that i fight with combat support cell. at first it looks like its only good for healers, but thats not true. Hammershot does charge cells even if you shoot at an enemy and your charges only diminish after 1 minute and its nearly impossible not to hammershot someone or to heal someone with probe to stay at max cells (you'll do 3% more damage and 3% more heal with full charges). you only pop your supercharge (which is one of the best skills of the commando) if you need to burst heal really fast.

There are also a load of talents that profit from your CSC. The boni from Special Munitions (3% crit) is very nice. You'll take 4% less damage thanks to treated wound dressings, which adds to the 10% reduction of your Charged Barrier. If you have about 10% competence bonus, thats a crapload of damage you wont get. With all your hots, armorbuffs, heals and the improved psych aid, you WILL FEEL INDISTRUCTIBLE.


I wear 2 pieces of rakata (Eliminator) and the rest is battlemaster (also eliminator). Thats because i dont like the set boni of the healing gear. as i said, i see myself as a DD that is capable of healing. but you can play this spec also as a healer and just stack the gravround barrier and the gravround debuff which works very well in operations. You can really choose your role for any given situation and you can do both roles as good as anyone whos a full healer or a full DD.


Get Aim>Surge>Crit

Dont get precision on your implants and earpieces, get alacricy. it's way better (not only for this spec).



Last thing to say is, that its a hard spec to play, because you have to constantly decide wheter you want to heal or to do damage and you have a huge amount of skills to use. So you will need time to get used to this spec.



Wow at the amount of fail in this post.


0) Being rank 70 means you grinded Ilum, not that you're any good.

1) That spec is the typical hybrid spec that was used for ages. Congrats on rediscovering America, Columbus.

1.5) Jesus, just saw you have no interrupt/pushback immunity on shield. HAHA

2) Charged barrel works fine.

3) Not getting 2 piece set bonus from heal set (3 sec longer SCS) is retarded if you're using combat support cells.

4) Aim>Power>Anything else. Nice job at failing with stats as well as gear and build.



On a sidenote, this spec cant dish remotely close sustained dmg as gunnery can. Its not that much worse in burst aspect but cant sustain its dmg due to lack of full auto and cell charger.


I advise everyone not to waste time reading his post.

Edited by Kutalion
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Full DD is silly... ammo regen is crap if you're just spamming attacks.


Missing the surge buff is noticeable... as is missing Bacta Infusion. But it's possible to live without it.


Love the build in PvP for badge farming, wasn't a huge fan in FP's, just cuz it lacks the "hey stupid, stop standing in stuff" save *** button.

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Wow at the amount of fail in this post.


0) Being rank 70 means you grinded Ilum, not that you're any good.

I'm at a very low population server. the most people on ilum were 23 and we're always outnumbered by 1:3. so no, i can definitely say that i did not farm ilum, i was beeing farmed at best. I leveled with warzones. i was valor rank 43 by the time i hit 50. The rest is pretty much warzone farming aswell.


1) That spec is the typical hybrid spec that was used for ages. Congrats on rediscovering America, Columbus.

No its not typical afaik. it's not typical to use combat support cell as a damage dealer. if you already knew it, congrats. but thats no free ticket to rant about someone elses "discoveries".


1.5) Jesus, just saw you have no interrupt/pushback immunity on shield. HAHA

i'm still figuring out the build and i will try a version with the shield. thx for letting me know so kindly.


2) Charged barrel works fine.

Ye no id does not... it maybe shows you the stacks. but doesnt increase the damage.


3) Not getting 2 piece set bonus from heal set (3 sec longer SCS) is retarded if you're using combat support cells.

If i have the 2 heal pieces of of battlemaster, i will definitely try it. as for now, i find the reduced cd on charge to be very helpful. keep in mind that i dont pop scc everytime i hit 30 stacks.


4) Aim>Power>Anything else. Nice job at failing with stats as well as gear and build.

nice job pointing out everything thats not perfect. you really are a great person and a great help to the community.



On a sidenote, this spec cant dish remotely close sustained dmg as gunnery can. Its not that much worse in burst aspect but cant sustain its dmg due to lack of full auto and cell charger.


I advise everyone not to waste time reading his post.


you really need to cheer up a little.

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Your spec is terrible for direct damage. First you have decided to boycott one of our highest damage most cost efficient abilities because it "is not worth 6 points." Personally I happen to like an ability that can crit 3 times for 2500+ apiece and leave me with more ammo than i started with. Second no cell charger? Our biggest problem is ammo management in order to sustain a high level of damage output.


Next we have demo round which is one of our best abilities in pvp due to its instant cast, high damage on a short cooldown. Burst damage is king in pvp.


You do not have the healing of a full healer, or anywhere near the damage of a full dps. If you plan on playing a support character, what is grav round bringing that makes it worth giving up so much in the healing tree? Yes it does slightly more damage than charged barrel and has an armor debuff but you are not trying to kill anything anyway. You are trying to support others while they do the killing.

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Heal side of the spec ain't bad, but "Full DD"? With that complete lack of extra ammo regen skills? lol, good luck with that.

