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Anyone else feel like CE was a rip-off


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How dare the collectors edition not offer you the option to purchase armor with better stats than the best stuff in the game. That is bull****! We paid extra money we should get the best in the game period. I think you should report Bioware to the BBB this is an outrage and shouldn't be taken lightly.


Oh and don't get me started about the DDE speeder that looks nothing like the SOA speeder. It's merely a cool looking reskin of the pvp valor 65 and social X speeders! AND it should not simply be rank 3 110% like all the others it should be faster dammit!!


If this is sarcasm (can't tell 100%), then you don't get it. We didn't want items that made us uber powerful. We wanted one of a kind items that couldn't be had anywhere else in any other form, we wanted to be able to say "Look at this cool merch that came with the C.E., everyone should go buy the C.E. and support Bioware and E.A. for how awesome they are and the cool stuff they released with the C.E."


At the end of the day the only thing I can find myself saying is "What the firetruck?"

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All CEs are a rip-off.


They feed off the false-instinct we've been taught, the instinct to own stuff.


I mean, seriously, look around the room you're in.


I bet almost half the stuff you're looking at is junk.


Figurines, "limited edition" books, CDs and movies, posters, needlessly expensive objects you could have bought cheaply for 1/3rd the price.


I used to feed into it too. I had all the MMO CEs.


Do you know what I see now when I look around my computer room?


Plain white walls, a clean desk, a simple black computer case and a decently sized monitor.


Stop buying CEs... then stop buying "stuff".

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If this is sarcasm (can't tell 100%), then you don't get it. We didn't want items that made us uber powerful. We wanted one of a kind items that couldn't be had anywhere else in any other form, we wanted to be able to say "Look at this cool merch that came with the C.E., everyone should go buy the C.E. and support Bioware and E.A. for how awesome they are and the cool stuff they released with the C.E."


At the end of the day the only thing I can find myself saying is "What the firetruck?"


And yet if you read what I quoted you will see the guy is complaining that the armor is a downgrade from RAKATA! He also mentions the crappy speeder that is the same as the SOA drop yet oddly it is nothing like either he drops... And you got an armor set that is not available anywhere else and a mount etc etc. Everything in there is unique.


If you didn't do your research before purchasing and were disappointed with what you got you have no one to blame but yourself.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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I'm sorry, but if you bought anything that says "Collector's" on it and expected it to be anything other than a chintzy rip off I have a stunning suspension bridge for sale. The one thing you can do to guarantee something will never be collectible is to write "Collector's" somewhere on the package.



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All CEs are a rip-off.


Exactly, why anyone would buy a CE is simply beyond me. Unless they are actually you know... Collectors.


If you bought it because you thought you'd get uber gear out of it, you failed in two ways...


One in not bothering to do basic research on what the CE offered.

Two expecting to somehow buy some sort of in game advantage.


Unless the game is a F2P type model with micotransactions, a CE will never give you any sort of actual in game advantage. If you were expecting one, and that's why you bought it, then you wasted your money big time, because such a thing was never going to happen.

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Does anyone feel that their Malgus statue will still have value and meaning to them in 5, 10, 20 years? Honest question.


Personally, I do. All my other statues still make me smile, not sure why this one would be different.


EDIT: As far as value, I don't know and don't really care. I buy them for personal enjoyment. My daughters can sell them or use them when I am gone.

Edited by Dyraele
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I mean, seriously, look around the room you're in.


I bet almost half the stuff you're looking at is junk.



Aw, dammit. Now I'm depressed. ;)


I only upgraded my basic game to get the digital items, so I didn't get any physical collector's stuff, but I do agree that the digital stuff is...kind of underwhelming.


Having said that, I don't necessarily feel that anything was misrepresented. I would have liked it had the speeder upgraded itself when you trained for a higher speed, but its not like they led me to believe that it would.


So, yeah, I have buyer's remorse for spending the extra cash for the fairly useless and unappealing digital items, but...that was my own bad decision. I can't blame Bioware, though there's also certainly nothing wrong with trying to encourage them to make digital stuff that is more fun, useful, and levels with you.

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Its not Op stuff i want in the CE its the fact that i thought the Store would offer some Unique Looks for example some Orrange Gear that looks Awsome with no stats u have to put them in ur self and some other companion looks and maybay a couple of speeders but tbh it just feels like the C.E Store is the Crap no one wanted.
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Personally, I do. All my other statues still make me smile, not sure why this one would be different.


