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I got a good laugh, ladies I bet you loved this one (Spoilers)


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I read a thread somewhere, maybe here, maybe in the storylines forum about the ladies complaining about the lack of flirt options.


Well, I am a guy but I like to play female protagonists for the aesthetic appeal. Let's be honest, I like women. So I started a female bounty hunter. I had a couple of flirt options, but not many up to 30. Nothing like Dragon Age 2, where you can firt with everyone on the planet it seems, male or female.


Anyway, I get called back to Nar Shadaa (spelling?) I think it was to meet a famous bounty hunter who has a problem. And out of the blue, I flirt and end up partying down with a differnt guy that looks 20 years my elder. He is the fella that starts the bonus quests in that area.


I just had to chuckle. Whoever wrote that in has a twisted sense of humor or really likes their elders. Don't get me wrong, I love older woman as a hetero guy, but I still thought it was funny. I guess I am asking did anyone else think that was weird? or did you run into the same deal I did?


Next up I am going male Jedi consular though to play the good side and eventually romance the female companion there. I cannot wait to see how my flirt options.

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I read a thread somewhere, maybe here, maybe in the storylines forum about the ladies complaining about the lack of flirt options.


Well, I am a guy but I like to play female protagonists for the aesthetic appeal. Let's be honest, I like women. So I started a female bounty hunter. I had a couple of flirt options, but not many up to 30. Nothing like Dragon Age 2, where you can firt with everyone on the planet it seems, male or female.


Anyway, I get called back to Nar Shadaa (spelling?) I think it was to meet a famous bounty hunter who has a problem. And out of the blue, I flirt and end up partying down with a differnt guy that looks 20 years my elder. He is the fella that starts the bonus quests in that area.


I just had to chuckle. Whoever wrote that in has a twisted sense of humor or really likes their elders. Don't get me wrong, I love older woman as a hetero guy, but I still thought it was funny. I guess I am asking did anyone else think that was weird? or did you run into the same deal I did?


Next up I am going male Jedi consular though to play the good side and eventually romance the female companion there. I cannot wait to see how my flirt options.

Enjoy your grand total of 5 people to flirt with as a consular. A total of two women you can go the distance with, one in the bonus series on Nar Shaada.

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My female Bounty Hunter has slept with one guy...



Raffid Girard, which earned her the Baroness title. On that note, being open to Raffid's advances the first time he flirts with you ("Well, what have we here?") isn't necessary to earn the title; I politely changed the subject in that first encounter. You just have to choose him to inherit the barony later on and then agree to everything he suggests for the remainder of that cutscene. You receive the title when you complete the quest on your ship by using the holoterminal.



... and flirted a couple of times with another...


Torian, once to gain a tactical advantage when he ambushed me, and once when he asked to join my crew, just because it was the most amusing response. The next time the opportunity to flirt came up, it was a little blatant for my liking ("You, beside me? Hmm..."), so I passed on it. Then Mako expressed an interest in Torian, and my response was "He's all yours; you go, girl!" They're still together, and I'd be happy to keep it that way. They're a cute couple!


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Only person I flirted with besides Torian (who, I think, should NEVER be with Mako, she's way too omg dont hurt anyone for a guy who's cold enough to kill his own father) was Commander Vorten Fett, just because Apoc has a thing for guys with scars - even guys with cyborg implants.


Too bad he doesn't really flirt back :(

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Yeah, I got to that conversation and was like "oh what the heck, I'll flirt, sure" and the next thing I know it's the next morning and my BH is wearing his shirt as a pj. Not long after that I have Mako telling me she likes Torian and I don't even have an option to tell her to mind her business. wth?


I'm still waiting for my female BH to have flirt options with Mako, even though she's such a little goody goody, it's not fair.

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Only person I flirted with besides Torian (who, I think, should NEVER be with Mako, she's way too omg dont hurt anyone for a guy who's cold enough to kill his own father) was Commander Vorten Fett, just because Apoc has a thing for guys with scars - even guys with cyborg implants.


Too bad he doesn't really flirt back :(




Mako aint no saint...she does after all kill her sisters....

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