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Scoundrel/operative healing gear better off with crit?


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Since we dont cast all that much as trooper, i thing we should have critical strike instead of alacrity on our gear. Why? First, we rely on our dots critting for more effective healing, and second, we rely on diagnostic scan criticals to regain the easily lost energy.


Is there anyone else who things the same way?

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Your first line says trooper and your subject says Scoundrel... which are we talking about?


With the recent nerf to Surge, the value of Crit has diminished as well. There are pretty lengthy explanations on which stat is good for who all over these forums, but as a start for Scoundrel/Operatives:


Cunning >= Power > Crit > Surge > Alacrity


This doesn't hold true always, but is a good start to gearing yourself. I suspect if Alacrity ever affects the GCD/tick rate of HoTs/tick rate of Energy return, the value of it will skyrocket to near the top.

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