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Retiring from Maurader till they are fixed...


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Like winning is all about damage done, lol...


No, but there will always be people who focus on damage done to the detriment of everything else. Really I think the lack of combat logs is causing enormous damage to this game as people are using wz damage done as some sort of measure of efficiency/skill.

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people are using wz damage done as some sort of measure of efficiency/skill.


the game presumes the same thing since it's much easier to get deeps medals by facerolling with other classes. the hard part is wiping the drool off the keyboard from what I hear

Edited by HBninjaX
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For those players that thinks that Mara they are the *****, let me tell you this. You are just facing other ****** players that doesn't know how to use their skills.


1v1 in any situation. MARA has it hands down period (having both sides full fitted)

1 - 1 against healers - you can't break them

1 - 1 against tanks - you also have a hard time breaking them.

1 - 1 another MARA - Well you have a chance here (:D)


I don't need to explain myself other than the fact that MARA is totally lacking in cc. Lack of CC is what makes this class so weak. IF the other class knows at least how to utilize their cc well, they will dominate you - kite you to death.


In all my pvp career, hardly have I seen mara top sin / sorc.


And in terms of fairness, why are the medals in favor of every other class other than MARA. Now that they take out shock freezing water - or w/e that is called. Mara will have a much harder time getting the healing medals / no chance to get the shield medals. At the end, MARA would just have the basic 7 medals. If you are lucky you can hit 9 or maybe 10. You will not get 5k unless you face noobs with no gear.

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Not only that, but even healer scoundrels / operatives can outlast you. They just need to keep you slowed with tendon blast and circle some object to deny LoS. No way you'll kill them while they'll keep healing their team. It takes little to make a marauder crumble, make no mistake.


Yeah, if you're left unchecked, you dominate. If you play against people that don't have a clue, you dominate. If you outgear your opponent, you dominate. If you've got a pocket healer, you dominate. Go figure.

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all these people that thinks they are the bomb and **** with mara are the totally ignorant.


Yes we know you guys can dominate noobs. THANK YOU.


But for the rest of the mara you will not win against anyone 1v1. other than your own class.


You don't have to believe me - but go play another class and you will see how much easier it is in pvp.


MARA are great in pve but pvp they suck.

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How many of the people who are complaining about maurader have full champs or better? Pvp on most classes sucks at 50 when you don't even have everything cent+.


Some of it is your gear compared to others. Which is one reason screen shots of warzones are pointless. If you are in BM you can smack the hell out of some group of fresh 50s and get insane numbers. It goes both ways... I'm grinding out my pvp gear before I complain or praise the class.


I enjoyed it pre-50 though. I almost miss tearing things apart with darkside Jaesa. :D

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All the PvP "gods" on these forums only PvP as Anni.


Secondly there's too many variables that people don't consider. In PvP trying to determine skill and efficiency is like trying to do quantum physics with only a basic knowledge of algebra.


Your skill. Their skill. Your teams support. Focus fire. Buffs. Relics. Medpacs. Adrenals. Your objectives. Your teams objectives. Their team's objectives. Did your hand slip? Team coordination. CD up time. How many times you were CCed. Etc etc. Not to mention differences in players between different servers.


So, if you want to make a post about how awesome you are in PvP with more than a lameass screenshot, well... prepare to write a book. Otherwise you're just talking trash and not helping anyone. Like seriously. There's nothing to say on the matter.


Plus, for people playing MMOs I see a lot of rotten apples in this community, and sadly not as a whole. How about let's trying being the better class community?

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Its been said a million times and yet simple minded individuals manage to still complain. How many times are we to preach that the Maurader is a class of SKILLS!!! If you want to face roll without perfecting the class DONT PLAY A MAURADER!!! There are other classes available that will be far more rewarding with less effort applied. HOWEVER a Maurader played to perfection will face roll just about any class 1v1 10 out of 10 times. So stop saying Mauraders need fixed, I wished that every class were on par with the skill level required to playing a Maurader this would eliminate many of you non thinkers and actually reward people who actually do their homework.
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I have a champion ranked mara and a lv 31 gladiator ranked vanguard(powertech). All i can say is there are both good and bad. Since my powertech is not 50 yet, I will compare the two with 10-49 pvp. Let me say first that I always solo qued and never done premade.


In terms of damage, powertech win without contest.