You may think you're not losing much damage vs full gunnery but you're incorrect.


If you don't use any ammo, you don't actually need any regeneration skills.


I run a quite similar build myself:



Ammo can be handled well with this build by using SSC. When you need to dish out some hurting, burn your ammo at leisure and activate SSC when being almost out of ammo. Not only do you recover 2 ammo immediately but you can also spam charged bolts for zero(!) ammo costs. This allows you to maintain your offense while at the same time recovering your ammo. (So, grav round is for "normal" damage mode, but while SSC is active, charged bolts is your damage ability of choice. )


If you had a little bit of ammo left when activating SSC and thus had acceptable regeneration, you'll be at full ammo or at least very close to it when the SSC duration ends. So you can dish out some more hurting even then, before having to care for your ammo situation again.


Next to that, i find it very interesting that people come to a build similar to mine when approaching from a DD side. I personally see myself as healer with improved survivability and additional damage capabilities.


I found bacta infusion just not worth the skill points. It's only "selling point" is that it can be cast on the move, but one insta-heal every 21 seconds is just not cutting it in my book. In PvE i usually can plan ahead for that 1.5 seconds, in PvP i usually can compensate for the lack of insta-heal by properly positioning myself. The only one suffering from this decission are those DDs who regularily overextend, and one heal every 21 seconds wouldn't save those, either.


So, by giving up Bacta Infusion and a bit of crit healing bonus (which i can compensate for by packing some more surge) i gain a lot more {PvP} survivability by packing tenacious defense (only 1 point, unfortunately, but i'm not ready to give up any more in the combat healing tree) and concussive force. Charged barrier also helps my survivability if i find the time to deliver some damage, so it's a situational but quite welcome advantage. The rest of gunnery helps my damage, but even some of the remaining skills also help my healing.


It might not be the one and only best PvE build, but it's very versatile, can be brought to good use in PvE and allows me to do more in PvP than all those pure combat medic setups. Dead healers don't heal and damage not happening since the hostile DD is dead is quite an effective way of healing, too.


The only real drawback of this setup is that its versatility can tempt you to stick too much to being a damage dealer. You have to keep your eye on the team and the situation and don't get caught in the "my target and me" mindset, which way too many DDs seem to have. So, an overview of the situation and the discipline to break out of damage-mode and healing your team when the need arises is key to make the most of this setup.


So, anybody who finds himself quite often in "i do damage" berserk mode in this setup should better go back to a pure healing setup. But, hey, if you read all this long text of mine, i doubt you're one of those guys, so enjoy. :)

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If you don't use any ammo, you don't actually need any regeneration skills.


I run a quite similar build myself:



Ammo can be handled well with this build by using SSC. When you need to dish out some hurting, burn your ammo at leisure and activate SSC when being almost out of ammo. Not only do you recover 2 ammo immediately but you can also spam charged bolts for zero(!) ammo costs. This allows you to maintain your offense while at the same time recovering your ammo. (So, grav round is for "normal" damage mode, but while SSC is active, charged bolts is your damage ability of choice. )


If you had a little bit of ammo left when activating SSC and thus had acceptable regeneration, you'll be at full ammo or at least very close to it when the SSC duration ends. So you can dish out some more hurting even then, before having to care for your ammo situation again.


Next to that, i find it very interesting that people come to a build similar to mine when approaching from a DD side. I personally see myself as healer with improved survivability and additional damage capabilities.


I found bacta infusion just not worth the skill points. It's only "selling point" is that it can be cast on the move, but one insta-heal every 21 seconds is just not cutting it in my book. In PvE i usually can plan ahead for that 1.5 seconds, in PvP i usually can compensate for the lack of insta-heal by properly positioning myself. The only one suffering from this decission are those DDs who regularily overextend, and one heal every 21 seconds wouldn't save those, either.


So, by giving up Bacta Infusion and a bit of crit healing bonus (which i can compensate for by packing some more surge) i gain a lot more {PvP} survivability by packing tenacious defense (only 1 point, unfortunately, but i'm not ready to give up any more in the combat healing tree) and concussive force. Charged barrier also helps my survivability if i find the time to deliver some damage, so it's a situational but quite welcome advantage. The rest of gunnery helps my damage, but even some of the remaining skills also help my healing.


It might not be the one and only best PvE build, but it's very versatile, can be brought to good use in PvE and allows me to do more in PvP than all those pure combat medic setups. Dead healers don't heal and damage not happening since the hostile DD is dead is quite an effective way of healing, too.


The only real drawback of this setup is that its versatility can tempt you to stick too much to being a damage dealer. You have to keep your eye on the team and the situation and don't get caught in the "my target and me" mindset, which way too many DDs seem to have. So, an overview of the situation and the discipline to break out of damage-mode and healing your team when the need arises is key to make the most of this setup.


So, anybody who finds himself quite often in "i do damage" berserk mode in this setup should better go back to a pure healing setup. But, hey, if you read all this long text of mine, i doubt you're one of those guys, so enjoy. :)


I agree with some of your statements but flat out disagree with others. First off I run a full healer build with Muzzle fluting to get the zero cost of charged of Charged Bolts when using SCC. When combined with plasma grenade you can solo any class easily as a healer.


