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Please buff the Huttball hazards in endgame PVP


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3) Juggs/Marauders/Powertechs springboard either to teammates or enemies with various gap closers, rendering knockbacks on defense nearly useless.


I don't think you know exactly how hard it is for us to stay on the catwalks. If I don't have full resolve im almost always knocked back down after a force charge.


having said that I do agree that the wz needs to adjust to level 50 game play, make it tougher.

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Yeah I know getting knocked off the platform when a train of sorcs comes at you happens about every 10 seconds or less, but I have a Juggernaut also, and leap is on a 20 second cooldown, and I usually just jump back up.... three times a minute. It's a delight when I play my Juggernaut in Huttball.... and completely OP. I can score at will if I play while guarding my buddy's sorc. Every person in my guild has a sorc, powertech, or juggernaut alt, simply because it's a blast to play them in Huttball.


Now, that same situation of getting knocked off is a real drag on any class without short cooldown gap closers. And before people say "well don't get knocked off noob" you have to understand, that even as a lethality operative, the majority of our attacks have a 10 yard or less range, so the only way to avoid being knocked off, and having to run all the way back around -- is to not ever get on the catwalk. It's nothing for someone to leap to you, force push you off, and you get up, snared, and begin the long trek back around. I've had instances where a 4-sorc team, scores, grabs the ball, and is ready to score again before I can run my *** all the way back around and up the side or middle ramp.


I've played every class in the game, and Huttball is just WAY too easy when I'm on any class with movement abilities. I'd GLADLY support ball-dropping upon force leap/extricate/sprint when on those characters, just to see the games slow down, and to see more PASSING.


And to me, any form of PVP that actually discourages fighting to win, is flawed. In Huttball, it's actually disadvantageous to kill the enemy. It's better to knock them down, root them, and pop sprint with the ball, and pray your teammates DON'T kill them, because it's better to leave them in the dust than have them respawn and come back at you. The games that I win the fastest, are when on my assassin, teamed with a juggernaut and 2 sorcs. We win in 4-5 minutes almost every game... and it's NOT fun at all. Sure, we get our dailies done, and we get wins, but we spend more time in the que than in games.


There HAS to be a way to slow the games down in the 50+ Battlemaster brackets.


I WANT my juggernaut, assassin, and sorc to DROP the ball if I have it and sprint, leap, or get extricated. I WANT to be forced to leap up, knock an enemy off, and wait for a pass from a teammate, instead of just running across the acid, straight to the pit, to leap up and score myself. It's simple -- MAKE US FIGHT EACH OTHER AND PLAY AS A TEAM MORE TO WIN. And buff the stupid fire and acid, make it snare more, or do more damage, or root for 1/10th of a second, just to stop the sprinting across it. I'm tired of getting the ball, and being able to jump to someone every 20 seconds with it, then jump to a teammate. It is WAY too easy, and no challenge at all.

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