When I was pvping my marauder at first, I thought they were really awesome with their awesome cds and mobility. I was basically unkillable and unkitable. My average death per game was lower than 3. I even got the purple biochem consumables for my level. I was in love with my marauder. There was no class I feared 1v1 or 1v2. Keep in mind tho, to have fun you should be at least 40 to get important talents and cds. At first I was carnage and averaged around 180k to 200k damage and about 2 deaths a game, no aoe. When I changed to annihilation my average increased to 230k damage and 1-2 deaths a game. I was happy and loved my class.


Now let me talk about my powertech.



Anyways so as soon as I hit level 10 I tried a wz for fun, expecting to get ***** like my mara at low level. My first game I was top damage with 230k. I was astonished because on my marauder I worked so damn hard to get that kind of damage but my powertech did it so easily. They are a very versatile class that can do damage at all range. Anyways,

now my lv 31 powertech easily get 250k damage at least in a game where it's not too short and Alderaan PLUS sweet sweet protection medals by just using taunts alone. I first broke 300k damage at lv 30. Seriously I could do so many things to annoy the hell out of other people and burst them down before they even know what hit em. You will love being able to grapple people and stun kids while taunting(reducing their damage if they dont attack you by 30% ARE YOU KIDDING ME) them every 15 secs. I mean I could do damage at ANY range. Nuke them down in range and if they come closer...nuke em even harder. I barely use AOE because I love chasing and killing a target 1 by 1 (however the aoe is like second hardest hitting ability lol OP) so I could increase my damage even further if I start using it on cds.

Oh did I say grapple yet? cuz you will *********** love grapple. Btw, I dont even have biochem this time lol.


Anyways to sum it up, I have 43 keybinds on marauder and I use almost all of em a lot JUST to do way way way less damage and burst than my powertech.


However, when it comes to survivalibility, marauders win by a long long shot. There are times when I wish i was a marauder when people started to focus me (because if they didnt...their entire team will get ***** by my powertech) as powertechs have no oh-**** button at all. Seriously, they are a one-trick pony that can only do burst. When you have two people on a powertech....all he can hope to do is outburst you and kill you two before you kill him. My average deaths per game on my powertech can go up to as high as 10 or more per game. However, when it comes to 1v1, I own. I never lost to marauders because I KNOW exactly what they do. The only class I had problems with are sniper and sometimes sorces (WTB force camo and crippling slash plz).



I also have a lv 48 operative. They definitely do a lot of burst, but they are even more one-trick pony than powertech. All you do is open on someone and if they dont die, use your cds to stun/escape. Besides they have no mobility at all.

Edited by Hupepak
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Since I'm currently considering rerolling on my Marauder after a short spell as an Operative (full Columi sets etc. so "short" may be stretching the concept a bit), then another one on my Sorcerer (same here, this one is even a battlemaster) I would very much welcome a buff to marauders since I know how strong they are after having faced them with different classes...


Yes the skill cap is higher I agree


Yes we are being fu**ed over in PvE all the time (this really needs to change Bioware it's ridiculous how much we are gimped as Melees in this game)


but you are absolutely mistaken if you think Marauders are weaksauce in PvP...


Of course you need at least full t1 and actually even full t2 PvP gear to start with but that's not much farming nowadays (the beginning is hard since you're ultra gimped but it picks up quite quickly)...as soon as you have the gear and assuming you are a skilled player you will rip apart people in PvP...


The biggest problem about being a Marauder is that most people have no effing clue when to use what skill and they end up being kited nonstop (which is a danger but there are quite a few workarounds)...


First of all if you're fighting a ranged and he has no slow on him -> you fail


If you are fighting a ranged and he has the high ground and you simply charge blindly up without positioning afterwards -> you fail


If you are spotted from a ranged and you just let them kite you until you can get up to them -> you fail


etc. etc.


Always slow people, if you don't they will kite you 100% if they have a mini ounce of brain in their skull. If you charge someone see that you don't stand in a way that they can easily knockback you down and better yet try to LoS them until you can walk right up to them, have them use knockback and jump back up -> congrats you have locked down a ranged for 15-20 seconds.


Use force camouflage...the cooldown is really short and most people act as if you didn't exist as soon as you stealth. The few people who actually continue kiting you after you stealthed are the ones you will have to use every trick you have but it's still possible.


Use your CCs...yes I know force choke can be interrupted but it's still a great way to lock someone down as long as their resolve bar isn't full...


