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JK - Guardian PvP


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Looking for some advice on how to play my guardian... I'm currently level 32 tank spec, so please keep that in mind.


The long and short of it is that it seems like I don't do much damage, don't have high protection values, but I get stuff done for other players fairly well. Since I'm leveling with a mix of pvp/pve/questing, I have a lot of the traditional tanking stats, which may be gimping my damage a bit.


So I feel like all I do in warzones is leap to an enemy to peel it off someone and hound it with my mediocre dps until it runs away in frustration or someone else helps me kill it. I'm constantly blowing my aoe taunt, though the range on it is deceptively short IMO. Often, it seems impractical to stick next to a healer, because while guard it helpful, the people nuking the healers are almost invariably sorcs or mercs, meaning that they are doing so from more than 15 meters - leaving me with the choice of guarding the healer or peeling the target off.


The one saving grace does seem to be that as a tank, I can usually hold an objective long enough to get reinforcements before it is capped. I make a pretty good ball carrier too.


It seems like my utility as a PvP tank is more gathering aggro than actually soaking up the damage. Often, after I peel off of someone, I don't get the needed heals to keep me alive. Some of my abilities are very frustrating, so much of my aggro is gained by irritating the enemy rather than the taunts being effective. I don't know - maybe there is something wrong with my playstyle...


My quick wish list:


1) Extend the range of guard to at LEAST 30m, preferably more like 45. Seems useless in pvp and pve at the moment.

2) Make "taunt" actually work on players - forcing a target switch or at least forcing them to drop their current target (latter is better imo).

3) Balance the damage output a bit better for the class - I'd like to be able to blow some cd's and actually down a target, even if the cd's on those talents are increased.


I realize the third will probably change at 50, but it's a little frustrating being a lowly 32 and not really feeling like I have a "place" in pvp...



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Looking for some advice on how to play my guardian... I'm currently level 32 tank spec, so please keep that in mind.


The long and short of it is that it seems like I don't do much damage, don't have high protection values, but I get stuff done for other players fairly well. Since I'm leveling with a mix of pvp/pve/questing, I have a lot of the traditional tanking stats, which may be gimping my damage a bit.


So I feel like all I do in warzones is leap to an enemy to peel it off someone and hound it with my mediocre dps until it runs away in frustration or someone else helps me kill it. I'm constantly blowing my aoe taunt, though the range on it is deceptively short IMO. Often, it seems impractical to stick next to a healer, because while guard it helpful, the people nuking the healers are almost invariably sorcs or mercs, meaning that they are doing so from more than 15 meters - leaving me with the choice of guarding the healer or peeling the target off.


The one saving grace does seem to be that as a tank, I can usually hold an objective long enough to get reinforcements before it is capped. I make a pretty good ball carrier too.


It seems like my utility as a PvP tank is more gathering aggro than actually soaking up the damage. Often, after I peel off of someone, I don't get the needed heals to keep me alive. Some of my abilities are very frustrating, so much of my aggro is gained by irritating the enemy rather than the taunts being effective. I don't know - maybe there is something wrong with my playstyle...


My quick wish list:


1) Extend the range of guard to at LEAST 30m, preferably more like 45. Seems useless in pvp and pve at the moment.

2) Make "taunt" actually work on players - forcing a target switch or at least forcing them to drop their current target (latter is better imo).

3) Balance the damage output a bit better for the class - I'd like to be able to blow some cd's and actually down a target, even if the cd's on those talents are increased.


I realize the third will probably change at 50, but it's a little frustrating being a lowly 32 and not really feeling like I have a "place" in pvp...




You do have a place in PvP, a very important place as a matter of fact.


1. Guard: 10 meter range...you are mobile, move your guard with you. Guard a melee dps until you see a healer being attacked, move to the healer, throw guard on the healer and taunt the attacker.

2. Taunt works just fine, 30% damage reduction. you should have your AoE taunt now as well which does the same thing as single target taunt.

3. You are a TANK, not a dps...your cooldowns are defensive in nature, not offensive. If you wanted to blow cooldowns and down someone, you should've been a dps. Even as a vigilance guardian, my cooldowns are defensive (same as yours) and don't help me blow anyone up any quicker then if I didn't use them.

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you have these problems


1: level 32

2: specced tank

3: playing STWOR lol pvp.


First off, your response was not helpfull. Second, I'm sorry you don't like playing SWTOR PVP, some of us do.


To the OP, welcome to the melee tank world of PVP. Your damage is sub par but your ability to protect a door/turret/ball is great. Honestly, my only complaint with my class (50 Immortal specced Jugg) is my very low damage output. 1v1 you are going to lose alot of fights, but in group settings like warzones, when played right, you can be a huge asset.


Unfortunitely or fortunitely, depending on your point of view, warzone pvp is role specific. Ours is to protect something or someone. Can we help capture turrets or points, yes. Where we really shine however is preventing the enemy from capturing them. Find your niche, enjoy helping your team win objectives, but don't expect to deal alot of damage.


That being said, I love my Jugg. Alot more so than any of my DPS specc'ed characters. It's all about personal preference. Hope that helps, if not, feel free to ask more questions.

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You do have a place in PvP, a very important place as a matter of fact.


1. Guard: 10 meter range...you are mobile, move your guard with you. Guard a melee dps until you see a healer being attacked, move to the healer, throw guard on the healer and taunt the attacker.

2. Taunt works just fine, 30% damage reduction. you should have your AoE taunt now as well which does the same thing as single target taunt.

3. You are a TANK, not a dps...your cooldowns are defensive in nature, not offensive. If you wanted to blow cooldowns and down someone, you should've been a dps. Even as a vigilance guardian, my cooldowns are defensive (same as yours) and don't help me blow anyone up any quicker then if I didn't use them.



