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Gearing Tanno Vik question


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Tanno is melee tank, yet whenever I see him as someone else's companion, they have him geared in Trooper armor which always has the stat of Aim. Would it not make more sense to give him Jedi related gear that has strength so could actually do some damage? My thoughts are that I am missing something very obvious, but it escapes me, thus I am posting in the forums.


Thanx gize.

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You are very much missing something. Several of the companions in the game have the 'wrong' prime stat.


If you mouse over every stat it will tell you which stat is their prime. As it will boost like 5 things and the others like 2. And while it would make sense that str would be his thing. Since as you point out, he is Melee. But It aint.

Edited by Shadyne
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Forgot to add-any recommendations for type of armor that is best for Tanno?


If you still can't figure out what he is saying, here you go. AIM is the primary stat of Tanno Vik, as crazy and upsurb as it seems, but it's a fact whether you like it or not.


Many companions in the game have their primary stat wrong.


For my Vik, I geared him up with Aim, Endurance, Absorption, Defense gear.

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All our companions use Aim/Endurance and heavy armor, only Forex uses droid armor. They can wear what you wear with the exception of weapons, only Arik can use your weapons (both cannons and rifles). Tanno should be using a shield generator offhand for Vanguards.


I would say the most confusing is Elara Dorn. Her primary stats are aim but she uses a blaster pistol and I can't find any pistols with aim on them, they are all cunning.


Buy an orange blaster pistol, replace the mods with Aim mods. Problem solved. :cool:


I don't remember if she starts with one. There is one sold in Tatooine Specialty shop, or from PVP vendor...many sources.

Edited by Riulassher
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I would say the most confusing is Elara Dorn. Her primary stats are aim but she uses a blaster pistol and I can't find any pistols with aim on them, they are all cunning.


My 3 comps: Dorne, Vik & Yunn: Are all using lvl50 purple weapons <Blaster pistol, Techblade, Techstaff respectively) crafted from my guild's Armstech. Dorne's pistol has no cunning at all.

Edit: Apologies for not able to provide item names, as I never really paid attention to em. :p

Edited by Varedus
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Hilariously, quest reward pistols for Elara all have Cunning on them, which is even more misleading.


Heck, ALL of Elara's gear rewards have Cunning on them, a colossal SNAFU from when Cunning was originally a "healing stat".


It no longer is. The best pistol for her is her starting one- once you replace all the modifications for +AIM instead of +Cunning.


Troopers have it easy. Every single companion benefits most from Aim. The rest is a matter of what they do- 4X and Vik both love defense bonuses, Elara's best getting Crit/Surge, Aric as well. And all of them are good with +Power.

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I had Vik geared for Shield before.


but since I'm a shield Van


I geared him using a generator instead, and DPS stats instead of tank.


now he's a baddazz and doesnt pull too much aggro like he used to... he's effecrtive in 'combat stance' now.


...but that's just how I set him up that would work best with my build.

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I had Vik geared for Shield before.


but since I'm a shield Van


I geared him using a generator instead, and DPS stats instead of tank.


now he's a baddazz and doesnt pull too much aggro like he used to... he's effecrtive in 'combat stance' now.


...but that's just how I set him up that would work best with my build.


You can pull that with 4X as well- stat him for offense instead of defense with modifications and he's your robot turret death machine instead of a tank. Then they're essentially DPS companions, much like Aric.

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I would say the most confusing is Elara Dorn. Her primary stats are aim but she uses a blaster pistol and I can't find any pistols with aim on them, they are all cunning.


The pistol she has when you first get her is a green with cunning but its Mod-able. Pull out the mods and drop in aim mods. Otherwise grab her a orange mod-able blaster. If its got cunning, same thing, pull out the mods and drop in aim mods. Done.

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It's quite like gearing a real character. You can DPS/Tank, DPS/Heal or just DPS. Give your companions the proper gear and set up their abilities to match and you will be successful. Tanno Vik can DPS or Tank and he uses Aim. I don't know why you would use a melee guy for either when M1-4X does both from range and it's much more efficient but it's nice having choices.


I have been using M1-4X since I got him and currently he has 17.2k HP and tanks superbly. My girlfriend is a gunslinger who steals agro off of player tanks all the time but M1-4X tanks for her just fine.

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...I don't know why you would use a melee guy for either when M1-4X does both from range and it's much more efficient .....


here is my view on using Vik over 4X.


I use Storm as an opener ...and then start popping threat and aoe...blah blah.


Vik will follow me to the mob and start close combat fighting as well, keeping the group in-place.


4X always stays put where he is and uses harpoon... he messes up my style and breaks up mob groups. (not a bad thing, just not my style)


I keep Vik on 'Guard'...we make a badazz in-yer-face team and wipe groups really fast.


....that's my reason to use Vik over 4X. I get much better results :)

Edited by ArtMonster
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here is my view on using Vik over 4X.


I use Storm as an opener ...and then start popping threat and aoe...blah blah.


Vik will follow me to the mob and start close combat fighting as well, keeping the group in-place.


4X always stays put where he is and uses harpoon... he messes up my style and breaks up mob groups. (not a bad thing, just not my style)


I keep Vik on 'Guard'...we make a badazz in-yer-face team and wipe groups really fast.


....that's my reason to use Vik over 4X. I get much better results :)


At first 4X was all the rage, but in the past few weeks, I've seen more and more people using Tanno, thats why I'm giving him a shot.


Dor Elara-one of the 4 man daily's on Belsavis allows you to pick 1 weapon for each of your comps. Some are blue, some are orange. Elara's is orange.


Thanks for the info all. There is much to think about here.

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