Intimidating Roar is your friend, the cooldown is quite short and the uses are endless...so use it whenever you deem it useful


If you have great positioning or are in no danger of being knocked back, use your charge to interrupt people from casting


Use your interrupt on main dmg skills (Force Lightning / Telekinetic Throw -- Tracer Missile / Grav Round etc.) -> this will **** up the rotation of your opponent and most people will just stand there looking at you since the only button they really know is on lockout (bad people are bad)


Use your defensive cooldowns...Undying Rage is amazing, Cloak of Pain and Blade Ward are very useful as well


etc. etc.



I hate to say it but L2P actually fits here since once you learn how to deal with other classes you will be amazing in PvP...sure you can't reach ridiculous numbers like Hybrid Sorcs spamming Chain Lightning / Death Field into the zerg but Marauders are hands down the best 1v1 class..

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OP I hope you are trolling since you've played this game so long as you stated since early beta...


Marauders are beast in PVP, sadly if you know how to play one.. I really hate saying learn to play but.. Learn to play, seems quite a few people are not having any trouble with PVP as marauder.


I only know myself personally get atleast 2-3 hate messages a day telling me Im going to get nerfed soon because I do too much damage too fast.. Huttball I get ops messages about people happy that I am on their team so they dont have to worry about me destroying them like I did last game. These people are Battlemasters/War Heros, people with 17k+ hp, not the 11k newbie 50s..


Marauder needs tweaks, but we are nowhere near broken like you seem to imply

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all these people that thinks they are the bomb and **** with mara are the totally ignorant.


Yes we know you guys can dominate noobs. THANK YOU.


But for the rest of the mara you will not win against anyone 1v1. other than your own class.


You don't have to believe me - but go play another class and you will see how much easier it is in pvp.


MARA are great in pve but pvp they suck.


i find your use of the word "ignorant" amusing

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Honestly I dont need anyone saying LTP. I have been in here since early beta and have played on my maurader. But I am tired of being gimped in pvp. In warzones I ma very active and still get out damaged by almost every ranged profession. I though that Mauraders were glass cannons, but they are midle of the pack damage dealers, and are defense is so weak we get targted primarily on the outset of every fight. When is Bioware going to wake up and either increase melee damage for us or decrease ranged damage. I am playing on a bh right now and the damage they do is so dumb. All I have to do is push like 4 buttons on my bh and be top damage dealer in every warzone I play in. Mauraders have to have like all three toolbars stacked up with buttons to be even somewhat decent in damage. I am sure I will get some comments like good riddance or LTP, but honestly Mauraders in this game are weaker than any other class and harder (when it coems to quickslots) to play than any other class. I am not looking for a handout like make mauraders op, but if they truelly are damage dealers than make it so, and fix them already.


Good luck to all of you who are sticking it out, I hope Bioware will show you some love soon, but for now I cant take it.



1. Cool story bro.

2. You won't be missed.

3. No one cares.

4. L2p.

5. K. Thx. Bai.


Pick your poison

Edited by RocketL
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Not only that, but even healer scoundrels / operatives can outlast you. They just need to keep you slowed with tendon blast and circle some object to deny LoS. No way you'll kill them while they'll keep healing their team. It takes little to make a marauder crumble, make no mistake.


Yeah, if you're left unchecked, you dominate. If you play against people that don't have a clue, you dominate. If you outgear your opponent, you dominate. If you've got a pocket healer, you dominate. Go figure.


I kill healer ops/scoundrels all the time, they can try and kite but it never works. Sure they dont die as fast as a sorc/sage healer does, but they sure are not healing the team, as all they can do is heal themselves to stay alive when Im on them. Now I will say when Ive played Annihilation I did have some troubles but as Carnage it seems to be no so much of a problem. Takes alot to make me and other Marauders I know "crumble".


Now it does suck to be focus fired as soon as people see me.. that makes me "crumble" pretty fast.

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For those players that thinks that Mara they are the *****, let me tell you this. You are just facing other ****** players that doesn't know how to use their skills.


1v1 in any situation. MARA has it hands down period (having both sides full fitted)

1 - 1 against healers - you can't break them

1 - 1 against tanks - you also have a hard time breaking them.

1 - 1 another MARA - Well you have a chance here (:D)


I don't need to explain myself other than the fact that MARA is totally lacking in cc. Lack of CC is what makes this class so weak. IF the other class knows at least how to utilize their cc well, they will dominate you - kite you to death.