Yeah, I've been using the aoe taunt pretty much on cd, and I know it does give that 30% damage reduction, but I would like to see some other effect that makes it feel more tank-ish, rather than what amounts to an AOE guard.


I also realize that my CD's are defensive, but I feel like in order to do my peeling job properly, I should be able to kill the thing that I peeled, even if it means that I can't kill another one for several minutes.

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at level 32 it's a bit hard, you are missing some of the useful skills (guardian leap being a big one) but know your role as tank and it will be ok.


basics :

Taunt is awesome use it every time it's off cooldown (pick hard hitting targets)

Guard have this hotkey, swap it at will (I use 2 hotkey one for closest friendly and one for guard)

you should by now have focus spec to a point where endure will heal you(it's second line of the tree, it's useful in pvE and pvp) you will need this to stay alive just a bit longer.


in alderaan, defended your turret make incoming calls early, using you defensive cooldowns will allow you to stop cap long enough for backup to arrive.


voidstar your job is to use LoS of the pillars and Force leap/force push to stop teams from capping. on offense keep your healer up, or interupt there healers (you have kick/stasis/push etc to interupt)


Huttball : Get in positions to take passes (use leap and force push alot)

use leap to get to enemy ball carrier

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Failed troll, your pathetic move along please

everything in my post was correct; how is that trolling? you are the pathetic one here.

Level 32 tank speced makes a pvp thread and ask why hes doing bad/ask for tank buff(LOL)

Edited by Asurai
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everything in my post was correct; how is that trolling? you are the pathetic one here.

Level 32 tank speced makes a pvp thread and ask why hes doing bad/ask for tank buff(LOL)


I didn't ask why I was doing BAD - I asked how to do BETTER. You obviously have no understanding of a tank's role in PvP, so either become useful, or quit spamming my thread.


And as for tank buff - none of what I asked for was a buff - it would simply make guard actually useful when dealing with ranged attackers (and in PvE - i.e. Kragga). Also, I thought it was pretty clear that I wanted any increase to damage to be offset by longer cooldowns.


Please learn to read, and actually contribute.

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I didn't ask why I was doing BAD - I asked how to do BETTER. You obviously have no understanding of a tank's role in PvP, so either become useful, or quit spamming my thread.


And as for tank buff - none of what I asked for was a buff - it would simply make guard actually useful when dealing with ranged attackers (and in PvE - i.e. Kragga). Also, I thought it was pretty clear that I wanted any increase to damage to be offset by longer cooldowns.


Please learn to read, and actually contribute.



1) Extend the range of guard to at LEAST 30m, preferably more like 45. Seems useless in pvp and pve at the moment.

2) Make "taunt" actually work on players - forcing a target switch or at least forcing them to drop their current target (latter is better imo).

3) Balance the damage output a bit better for the class - I'd like to be able to blow some cd's and actually down a target, even if the cd's on those talents are increased.


those are all buff no matter how matter how you slice it.3) is still a buff. Now, tank is pvp simply dont work good aside from maybe huttball caping. Guard is already one of the most powerful ability and you want to buff to 30 meter seriously.


Tank specced in pvp are usually a liablity for your team and yourself(lower medal because dmg sux as guardian tank) for the following reason

1: Low damage

2: Most attack in pvp cannot be mitigated by shield/absorption etc meaning tank gear is worthless vs most attack.

^ the above make you a liability compare to just spec focus and actually do damage and even keep guard if you switch to defense stand(and still do much better damage).


I'm a 50 guardian and I was specced tank for awhile until realized the above point and specced focus and actually help my team.

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Yeah, I've been using the aoe taunt pretty much on cd, and I know it does give that 30% damage reduction, but I would like to see some other effect that makes it feel more tank-ish, rather than what amounts to an AOE guard.


I also realize that my CD's are defensive, but I feel like in order to do my peeling job properly, I should be able to kill the thing that I peeled, even if it means that I can't kill another one for several minutes.


Peeling is essentially snare/stun/dmg reduction. That is peeling. You will have all the tools you need to "peel" a dps off a healer or another dps in time.


All Peeling Abilities

Force Push: Single Target throw 1 Min cooldown (45 seconds talented in tank tree.)

Force Stasis: 3 Second channelled stun (instant cast/fire and forget talented in tank tree) 1 Min Cooldown (50 Seconds talented in focus tree)

Hilt Strike: 1 Second Stun in tank tree 1 min Cooldown

Force Leap: .5 Second root (2 Second Stun talented in tank tree.) 15 Second Cooldown

AoE Snare: 2 Focus Cost (0 Focus cost making it spammable through tank tree) No Cooldown

Single Target Taunt: 15 Second Cooldown, Reduces damage done to everyone but you by 30%

AoE Taunt: 45 Second Cooldown (30 Seconds talented in tank tree.) Same as Above.

Guard: Reduces damage by 5% to target and transfers 50% of the remaining damage to you instead of the guarded target.

Sunder Armor/Guardian Slash: Shared Armor Reduction so target dies faster (20%)

Guardian Leap: Leaps to a friendly target reducing their damage taken by 20% 1 Min Cooldown.


As you can see, you actually have quite the arsenal of abilities that would fall under peeling. No, you aren't going to kill anyone...what you are going to do is CC/Snare/Knock Around the dps attacking your friendly target while at the same time throwing taunts out and debuffing the enemy so that your dps can kill them with relative ease, and your healer can heal in the same manner.


TL;DR: Peeling is preventing/reducing damage...killing the target would be "killing"

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