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Kolto Bomb Buff Inc


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RuQu: Can you provide some details on Healer class design philosophy? Commando/Scoundrel AoE does not scale with group size due to player caps. Are they not intended to fill the raid-healer role? Scoundrels can be highly efficient, but have no tools for doing a short burst of healing.


In short, what is the design intention for each of the healers, and is it intended for them to be balanced so that any possible combination is competitive in Operations, or is a certain mix expected?


Georg Zoeller: Our stance is that all full healer specs should be viable for all type of content, which is the case, even for 16 man Operations. Our own players have no issues clearing any of the content in the game, on all difficulty levels, with any healer spec. Data from the Live game shows Operations, at all sizes, being successfully run with Commando and Scoundrel healers. It is expected for certain Operations bosses to create challenges for different healer archetypes (e.g. due to mobility requirements), but overall, every healer archetype is capable of successfully healing through any Operations and Flashpoint content in the game (currently and in the future).


With regards to your question about Commando/Scoundrel Area of Effect healing not scaling to group size, please understand that no heal, on any class, scales with group size. The most powerful Area of Effect heals in the game (Salvation/Revivification) affects up to 8 players, but does not scale with group size. These abilities are very costly, have an activation time requirement and require the targets to stand in a localized area for ten seconds to receive the full benefit. We plan on improving the overall Area of Effect healing performance of the Mercenary/Commando in the next major Game Update (1.2) by increasing the number of targets affected by Kolto Missile/Kolto Bomb.

As for Scoundrels having no tools for short burst healing, we don’t agree with that assessment. A scoundrel, for example, is capable of producing rather significant burst healing output by using Upper Hand gained from Underworld Medicine or Kolto Injection to trigger an instant Emergency Medpack or Surgical probe when needed. That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements). For example, we are shifting the healing created by the Kolto Cloud ability to be front loaded in 1.2 to allow it to act as an emergency Area of Effect healing tool.


Finally, the perception of a specific class being not desirable can also be affected by the desirability of other classes. For example, Sage/Inquisitor healers are currently able to exceed our intended healing performance at times by affecting multiple heals with the same Conveyance/Force Bending buff. Game Update 1.2 will remove the ability to do so.



About frackin time! Ty for listening BW!

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Kolto Bomb is


- instant

- cheap

- a direct heal


and provides


- a healing increase buff

- a damage reduction buff with SCS


It's obviously meant to be used more like a raid wall than a powerful raid heal. Increasing the number of targets it hits is a pretty important buff, especially when you take into account the presence of another healer who can AoE HoT the targets affected by Kolto Residue.


More targets will make it easier for Commandos/BHs to solo-heal some content and to contribute more to AoE healing in Ops during times when tank damage doesn't require their full attention.


Giving us both the best single-target healing and the best AoE heal in the game would be unbalanced and would lead to heavy-handed nerfs. I'd rather have a decent buff that will stick instead of a huge buff which will get our single-target healing or single-target ammo efficiency nerfed into the ground afterwards.

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Kolto Bomb is


- instant

- cheap

- a direct heal


and provides


- a healing increase buff

- a damage reduction buff with SCS


It's obviously meant to be used more like a raid wall than a powerful raid heal. Increasing the number of targets it hits is a pretty important buff, especially when you take into account the presence of another healer who can AoE HoT the targets affected by Kolto Residue.


More targets will make it easier for Commandos/BHs to solo-heal some content and to contribute more to AoE healing in Ops during times when tank damage doesn't require their full attention.


Giving us both the best single-target healing and the best AoE heal in the game would be unbalanced and would lead to heavy-handed nerfs. I'd rather have a decent buff that will stick instead of a huge buff which will get our single-target healing or single-target ammo efficiency nerfed into the ground afterwards.


Well put. I believe most of the medic community agrees with you. As it is, my medical probe crits for 5.4k while Kolto bomb crits for 6.6k IF all 3 crit. Making it hit 4 targets would not op it and would fit in with their model of multiples of 4.

I'm also a fan of making hammer shot chain to those with residue on them. Not holding my breath however.