EDIT: As far as value, I don't know and don't really care. I buy them for personal enjoyment. My daughters can sell them or use them when I am gone.


No, I meant personal value, so you answered that. Malgus, to me, just seems like a character that would no longer be interesting once you've moved on from the game.

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No, I meant personal value, so you answered that. Malgus, to me, just seems like a character that would no longer be interesting once you've moved on from the game.


IDK, I am still attached to Malak after all these years and his only video game appearance was in Kotor. I also think that Malgus was done well enough.

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How dare the collectors edition not offer you the option to purchase armor with better stats than the best stuff in the game. That is bull****! We paid extra money we should get the best in the game period. I think you should report Bioware to the BBB this is an outrage and shouldn't be taken lightly.


Oh and don't get me started about the DDE speeder that looks nothing like the SOA speeder. It's merely a cool looking reskin of the pvp valor 65 and social X speeders! AND it should not simply be rank 3 110% like all the others it should be faster dammit!!


On a side note thank god this wasn't a blizzard product we would've only have gotten the mouse droid and nothing else lol.


If it was Blizzard the mouse droid would have been $25 extra after you bought the CE... never could understand my best friend on WoW paying out for useless pets and pretty mounts.

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CE have always been a rip-off, unless you gotta have that art book, miniature, collector cards (which never see the light of day), or bonus sound track (which will be on Youtube). Even the in-game items have always sucked (low level junk that will have 2 days worth of use.).
Eh, the CE version of RIFT came with a bag that was larger than the largest ones that you could make when the game launched, and a mount you could use at level 1. That was pretty well worth the $10 or $20 it cost extra.


personally, I wasn't wow'd by anything in the SW:TOR CE, so I didn't bother getting it.

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If it was Blizzard the mouse droid would have been $25 extra after you bought the CE... never could understand my best friend on WoW paying out for useless pets and pretty mounts.


Money is nothing to some people. When I quit WoW I had 140 mounts and 185 pets. I had the store stuff just because I have a good job and tons of disposable income. I liked having them and the price was nothing to me. Pets were my thing in that game.

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IDK, I am still attached to Malak after all these years and his only video game appearance was in Kotor. I also think that Malgus was done well enough.


See that's the thing, even though they're not in the game, I could understand a Revan and/or Malak statue more. It's too early to tell, but I don't see Malgus having the same affect on people, years later.

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Money is nothing to some people. When I quit WoW I had 140 mounts and 185 pets. I had the store stuff just because I have a good job and tons of disposable income. I liked having them and the price was nothing to me. Pets were my thing in that game.


He was unemployed, living at home and hopelessly addicted to WoW :(


Such a shame, he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Just wish he had come to swtor with me so he could see the servers wouldn't shut down if he went a day without logging on to do his WoW dailies.


I agree though that if you got the cash why not, dosen't mean its any less of a waste of money lol. If you have some extra cash donate it to the local animal shelter!

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He was unemployed, living at home and hopelessly addicted to WoW :(


Such a shame, he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Just wish he had come to swtor with me so he could see the servers wouldn't shut down if he went a day without logging on to do his WoW dailies.


I agree though that if you got the cash why not, dosen't mean its any less of a waste of money lol. If you have some extra cash donate it to the local animal shelter!


Waste is a relative term. I believe animal shelters are a waste of money for the most part. I could donate money but instead I generally donate time or goods. Money donated isn't always put to the best uses. Mostly though I choose to spend my cash on my family and friends putting it back into circulation.

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If it had something worthwhile I would of gotten it.


A unique mount that scales with speed training.

Unique mod-able armor(this is what people are asking, not BiS armor, orange gear)

A unique mini-pet. A real one(current one is meh). Mini-R2D2, Mini C3P0, Mini Tauntaun.

Perhaps their own /dance(/CEdance)


Problem people have is that there in game stuff is probably the easier side to add. But they didn't add much beyond what the Deluxe Edition had. And even that stuff was "meh" as it rots in my bank. Only thing I was really found my self caring about was the mount, till I upgraded.


If it was Blizzard the mouse droid would have been $25 extra after you bought the CE... never could understand my best friend on WoW paying out for useless pets and pretty mounts.


WoW's CE wasn't as much as SWTOR's. In game mini-pet was unique as well.

Edited by Cindikle
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