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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early access guys write the day u entered the code


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Yes, but as the thread asked, WHEN did you register your code. For everyone who can't read, this thread is an attempt to get people to help us anticipate the general ETAs by posting when they get invited and when they register.

For those of you still confused, this means that if in an hour, they send out the 3rd wave of invites, and a bunch of people post "I registered on 7/22" then we know that they're through the first day of registration. If in 5 hours it's still "7/21" then we know they're still working through that first day.

I'm not in yet, so my registration day does not matter. When I get invited, I will return to this thread and post a date, to help mark the time.


I didnt get in yet

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so... has anyone made a mod for the game that allows me to put everyone who responded to this thread saying "not in yet:(" on ignore. I don't want to communicate with people who have such poor aptitude for reading.



Maybe you should learn to read, yourself!


"Early access guys write the day u entered the code "


is the exact title of the thread ... it does not read, if you got in post your registration date


Go back to school, fool!

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So I reserved my game two days after reservations were available and my Gamestop gave me the finger adn wouldn't give me a code... so I said screw it ate the reservation and bought digital deluxe offline unfortunatley that wasnt untill Nov, 25'ish so I'm basically boned for early access



same here, screw gamestop. And the manager was a jerk when I asked about the code.

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July 24th. Based on those that are still not in that registered on the 21st I don't expect to be in until the end of the week. Hope my character names survive...


Seeing as almost everyone on the 21st has gotten in and even 23ers and a 24er right above you we 24ers will be getting in next wave or wave after.....

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Maybe you should learn to read, yourself!


"Early access guys write the day u entered the code "


is the exact title of the thread ... it does not read, if you got in post your registration date


Go back to school, fool!


Of course the thread says Early Access Guys not Pre-Order Guys. Refering to people who have gotten into early access, not EVERYONE who entered a pre-order code.

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Maybe you should learn to read, yourself!


"Early access guys write the day u entered the code "


is the exact title of the thread ... it does not read, if you got in post your registration date


Go back to school, fool!


Read the first post: "Guys who already got into early start, kindly write the day u entered your pre order code so we get an idea how long before rest of us get in "


now i guess YOU should try to find the way to that place.

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Of course the thread says Early Access Guys not Pre-Order Guys. Refering to people who have gotten into early access, not EVERYONE who entered a pre-order code.


well geeee isn't early access for EVERYONE who pre ordered?? it's the same thing. The original poster should choose his words more carefully next time when titling a thread

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