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Make Thana a recruitable companion


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It would be hard to do because of the storyline.



For those who let her live it would be possible to bring her back in the future. But for those who killed her, how would you bring her back?





For those who already made the choice to end her it would be unfair for those people if Bioware made her a possible companion after the fact.


Edited by Varteras
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It would be hard to do because of the storyline.



For those who let her live it would be possible to bring her back in the future. But for those who killed her, how would you bring her back?


Ah but isn't that the point? RPG with consequences?

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Ah but isn't that the point? RPG with consequences?


It's one thing for a choice to have a consequence when it was there from the beginning. To create a consequence for a choice after the fact is not a good idea.


They already removed the ability for you to kill off or get rid of your companions because of the sheer amount of complaints they had during testing. And those people KNEW they could do that. What do you think the reaction would be when people find out they could have had Satele as a companion and a romance option for the Jedi Knight but only if they finished the class story as a lightside Jedi? Bricks would be shat and the flames would be intense.

Edited by Varteras
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Ah but isn't that the point? RPG with consequences?



If they allowed her to come back and be a companion to those that didnt kill her then those people that did will be on here throwing a fit because they cant have her. I would like her to be a companion but I wouldnt want to cause that big of an uproar by bringing her back.


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Oh come on...



Like bringing her back from the dead would be that hard. It's been done a million times in TV, books, soap operas, movies...


You could even make it so that the explanation is different for each class...


"Hey, Sith Inquiz, looks like you are an idiot that can't make proper killing blows..."


Her "dying" is no huge barrier...



Don't be limited... Use your imagination...



I mean, Yoda was "dead" by Episode 5, right?


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Bah it's got to be better than the current situation where everyone has the same companions.


I despise most of the companions I'm forced to have. If Vektor says "Dawn herald" one more time I'm going to break out the can of Raid.


It's not worth it to create the tremendous amount of headache that would come from doing that for the reasons already given. While I would like to see companion choices down the road where choosing one means losing the other (not the current ones, just future ones) I think you're just going to have to deal with what you have for now. Though if the leaked info for upcoming patches on Torhead is true, we'll be getting HK-51 as a companion and judging from some of his datamined dialogue lines he'll probably be a lot of fun.

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Oh come on...



Like bringing her back from the dead would be that hard. It's been done a million times in TV, books, soap operas, movies...


You could even make it so that the explanation is different for each class...


"Hey, Sith Inquiz, looks like you are an idiot that can't make proper killing blows..."


Her "dying" is no huge barrier...



Don't be limited... Use your imagination...



I mean, Yoda was "dead" by Episode 5, right?


I'm sorry what? I couldn't hear you over the borderline insults. Try to be more civil next time and maybe we'll have a more meaningful exchange.



Yes, they could do that. I highly doubt it. She was a throw away character. It's more likely that Darth Malgus will come back 20 times before she does once.


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It's not worth it to create the tremendous amount of headache that would come from doing that for the reasons already given. While I would like to see companion choices down the road where choosing one means losing the other (not the current ones, just future ones) I think you're just going to have to deal with what you have for now. Though if the leaked info for upcoming patches on Torhead is true, we'll be getting HK-51 as a companion and judging from some of his datamined dialogue lines he'll probably be a lot of fun.


Like another poster suggested there are ways of bringing her back to life. How many times have we seen the contrived "death scene" only to have a person miraculously survive?


Besides if some people don't really like her it's no loss to them anyway.


I'm not suggesting I get to have more companions. I will gladly dump any of my other companions to keep things equal.

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Like another poster suggested there are ways of bringing her back to life. How many times have we seen the contrived "death scene" only to have a person miraculously survive?


Besides if some people don't really like her it's no loss to them anyway.


I'm not suggesting I get to have more companions. I will gladly dump any of my other companions to keep things equal.


Would Thana be a great companion? I certainly think so. Even though I made my choice with her if I knew I could have her on my side I'd certainly take it. I just don't see it happening because I think Bioware is going to make the fates of most characters in this game permanent. If you saw a corpse, that's the way they'll stay. In the case of a character I will not mention we didn't actually see his body. We knocked him off a bridge. If you don't find a corpse then the sky is the limit. This game has taken enough queues from WoW as it is. Let's not start bringing back the dead who were quite clearly laying at our feet. It reduces the impact that life or death has.

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