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Who has the better story: warrior or inquisitor?


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I have a teen Inquisitor, late 20 Warrior, so far, I enjoy the Warrior quests a lot more than inquisitor. I also heard a lot of people talking about inquisitor quests are horrible in chapter 2 and after.... So... I'm in no hurry to go back to my Inquisitor. Warrior quests feedback I've heard so far are mostly positive.


But eventually it's up to you really. I read a lot of comments when I first started rolling out my characters, there're a few people really enjoy inquisitor quest line even most of people hated it.

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Warrior story is more determined, you are like a raging steamroller running down from the hill crushing anything on your way, plain and simple, with no regrets and reflection, it's really good, some parts of the story is amazing, but end of the story you will know from the beginning of the game. Sith inquisitor story otherwise is not so obvious, your way to the top is crooked, where SW use direct ways to solve his problems, SI uses trickery, some of this tricks ends for a character horribly.

I like both stories, SW is epic saga type, SI is something like classic dungeon delving fantasy campaign with horror and mystic elements.

Edited by Urukkhan
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I haven't played as a warrior but i'm currently an inquisitor/assasin, and I felt like the first chapter on Korriban was way too easy but as far as story goes it keeps me interested, but then again i'm a total geek who even reads the Old Republic books lol
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