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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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NO, It's honestly ridiculous that we have to pay a subscription every month. This game was obviously unfinished on release. Almost 3 months in and we still can't attack targets that are right in front of us? Its pathetic. Not to mention the THOUSANDS of random crashes that plague your player base on a daily bases... again... PATHETIC. You should have waited to release and just got it finished, instead you pushed it out the door, I for one will be leaving the game, as have alot of people already. You might say "We are working on it", but that doesn't change the fact that your player base is dying by the hour. Pretty soon you wont have any players to fix anything for. Bioware if you don't get your act together you will have another failed MMO, just like so many before you.


So dramatic. MMO's are never a finished product until the servers close for good. Not being able to handle bugs or glitches (which happen all the time in MMOs and some to greater extents than others) or certain features not being present at launch is your problem. Thousands of random crashes? Funny. I haven't crashed once. Neither have any of my guildmates. I had a random D/C once but that was my internet acting up.

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Yes, but its not because I'm okay with everything in the game atm, but rather future potential is high. If Bioware can keep coming out with quality/content updates like 1.2 I'll be here for awhile. I hope that, even if they don't allow addons/mods, that they'll allow reskinning of the UI at least. :D


1.0 trailers looked AMAZING, content looks GREAT!!! 1.0 sucked...

1.1 trailer looked pretty cool, gonna be fun. 1.1 sucked....


See where I am going with this?

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The game has potential to be much better, but overall I have to say yeah, it's pretty good for a game at launch. Yes, there are balance problems, yes, there are bugs. Yes, the professions are broken. There's a lot of work to be done, but I want Bioware to do it, rather than just unplugging my credit card and going back to playing Skyrim and waiting for Diablo III to launch. If Bioware shows good progress by the time DIII drops, I may even keep my subscription going.


No pressure.

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No I just canceled my subscription. Engine was just poorly build and with the high end PC I'm building I expect to play a game without lags. Especialy when the game graphix aren't that great at all.
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The game wasn't what I had hoped for. I've watched the game since it was just an idea years ago. BW was very tight lipped about a lot of details through out development, and the features they boasted (voice acting, companions, personal ships) all sounded interesting.


Now that the game has been released, it's apparent that this isn't what I was hoping it would be. It's followed the trend of WoW in making the MMO RPG more of an arcade game than a rich rpg. There are things in the game that I enjoy, but I would have much rather this been titled KOTOR 3. I would have played the stories over and over and over. Unfortunately, I can't justify paying monthly fees for a game that focuses so heavily on single player content. I'm back to console games until I can check out GW2.

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Name one MMO that didn't lack end game content at launch. Can't include WoW, because it lacked end game content too. So what you're saying is, that you won't be re-subscribing because you don't have patience to wait for more content to be added. Should probably not play mmo's anymore.


Most of WoW's playerbase didn't have a 60 3 weeks post-launch, either. This game did.


Thus, WoW's hollow endgame for the first 3-4 months can largely be excused given that only a tiny minority of the population was prepared to take advantage of it. The same cannot be said of TOR, where not only were there bored 50s everywhere within a few weeks of launch, but these bored 50s could largely faceroll nightmare ops without any difficulty whatsoever.

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Yes, I love SWTOR the way it is now but I'm not saying it couldn't be better.


Things I would like to see added/fixed:


  • Hi-res textures.
  • Make crew skills more worthwhile.
  • Get rid of or fix orbital stations. There are too many loading screens to go through.
  • Let us shuttle to our ship or the hangar that it's docked in.
  • Toggle hood option.
  • Improved artwork/design for gear especially end-game gear.

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The game could do better , like letting us do other things besides combat . Maybe let us swim or go fishing or cook food , or maybe let us set up a bonfire . They should also give us some events or ingame holidays . Anything besides combat . Edited by powergirl
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I was hoping for a lot more out of the game. I feel like as a casual gamer I got to the end but I didn't get the "GOOD JOB YOU WIN" screen, all I got was a couple warzones, zerg killing on ilum, and standing around wondering what I am going to do with all these champion coms I have. NO I don't like the game currently.
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I don't enjoy playing a beta game, specially being ripped in the process.


I don't understand the reason why they would waste dev time on making such huge differences in various planets for Imps/Rep, Nar Shaddaah seems so much vibrant and alive when playing Rep, but it still doesn't have athat awesome feel when plaing the old Dark Forces, you just don't get into dark alleys, don't get into the sewers where strange creatures lurks, the great feel from Dark Forces just ain't there.