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Now that one of the two issues I have with Combat medic is fixed, I believe the other should be addressed: our lack of a combat rez when both of the other healing specs have them. I suppose we don't NEED one, but it would be good for balance. Combat medics may have good burst heals, but that's about it that we have over a Sage. They have much better utility with Combat rez, friendly pull, and shields they can spam more frequently.
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Now that one of the two issues I have with Combat medic is fixed, I believe the other should be addressed: our lack of a combat rez when both of the other healing specs have them. I suppose we don't NEED one, but it would be good for balance. Combat medics may have good burst heals, but that's about it that we have over a Sage. They have much better utility with Combat rez, friendly pull, and shields they can spam more frequently.


I agree I made a post similar to that in the suggestion box... Combat Medic needs an In-Combat resurrection. I'll take the buffed Kolto Bomb though. :cool:

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I agree I made a post similar to that in the suggestion box... Combat Medic needs an In-Combat resurrection. I'll take the buffed Kolto Bomb though. :cool:


For flavor sake, what if they upped the cd to 3 minutes and made reactive shield castable on a party/raid member. This gives us a utility spell different from the other two healers and I'm assuming would be very easy to implement.

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For flavor sake, what if they upped the cd to 3 minutes and made reactive shield castable on a party/raid member. This gives us a utility spell different from the other two healers and I'm assuming would be very easy to implement.
That's an excellent idea, it could be our version of a sages friendly target pull, I.E saving an individuals DPS from death.
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Details are located here


Short version:


If they up our limit to 4, as expected, and don't nerf the healing it does, given the same healing time frame (ie 5 KBs vs 3 Salvs or 2 Kolto Clouds), in an 8 man group a Sage can AoE heal for 2310 HPS, vs 387 for a Scoundrel or 550 for a (post 1.2) Commando. To match Commando healing, Sage heal targets need only spend a total of 20 man-seconds in the circle, distributed in any way, ie 8 players for 2.5s, 4 players for 5s, or 2 players for 10s.


The link has more details comparing costs, but the HPR cost of Scoundrels is the highest, not the Sage.


Both Scoundrel and Commando AoE is instant, so apparently the tax for mobility is 76-83%.


Don't get me wrong, this change is much needed, but the caps for both should be lifted to 8 to match Sage, and the coefficient on Scoundrel AoE should be increased during the rework it is getting (they are changing it to be front loaded).


If you life the cap to 8 players, KB will heal for, over 30s of AoE healing, 46% of what Sages can do. This seems reasonable, imo, considering the fact that it is instant and can, when used properly with SCC, also apply an additional 10% DR. A 54% tax seems pretty fair to me for mobility, but 76 is a bit excessive.

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I think there should be no limit to the # of players. It's Kolto BOMB! So a bomb goes of in the middle of people but only certain people get hit by the damage and or heals. Non-sense! They all should get hit. It's a BOMB that spews a green goo cloud on the ground where it hits.


Just my wish is all =)

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I think there should be no limit to the # of players. It's Kolto BOMB! So a bomb goes of in the middle of people but only certain people get hit by the damage and or heals. Non-sense! They all should get hit. It's a BOMB that spews a green goo cloud on the ground where it hits.


Just my wish is all =)


While that would be nice it would also be horribly op in 16 man as 35k healing every 6 seconds with no activation time with a healing and damage reduction buff tied to it would be a bit excessive.


Would like it to hit 6 players but I imagine they will buff it to 4-5 players.

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Kolto Bomb is


- instant

- cheap

- a direct heal


and provides


- a healing increase buff

- a damage reduction buff with SCS


Snipped out other things. I agree with all of your points except 2:


-It's not instant. You have to select the area, which, depending on your reaction time can take a while. Especially under pressure.

-It only provides a healing increase buff (5%) if talented. Most people don't think the 2 talent points are worth spending for a 5% increase.

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Snipped out other things. I agree with all of your points except 2:


-It's not instant. You have to select the area, which, depending on your reaction time can take a while. Especially under pressure.

-It only provides a healing increase buff (5%) if talented. Most people don't think the 2 talent points are worth spending for a 5% increase.


Well If you healing In Operations you should get anything to up healing...

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