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What talent spec will you use to level, DPS or Tank?


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Im a little torn on which way i want to level my Jugg. During beta i went full Immortal and tanking certain flashpoints and group quests was a breeze, i want to level quickly but still be able to make myself useful in a group. Would Vengeance or Rage spec's work well? What key talents would you want as a DPS or as a Tank? What skill rotations would you use?


DPS Leveling Spec (Vengeance)


3/33/5 (Immortal/Vengeance/Rage) looked like it could work out to me with all of the stat bonuses and making Force Scream and Impale your bread and butter.


Tank Leveling Spec (Immortal)


32/2/7 (Immortal/Vengeance/Rage) for a tanking spec didnt look bad, mainly focusing on Force Scream. Wasnt sure if Force Scream or Smash is better used for tanking though.

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IMO, a better Vengeance spec. You'll want +1 rage to sundering assault for rage generation, and Huddle will be useless for leveling outside PvP. Also, the Smash talent is too good to pass up, even if smash isn't in your single target rotation.


Also, ALWAYS get quake as Immortal. It's a flat 5% damage taken reduction. Very important as a tank.

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IMO, a better Vengeance spec. You'll want +1 rage to sundering assault for rage generation, and Huddle will be useless for leveling outside PvP. Also, the Smash talent is too good to pass up, even if smash isn't in your single target rotation.


Also, ALWAYS get quake as Immortal. It's a flat 5% damage taken reduction. Very important as a tank.


Even if im doing Vengeance purely for DPS output id still want to put points into Sundering Assault or will that help if i want to make it more Tanking oriented?


What kind of skill rotation would you use?

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In any spec, you are going to want Enraged Sunder. Improved Sundering assault won't really be that important for leveling.


Because much of a Juggs mitigation is in the Soresu form, Vengeance tanking is perfectly viable till later levels - 35 or so - and will offer the benefit of greater dps in both tanking and questing.


I plan on going something like this till 30 or so, and then assess how I want to respec:

Jugg Leveling

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I think the only thing that's really set in stone as far as leveling goes is that, no matter what you would want to do, grabbing Battle Cry and Enraged Sunder first is probably the way to go. A free Scream after charge saves you 4 rage every 15 seconds basically, and 1 extra rage on SA amounts to an extra 2 rage every 9 seconds, which essentially comes down to a "free" Assault for every two times you use SA.


After I snag those two talents, I plan on making my way up to Shien form, since Battle Cry + Enraged Sunder + Shien form will easily take care of any rage issues I have from that point onward.

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So the answer is... DPS or TANK ?


Either? Both would probably work just fine. Tank build you could take more damage yourself, DPS build you'll deal more damage but will probably need to engage with your companion first so you don't take as much damage.


Really, the only "sure" things I can think of are Battle Cry and Enraged Sunder in the Immortal tree. Those two benefit EVERY Jug almost all the time, regardless of whether you want to go deep into Vengy, Rage, or Immortal. After placing those five points, ask yourself if you want to be able to soak more damage while chilling in Soresu form, or whether you want to swim in rage while in Shien form, or if you want a more even-handed approach with Shii-Cho. Then spec accordingly (Immortal, Vengy and Rage respectively).

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In *cough cough* wow it was a pain to level fast as a tank. So i wonder how it's like as Jugg.

Level fast as DPS and respec tank later on. Or are tanks doing good dps as well ?


Companions are a valuable source of DPS. Vette, the first companion you get as a Jug, is quite strong as far as dealing damage goes. She even has a good clutch survival cooldown when she hits the mid-teens, so you can use her to start a fight and soak up some damage before taunting off of her to keep her alive while you tank the rest.


So yes, it's quite possible to level as tank spec and be successful. Personally, I'm a fan of a more DPS-heavy approach, but again, no matter what you plan on speccing in the long run, the Battle Cry and Enraged Sunder talents in the Immortal tree are just great for leveling, regardless of whether you plan on going deep Vengy, Rage, or Immortal.

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I'm leaning toward a Rage spec because I've theorycrafted that Smash will do ridiculous damage.




I really enjoyed reading Lyon and your different spec threads, learned a lot. I think im still leaning toward Vengeance as a DPS Leveling spec unless i find i really need to AOE more. Still dont know if Tanking spec is NECESSARY while leveling.

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Through 2 beta weekends and now early access (as of yesterday) My buddy and I have leveled together the same duo. I am a Jugg (Tank) and he is a Sorc (Healer). So far we have plowed through everything.


When solo I never really noticed any slow downs. Try both for yourself and go with what you like. I love being immortal spec so I can always tank on the spot. It is also fun in pvp.

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I've leveled twice to 50 as Immortal Spec. LoLed when some vengeance spec SW cried continuously on general chat for help with some class quests later on in the story.


Leveled the entire way to 50 using a DPS Companion (Vette or Jaesa). There is literally nothing that requires you to use a Healing Companion. I suspect a lot of players haven't quite wrapped their heads around including one's Companion as part of the package. I consider them an extension of myself. They get their gear fully modded with purplez just like me.


Now, I've seen Vengeance-spec SWs level to 50 as Vengeance. So I'm sure it's perfectly viable. Just adding my two cents to those who have some strange misconception that there's some big gulf in leveling speed for leveling as Immortal. If anything, I think it's faster, if not pretty similar. There's no appreciable difference when killing packs of mobs, and when it comes to fighting golds, etc, you have a definite edge.


But, as the poster above me said, it's ultimately about what you enjoy.

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I messed around doing tank to start off, but overall, even though I never died and pretty much moved along at a solid pace, it wasnt ideal. If my dps pet happened to die, it would be tomorrow before the fight ended! Honestly it is fine to level up as immortal, just not much fun. At 24, I decided to respec with a smidge of immortal, rest in veng, and I went with my healer pet. I moved a lot faster though the quest lines, mowing down at a steady clip and I had much less downtime.


Not to mention, I had more fun doing the warzones this way, I wasnt breaking any records in dps but I was able to put some hurt when it mattered. On top of that, you are not completely paper thin.


My recommendation would be to start out as a tank spec until you get Quinn, then respec veng and enjoy the ride.


Side note, I didnt try out rage so that might be a great compromise.

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