Besides where is the sliding effect on ice ?


I want a themepark, a rollercoaster ride!!


Most of the armor are a blatant insult right in our faces, and we even gets to pay for it!!


Hope we get another choise of ship specially for BH, other seems nice, really hate the interior.

Edited by HexHammer
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Also, I just realized something. I had been wondering how this game could have cost over $500million to make, and just then it hit me. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the voiced missions and hearing my companions talk etc, but it seems they've paid celebrities to do them. Is that where the majority of the budget went? No offense, but companions voiced by celebrities isn't really what keeps people playing a game. I mean, if you can get it done for cheap, then take the bargain. But if they actually went all out to use celebrity voices, then that's nothing more than a waste.



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Serious question to you people who have said no.


Why are you still here paying for the sub if you don't enjoy the game in its current state?


I'm not trolling, just curious.


Probably have hope that it will get better

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No here's why:


1. The customer service stinks

2. We're essentially paying for a beta

3. 1.2 was supposed to be 1.0

4. CyberTech just became somewhat useful now that the damn mat finally drops in HM OPs 3 months after the game came out and I already have better gear than i can make.

5. The numerous glitches that they say they fixed are not most of the time like they make things up to fill out the list.

6. They fix one thing and break 10 others

7. The auction house sucks

8. The chat sucks

9. They still have not fixed anti aliasing on my gfx card

10. They finally fixed the loot on HM OPs 3 months late

11. They seem to gave up fixing or improving EV the same glitches seem to still be happening and now a new one.

12. They screwed up on rolling out servers because ours seems to have on a good night 20-50 (tops) on fleet, 0-10 on worlds.

13. BW has became arrogant in how they treat paying customers

14. BW sends the same old scripted responses for every singe ticket

15. Their interface should have been fixed in 1.0

16. Their targeting system is terrible... target one mob and when you shoot it shoots a random mob or targets a mob 100 yards away from you. Sometimes it targets a party member instead.


The list goes on and on...


Game looks great but seriously 1.2 should have been in on the official release... not 4 months later and "sold" to us like its some big great new content update. If EA made you release this early then say so and admit to your mistake. Maybe give the players something in return for paying to beta test this game.

Edited by DaKnuckles
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It's not just a yes, it's a HELL yes. I love this game. Yes my graphics are sometimes choppy, and I can't play Ilum at all, but I also seem to have a hell of a lot more patience and faith than a good number of forum visitors around here who do nothing but complain and complain and complain and complain.


I don't give a crap about your complaints. I'm having a lot of fun in this game. I'm sorry you're not, but heh, not my problem. You people can't destroy this game no matter how hard you try. And BW won't destroy it neither.


In closing to the naysayers, I say I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU DO BETTER! What's that? You can't??


Thought not.

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Do I like this game? I am undecided.


I still play the game because it's Star Wars. It's good, but it could've been great.

There is room for improvement, several parsecs of it. Here my list of issues that

should've been here, or should be added.


I) Major annoyances:


1. splash screens. You do NOT need to REMIND me what game I've been

playing for the past hour every time I hit an elevator button.

I can hear things behind the splash screen.

I can target things behind the splash screen.

I can run around and even die behind the splash screen.

It does not serve any purpose, so: get. rid. of. it.


II) Disappointments


IIa) the Social Panel

1. more nuance. This isn't Facebook. People are NEVER either friend

or not friend. There should be many types of "friends".


- People I casually quested with but sometimes don't respond.

- People who helped me out without asking and whose name I'd like to

remember so I can repay the favor.

- People I am on a RL first-name basis with.

- People I sometimes group with but only as a second choice.


All of these people might be on my friend list, but that doesn't mean

WE ARE FRIENDS. You don't know how I'd label and arrange my friends,

but I do. So give me an option to make a tree where I can put names

under. A tree with labels. Something I can arrange people's alts under,

for instance.


2. an optional HIDE setting so my logging in and out won't be visible

to and can't be seen in the social panel by people who friended me.

Sometimes I just want to play solo.


3. I sometimes don't play an alt for a few days and when I return I

got a bunch of names on my friend list who I don't immediately

recognize. So I need a panel which shows the last thing I've done

in a group with these people. Was it a Flashpoint? A quest?


3b. When, after a quest, I want to add someone to the friend list, I'd

like to add a written note, like: "awesome FP where we accidentally

kicked the boss into the ravine!" or "Exhausting... 3 wipes but

this girl never gave up and pulled us through." "Can't tank his

way out of a paper bag but great jokes! Don't leave base without



4. an optional setting that lets others, who friend me, know I've friended

them too.


