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Skill tree allocation at lower levels..... help required.


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I have just hit level level 17 as a Sentinel.


I am wondering how I should be allocating my skill points as I rise up the tree?


I am currently a Watchman with all my points in this tree, but unlike some of my other alts, ALL my points are in Watchman. Most other classes I have rolled to date actualy do better with points in alternate trees before building the one you require.


I want to put my own spin on things, and there are some skills that seem attractive from the combat or focus tree, however I was wondering if it's advisable to do that at lower levels or at higher levels, and if so, which skills are recomended.


If you are taking the time to answer, could I please also request that you provide some additional information as to 'why' you choose what you did......



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This is my current build at 30 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRZhMM.1


I started with the first seven points in what you call combat (I have a marauder) Dual wield mastery and defensive forms. Defensive roll is a pretty good reduction in the AoE damage you take. After that, you are basically trying to get to overload saber as soon as you can. As it is a staple skill of the build. I haven't ran with combat, and Focus doesn't really shine till later on, as the previous reply stated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd post again for any further suggestions.


I had a look at the combat tree and can see a few things that look nice, but wasn't sure if they were nice enough to step out of the Watchman Tree.


I am level 28 now and was wondering what a decent tree should look like....... but most importantly .... why!?!?!!?



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Just thought I'd post again for any further suggestions.


I had a look at the combat tree and can see a few things that look nice, but wasn't sure if they were nice enough to step out of the Watchman Tree.


I am level 28 now and was wondering what a decent tree should look like....... but most importantly .... why!?!?!!?




Most of the Watchman abilities synergize really well, so it's beneficial to stay in the tree while leveling.


Additionally, you want Merciless Slash as soon as possible (level 40). Not only is it a very hard hitting ability, it has a good chance to finish the cooldown on Cauterize (with Mind Sear).


After 40, feel free to branch out.

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There is one skill on the focus tree that I would advise putting all three points in as you can, as with all three points, it increases your crit by 6%. Insight I believe it's called.


All of a Watchman's primary attacks are melee and don't benefit from Insight because it only applies to force attacks.


While the burns do get the bonus, their crit chance should be ~40-50% anyway (with Juyo Mastery and maybe Smuggler buff) and 100% when you use Zen.


While not an outright bad use of skill points, there are more effective places to put them - certainly so while leveling.

Edited by Keja
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Thanks guys....


I'm L19 now and will probably just stick with the Watchman tree.


As I'm progressing though, when is a good time to look at the alternate trees?


Not until after you get Merciless Strike (top out the tree). Sentinel is one of the classes that doesn't synergize well and all of the top tier skills for the class are worth getting, unlike other classes which may pass on their 31st point skill.


I would highly recommend running a 31/x/x build. I'm totally PvE and I roll with this:


I went all 31 in Watchman before I spent a single point anywhere else.

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