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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare: PvEr's wouldn't put with such poor design,.


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O kay... that is a clone, if not tell me its a whole new kind with such inovative features...

A clone that failled to deliver the PvP content, especialy end game.


Not sure if that didn't make sense, or if I'm too tired to understand it.

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i agree, it needs some work. our server is shi-cho, very, very heavy imperial. it needs changes, it needs to be fun. going there as republic is not fun, we are always outnumbered and i have not been able to fill a daily or a weekly yet as a repulic player. just my luck when i head over there we are heavily outnumbered. in 2 hours in a group of 17 we only got 9 kills, we got owned, but there were at least 50 empire players.


i agree with cannons. put up bases, take over bases, make it so you have some what equal groups. its not much fun trying to fight against 50 players or more with 17.


how about putting some in turrets or walkers. then trying to breach a strong point. then have the troops off load and try to get back for more. if were out numbered give the weaker side some advantages to even it out. like air support. anything to even it out. we dont want players quiting the area, make it so they stay. there will never be an equal number of republic players to empire. but it can be a more level playing field.

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It does seem like some lack of effort was put forth in this game seeing as how over 250+ million american dollars went into it and its not all that impressive.


Personal feelings aside, i don't think this game is a failure. Alot of people enjoy it and, i'm hoping most of the issues i have with this game can be worked out.


as we all are :( Waiting waiting with no updates.

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The Empire outnumbers the Republic - this much is evident.


However - not everyone is experiencing the poor PVP you are. On Darth Sion (PVE server, US Western) every Tuesday, our Guild makes a point of going to Ilum as an Ops group, usually 12-14 of us. Within the hour, we'll have it filled to 24, with a 2nd Ops of between 8 to 12 operating at the same time.


Meanwhile, the Imp side comes out in force, 40-50 of them by the time word spreads.




I'm glad your PC can handle that.


However, I am a college student with very little funds that are not already allocated somewhere else. I can literally name 4 of my friends who quit this game because their PC's could not handle PvP well.


I have a AMD Athlon x2 Dual Core 3.01ghz

6gb Ram / Windows 7(64bit)

and an Evga Gt 8600


In illum, with more than 12v12, my PC FPS goes to sh**.


We need a set amount of players, and we need to get rid of that B.S that spams our screen every kill.

Edited by Mangzane
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What in the hell makes you think PvPrs will put up with it? Ilum.


How long do you think we will be content with War Zones? I keep seeing path notes, and dev blogs with no mention of Ilum. You say you are proud to have such a PvP community, well then make Ilum a place we want to go.


Keep your new War Zone. Revamp Ilum. Put guns on base walls, give more ways to get out of bases, give reasons to leave the protected base area. MAKE KILLS count on the other side ffs. As things stand Ilum is the worst mmo experience I have ever had. I have literally nodded off 2 or 3 times trying to complete my daily. Throw us a bone. Should we expect changes. If so what type of changes?


To much time and care has gone into protecting those who "just want to do their quests." So much so that our PvP servers are no different than pve servers. That's a whole other topic though....


TLDR - Here I am Friday night, kid sleep, girl friend on face book and me on the forums begging for an Ilum revamp. Hell begging for an Ilum update, when I should be in game.



Put the blame where it's due and that's not with the Developers.


Lets look at a few facts.


  • They didn't create the Faction Imbalance, never did they force anyone to pick a specific faction.
  • They aren't forcing anyone to leave a Base into a 5/10/20 vs 1 Warzone. You wouldn't consider it Fun most likely to be constantly Zerged yet people constantly ask for them to put in systems to encourage just that.
  • Few people if any that have come here whining about no PvP in Ilum has ever suggested a real answer to the problem.


You want a good answer to the issue?


Re-roll an alt in the Minority Faction work up a toon and then go to Ilum and ta-da you'll have plenty of people to kill.


I've been leveling a Republic toon on a Imp heavy server, and encouraging Guildmates to do the same, why? Because it is the only good solution. The mechanics of Ilum are sound in theory and design, it's the Players that are refusing to make to take advantage of them, this should not be laid at the feet of the developers when the major issue with Ilum revolves around player choice not game mechanics.

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Put the blame where it's due and that's not with the Developers.


Lets look at a few facts.


  • They didn't create the Faction Imbalance, never did they force anyone to pick a specific faction.
  • They aren't forcing anyone to leave a Base into a 5/10/20 vs 1 Warzone. You wouldn't consider it Fun most likely to be constantly Zerged yet people constantly ask for them to put in systems to encourage just that.
  • Few people if any that have come here whining about no PvP in Ilum has ever suggested a real answer to the problem.


You want a good answer to the issue?


Re-roll an alt in the Minority Faction work up a toon and then go to Ilum and ta-da you'll have plenty of people to kill.


I've been leveling a Republic toon on a Imp heavy server, and encouraging Guildmates to do the same, why? Because it is the only good solution. The mechanics of Ilum are sound in theory and design, it's the Players that are refusing to make to take advantage of them, this should not be laid at the feet of the developers when the major issue with Ilum revolves around player choice not game mechanics.


This is true, and false. The trailers made the sith look ******... even when they lost. LOL

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Yeah fighting a NON player that does the EXACT same things OVER AND OVER is certainly FUN.


Btw you are in the wrong forum.


Actually they have a point, 90% of most MMO's revolves around PvE content, PvP is almost always secondary. The majority of Gear, Currency, and Play time in almost any game is spent or acquired in PvE. This is the area that due to what you just stated is typically the primary focus of MMO development. It even has effects into PvP, as when changes are made to balance PvE they often carry over and effect PvP, and vice versa.


The fact is they have to continually focus on PvE to keep the "Fun" factor, and while almost everyone can find some enjoyment in getting that MCCCXXXVII piece of gear (isn't that what all the BM Bag complaints are really about?), or that super rare crafting material, not everyone can find enjoyment in killing another players character in PvP. Truth is the mechanics in place in PvE have a wider reaching market than PvP ever will. If all anyone wants to do is PvP I can't see why they play MMO's when so many excellent FPS, and Combat sims are out there.


Personally I play both PvE and PvP, I enjoy both, but I am not so arrogant as to think that PvP is the only thing that matters in a game when you stand back and look at the big picture.

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I'm glad your PC can handle that.


However, I am a college student with very little funds that are not already allocated somewhere else. I can literally name 4 of my friends who quit this game because their PC's could not handle PvP well.


I have a AMD Athlon x2 Dual Core 3.01ghz

6gb Ram / Windows 7(64bit)

and an Evga Gt 8600


In illum, with more than 12v12, my PC FPS goes to sh**.


We need a set amount of players, and we need to get rid of that B.S that spams our screen every kill.


You do know Socket AM3 processors are backwards compatible with Socket AM2 depending on the Motherboard Bios right? This means you could possibly put in a tri or quad core processor and boost your performance quite a bit for a really reasonable price (less than $100).


You also don't need a top end Video card for SWTOR, I'm serious, some of the Mid range cards do really well. I run everything on High with Shadows off, and rarely drop below 30fps in WZ and on Ilum with a Radeon HD 5750 that I paid $68 for.

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