5. As Appletaz said: you should be able to add a friend whether or not

they are online.



IIb) Disappointment: the replayability.


This is probably only for people who play more than one character.


1. Give me more planets in the same level range. The fact that you know

where you'll be at level 24 or level 31 is just disappointing. It would

be great to choose a planet once you turn 24. Head to Tatooine and do

your class quest and then head to Kashyyyk to complete a quest arc.


1b. give us quest arcs, mini stories consisting of 4 - 10 quests. Larger

Quests that I can choose to start, or not. They could be back stories

for certain FPs or Ops.


2. there should be some acknowledgement or achievement for clearing out

an entire story space.


Make the game experience feel less like railroading.



IIc) Disappointment: the companions


1. give them something to do on the ship. They just stand there like

salt pillars. I'd give a year's subscription if I came back to my

ship and find Bowdaar play chess with C2-N2 (and Corso watching and

saying: "let the Wookiee win.", but I digress)


2. give us the choice to choose companions. This means there'd need to

be more than the available ones (replayability + less railroading)


3. give us an option to disable companion hats. Nice romance cinematics

when you're romancing something with a stormtrooper helmet (not).



IId) Disappointment: the help ticket system.


1. I've been on the other side of ticket systems. I know what it's like.

But sending out automated responses telling me to add data that should


character, world you're on' is just inane. Users should not be asked

to add this information. Fix this already.


2. Give the people behind that ticket system the freedom to sign with their

name to a ticket, instead of 'Personality Droid G4X1' or somesuch

impersonal signature.


IIe) Disappointment: the Universe


1. why is it that planets feel bigger than the universe? The universe

as it is seems like a cumbersome way of teleporting. I would be

happy if travelling across the universe takes up longer than the 3

seconds it does now. Remember how the Millenium Falcon spend quite

some time in hyperspace? Make this travel duration something reasonable:

from Hutta to Nar Shaddaa? 3-5 seconds. From one end of the universe to

the other should take the longest, let's say 60 seconds.


2. why are there no npcs who ask for a ride? Quests only ever seem to

take place on one planet (yes, it's possible you are GIVEN the quest

on a different planet, or via holocomms). Why not get refugees out of

wartorn planet X? A shootout in the spaceport perhaps? How about some

customs official asks for a bribe and you refuse to pay - now you need

to find a transponder that disguises the signature for your ship in

order to land, because the dissed alien put you on the blacklist.

And on an on. There seem to be more opportunities just than playing



3. why are there no day/night cycles? While I realize that places like

Nar Shaddaa wouldn't have any, a place like Tatooine could've used

a nighttime in the desert. Perpetual twin sunset will only get you

so far. Give us quest NPCs that only appear at a certain time of day!

Give us deserted city markets - but full cantinas - at night! Put some

life into those cities.


(point 4 is a repost)

4. Why do the cantinas all look the same? Why do I hear the same music in the

Core Worlds as on a planet in the Outer Rim? Why is the furniture, down to

the holo projectors, the same everywhere around? It's like a frickin

McDonalds franchise... And your patrons are neutered crash test dummies

without any kind of identifying mark: no scars, no uniforms, nothing that

suggests in what line of work they are or how rich they are (if they do

have something, it is because they have a quest for someone). Give me a

sabbac table with bountyhunters and smugglers who play with their blasters

on the table. Give me a bar brawl and janitors to sweep up later. Give me

a cantina with balls.



III) Pet Peeves:


1. in the GTN, add a search option for primary stat, so out of the 11

screens of items I can immediately see the two items that give AIM.


2. datacrons and the way they are acquired: awesome. But: I'd like some

way to track how many datacrons per planet I still need to find. In

some kind of achievement tab?


3. give us a way to change legacy names, or: a way to purchase last

name titles individually per character. And they shouldn't need to

be unique.


4. the levelling is too easy. It should take a bit longer.


5. I dread reaching level 50. As rbguy said: there is no reason to ever

go back to planets once you reach 50. Please give us something to do

at that level.


6. wooden hand gestures in cinematics just don't match with the emotion

that is supposed to be shown.


7. why is there no ingame voicechat? The number 1 tool to help people

create communities and we don't have it? In 2012 this should be a




IV) Random suggestions

- I want to redecorate every room on my ship! Let me do that!

- a barber NPC. Let me change my character's hairstyle.

- speeder customizations! Pimp my ride!




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