But not seeing the importance of Bacta fusion is where you started to lose me. Like someone else stated in this thread "burst is king in pvp" and that includes healing, so an insta-cast heal is priceless, and compensating with surge will only be good till next patch when it gets nerfed.


But to each there own. These hybrid specs in my mind are only good for medal farming in WZ's. But I still get 8-9 medals as a healer because I can solo people and hit heals for




This is my build.

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But not seeing the importance of Bacta fusion is where you started to lose me. Like someone else stated in this thread "burst is king in pvp" and that includes healing, so an insta-cast heal is priceless, and compensating with surge will only be good till next patch when it gets nerfed.


I guess that tastes differ, or rather i'd say, the "burst" of bacta infusion is vey much limited. Yet, it's insta-cast, which brings two advantages:

- it can be cast on the move.

- it can not be interrupted.


But it still uses a GCD. So in terms of healing within one cooldown, i get the same, no matter if i use BI or MP, as long a i am not being interrupted. Indeed i can have a small "spike" by casting MP, immediately followed by BI, but this only makes a difference if the fight is then won within the next 1.5 seconds. If the fight goes on for any longer, any other heal would've also done the same job.


So, yes, BI has the two mentioned advantages, and even further, it's free of ammo cost. But the 21 seconds of cooldown reduce its value a lot and thus i consider the alternatives to be more desireable.


And on the point with surge and the next patch: why? Will surge be nerfed again in another patch? I thought that already happened.


Anyways, potent medicine just reads as "adds some surge" to me. When i played around with it, about three weeks ago, PM and surge were quite equivalent. By now it would be interesting, if the crit-heal bonus of PM is applied seperately to surge, or if it's added up and then processed. (Which means, if PM is affected by DM or not. ) If it's calculated seperately, then PM definitely gained some value, but i yet have to see some numbercrunching results pointing one way or another and even then i guess i'd only put 4 points into it, so i can at least keep concussive force.

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so, i'm valor rank 70 and we're about to clear hc vault. I've experimented with different specs A LOT and i've come up with an absolutely ridicolous spec that allows you to be a full DD and a Full Healer at the same time.




Charged Barrel is buggy and doesnt work, so i definitely wont miss that.


I like your spec a lot.


You say Charged Barrel doesn't work? Are you sure, because I hadn't heard anything about it before.

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Wow at the amount of fail in this post.


0) Being rank 70 means you grinded Ilum, not that you're any good.

1) That spec is the typical hybrid spec that was used for ages. Congrats on rediscovering America, Columbus.

1.5) Jesus, just saw you have no interrupt/pushback immunity on shield. HAHA

2) Charged barrel works fine.

3) Not getting 2 piece set bonus from heal set (3 sec longer SCS) is retarded if you're using combat support cells.

4) Aim>Power>Anything else. Nice job at failing with stats as well as gear and build.



On a sidenote, this spec cant dish remotely close sustained dmg as gunnery can. Its not that much worse in burst aspect but cant sustain its dmg due to lack of full auto and cell charger.


I advise everyone not to waste time reading his post.


Do you think anyone is going to take YOUR immature, insulting rambling seriously?

On the contrary, I advise YOU to stop posting. Given your writing skills, I bet you're not old enough to be playing the game anyway.


And what's with the combative attitude?

Edited by LeonidasSith
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I guess that tastes differ, or rather i'd say, the "burst" of bacta infusion is vey much limited. Yet, it's insta-cast, which brings two advantages:

- it can be cast on the move.

- it can not be interrupted.


But it still uses a GCD. So in terms of healing within one cooldown, i get the same, no matter if i use BI or MP, as long a i am not being interrupted. Indeed i can have a small "spike" by casting MP, immediately followed by BI, but this only makes a difference if the fight is then won within the next 1.5 seconds. If the fight goes on for any longer, any other heal would've also done the same job.


So, yes, BI has the two mentioned advantages, and even further, it's free of ammo cost. But the 21 seconds of cooldown reduce its value a lot and thus i consider the alternatives to be more desireable.


And on the point with surge and the next patch: why? Will surge be nerfed again in another patch? I thought that already happened.


Anyways, potent medicine just reads as "adds some surge" to me. When i played around with it, about three weeks ago, PM and surge were quite equivalent. By now it would be interesting, if the crit-heal bonus of PM is applied seperately to surge, or if it's added up and then processed. (Which means, if PM is affected by DM or not. ) If it's calculated seperately, then PM definitely gained some value, but i yet have to see some numbercrunching results pointing one way or another and even then i guess i'd only put 4 points into it, so i can at least keep concussive force.


In terms of pillar humping and fighting outnumbered BI is invaluable. Especially since I almost always have some undergeared scrub sith assassin tank sitting on me trying to interrupt all of my heals. Trying to stutter step casts all the time eats up valuable healing time so KB and BI coupled are a sick combo.

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