In all my pvp career, hardly have I seen mara top sin / sorc.


And in terms of fairness, why are the medals in favor of every other class other than MARA. Now that they take out shock freezing water - or w/e that is called. Mara will have a much harder time getting the healing medals / no chance to get the shield medals. At the end, MARA would just have the basic 7 medals. If you are lucky you can hit 9 or maybe 10. You will not get 5k unless you face noobs with no gear.



I face great players all the time and still win, Healers.. tanks... takes time to kill them sometimes but more often then not it happens. Healers never kill me, they can only try and last long enough for someone to save them. Sorc/Sage never happens, a op/scroundrell can take abit longer.. Tanks you gotta know when they have CDs up and what to do. If you have a problem with always taking down these things and some people do not, it seems to me that it may not be the that other player doesnt know what they are doing hmm?


I will admit our lack of CC hurts.. Our lack of a KB or pull hurts too. Marauder isnt as easy as playing a Merc or Sorc, but far from broken or lackluster. Anybody who says they are broken, or useles, or suck for pvp. I hate to say it but, just doesnt know how to play.

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For those players that thinks that Mara they are the *****, let me tell you this. You are just facing other ****** players that doesn't know how to use their skills.


1v1 in any situation. MARA has it hands down period (having both sides full fitted)

1 - 1 against healers - you can't break them

1 - 1 against tanks - you also have a hard time breaking them.

1 - 1 another MARA - Well you have a chance here (:D)


I don't need to explain myself other than the fact that MARA is totally lacking in cc. Lack of CC is what makes this class so weak. IF the other class knows at least how to utilize their cc well, they will dominate you - kite you to death.


In all my pvp career, hardly have I seen mara top sin / sorc.


And in terms of fairness, why are the medals in favor of every other class other than MARA. Now that they take out shock freezing water - or w/e that is called. Mara will have a much harder time getting the healing medals / no chance to get the shield medals. At the end, MARA would just have the basic 7 medals. If you are lucky you can hit 9 or maybe 10. You will not get 5k unless you face noobs with no gear.


Go Annihilation Marauder/Watchmen Sentinel.


1v1 against a healer. Their faces get wrecked. they can't damage us really because most the time they're busy scrambling for heals.


1v1 against a tank. Oh they don't take much damage but they're not putting out much damage. You know what hurts tanks? Dots. Our dots rip through tanks like they're nothing so a tank isn't a problem


1v1 against another marauder/sent... Only thing i hate going up against if i know they're good.


You pvp career is sad sir.


Your QQ is beautiful sir.

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People like you and me (and other "skilled" marauders) just have to keep watching these QQ's and wait for the day mara's are getting a buff.


Then people are really gonna QQ about this class because some people are going to be godlike (won't be bad for the upcoming RatedWZ's patch tho, stack mara's and insta win WZ).

Edited by WokeSmeed
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if you guys choose to believe that marauders are good.. feel free.


If the people who are defending mara are making the statements that mara are so good.


Why do you not see Mara top the charts but rather, they are in the middle in both Medals / and damage.


Hardly have a seen a game where mara has topped the charts.


I don't even want to argue the fact that you guys can pwn other classes scenario because the fact is, you guys are facing a lesser counter. GO face a real challenge first - or go play another class.

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if you guys choose to believe that marauders are good.. feel free.


If the people who are defending mara are making the statements that mara are so good.


Why do you not see Mara top the charts but rather, they are in the middle in both Medals / and damage.


Hardly have a seen a game where mara has topped the charts.


I don't even want to argue the fact that you guys can pwn other classes scenario because the fact is, you guys are facing a lesser counter. GO face a real challenge first - or go play another class.


the challenge is the class :p so why don't you face it and learn to do well at it.


I top charts quite often thank you very much.

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if you guys choose to believe that marauders are good.. feel free.


If the people who are defending mara are making the statements that mara are so good.


Why do you not see Mara top the charts but rather, they are in the middle in both Medals / and damage.


Hardly have a seen a game where mara has topped the charts.


I don't even want to argue the fact that you guys can pwn other classes scenario because the fact is, you guys are facing a lesser counter. GO face a real challenge first - or go play another class.


Your problem is you think this game is all about medals... Must take a lot of the fun out of the game for you.. Its easy to get top of overall damage, but that generally doesnt mean your stopping ball carriers or stopping node captures or door plants. Welcome to objective based PVP.

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