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Server population is dropping...


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The only reason some server populations are rising is because people are fed up of the low population servers and re-rolling for a better experience. Which also makes the low pop servers worse. I know this because about half my guild did it and alot of other people have talked about it in general.


Seriously you want to see a server that is barely alive go roll on Uthar Wynn and see for yourself, the first month or so there could be 180 people on the fleet, right now the best you see is around 40 and that is being generous. In the first few weeks it was usually heavy - full, I have not seen it above standard for some time.


It is not "dead" but it is by no means healthy. A stats site I looked at listed Uthar as like the third least populated server in the EU so I dread to think what the 2 with less players are like.

Edited by RobCivicCRX
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Anyone that even thinks about claiming the population is not dropping is deluded.


It is there for everyone to see, the servers are very empty save for 2 or 3 heavy pop ones that have attracted rerollers like myself from the many dead ones.


Prove it

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I just love the players that look at fleet numbers and determine that's the server size.


Pro tip: Most people don't hang out at the fleet, they're out doing dailies, Illum, and Datacrons.


Another Pro tip: the numbers you see are only your faction.


Pro tip: don't say pro tip it makes you look arrogant... aw fudge....

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Proof of what?


Evolution? Afterlife?


I don't know genius, maybe something to do with the things you have been typing, prior to the demands for proof? It doesn't take a fanboy to question the accuracy of claims, especially claims meant to make the game look worse off, than it is.


So far, not one of you gasbags has proven a damn thing. Even now, you'd rather call those who refuse to sit back and accept your claims as truth, fanboys. It's like you're daring us to take you seriously now.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Evolution? Afterlife?


I don't know genius, maybe something to do with the things you have been typing, prior to the demands for proof? It doesn't take a fanboy to question the accuracy of claims, especially claims meant to make the game look worse off, than it is.


So far, not one of you gasbags has proven a damn thing. Even now, you'd rather call those who refuse to sit back and accept your claims as truth, fanboys. It's like you're daring us to take you seriously now.


People who call other people Fanbois are not looking for facts.

They say servers are dead look at the fleet and planet numbers. You say not on my server and they respond with prove it, when you do they ignore your comment.


They complain about server pop and how people are leaving in droves, put up charts showing such and when you use those charts to show the actual game is really quite stable.. they ignore you.


When you give an example of how you can make 1.7 million players look like empty server space they ignore you.

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Anyone that even thinks about claiming the population is not dropping is deluded.


It is there for everyone to see, the servers are very empty save for 2 or 3 heavy pop ones that have attracted rerollers like myself from the many dead ones.


That holds as much weight in an argument as "its true cuz I said so"


And by heavy pop do you mean actual population or the server status page? If it's the former I'd like to see your list of every zones/factions/servers population, and if you mean the latter then you're just blind. At prime time theres as many if not more heavy+ servers than standard/light.

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People who call other people Fanbois are not looking for facts.

They say servers are dead look at the fleet and planet numbers. You say not on my server and they respond with prove it, when you do they ignore your comment.


They complain about server pop and how people are leaving in droves, put up charts showing such and when you use those charts to show the actual game is really quite stable.. they ignore you.


When you give an example of how you can make 1.7 million players look like empty server space they ignore you.


You know why you get grief for the "not on my server" response?


Because it's IRRELEVANT. It doesn't matter if there's 200,000 people on Fleet at 3 AM on your server. That in no way affects, improves, mitigates, or does anything to help the fact that on my server I'm lucky to see more than 50 at peak.


It's like someone complaining the cost of housing is too high in California, and someone else coming along and saying, "dude, the price on houses is just fine where I live in Mexico. I don't know what your problem is. Just buy a house. Or move to Mexico."

Edited by Mannic
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You know why you get grief for the "not on my server" response?


Because it's IRRELEVANT. It doesn't matter if there's 200,000 people on Fleet on your server.


I personally don't bother posting about that as of late i have been trying to explain to the OMG THE GAME IS DIEEEING crowd that there are too many servers. Easy to make 1.7 million players seem like the servers are empty

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You know why you get grief for the "not on my server" response?


Because it's IRRELEVANT. It doesn't matter if there's 200,000 people on Fleet at 3 AM on your server. That in no way affects, improves, mitigates, or does anything to help the fact that on my server I'm lucky to see more than 50 at peak.


It's no more relevant than claiming theres 1 person on the fleet on your server. Yea, you might be right that 1 server out of the 200+ is dying, but it's the overall numbers that truly matter.

Edited by Akirator
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It's no more relevant than claiming theres 1 person on the fleet on your server. Yea, you might be right that 1 server out of the 200+ is dying, but it's the overall numbers that truly matter.


It's overall numbers that truly matter in what argument?


If the argument is, "TOR is a successful MMO," then the overall numbers are what matters.


If the argument is, "there are many underpopulated servers," then the overall numbers are irrelevant. ONLY the numbers on the underpopulated servers matter.


In other words, the "NOT ON MY SERVER" argument is fanboys arguing the wrong freakin argument because you think this is a "TOR IS FAILING" thread when it isn't.

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In other words, the "NOT ON MY SERVER" argument is fanboys arguing the wrong freakin argument because you think this is a "TOR IS FAILING" thread when it isn't.


How is showing how the population can be spread out so thin across all the servers the wrong argument when people are using low server pops as a reason the server is dying?

My opinion is that rather complaining about how the game is dying because its so hard to find a group or because there is 25 in fleet at X time we gather together as a COMMUNITY and a force a response to why no server merging.

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It's overall numbers that truly matter in what argument?


If the argument is, "TOR is a successful MMO," then the overall numbers are what matters.


If the argument is, "there are many underpopulated servers," then the overall numbers are irrelevant. ONLY the numbers on the underpopulated servers matter.


In other words, the "NOT ON MY SERVER" argument is fanboys arguing the wrong freakin argument because you think this is a "TOR IS FAILING" thread when it isn't.


Well, the topic title is population is dropping, which I take to mean an overall, since its not called population is dropping on server X.


And you're right the numbers on the underpopulated servers matter, but your particular server number has just as much relevance to other servers as his does. Which is why I said you might be right that your particular server is dying, but based on your evidence yours could be the ONLY one.

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Bergren Colony imperial side everyday 7 days a week holds 100+ people on peak evening hours ON FLEET ONLY. Im sorry your server is dieing but mine seems to beek a consistant population on fleet who are level 50 running HM FP's and Ops.


And that helps the people on the underpopulated servers how, exactly?

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Yes, wasting the time I put into my valor 68 Assassin in full BM gear and my three other alts, one of whom just hit 50 a week ago, sounds like a great idea. No really, that's just a winner of a brain spasm you just had there. Any other brilliant ideas? Like maybe those of us on underpopulated servers can light ourselves on fire and that will fix the problem?

Edited by Mannic
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sorry to tried to read all 53 pages.... but is there no official reply from Bioware on this?


The story looks like 95% the same as with Warhammer Online - waaay to many servers at start => empty servers after just 2 months - back in Warhammer they took too long fixing it (merging servers) which resulted in many players leaving the game,


I really like SWTOR - so I hope they do take this serious - we play MMO because we like playing with other people :)

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