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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Tale of Two Toons: One's on the Bench Until Servers are Merged


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I have a Sith Maurader on The Fatman and a Jedi Shadow on Keller's Void and it's like I'm playing two different MMOs. One's a vibrant community and a perfectionist dream as I'm +3 levels ahead of all my objectives because I completed all FPs and Heroics with no problem finding groups. The other is a barren wasteland where I might see another real person now and then. My character is struggling as I'm left to complete a class storyline that I'm underleveled for. The Republic Fleet might have 50 people on it and all I'm left to do to get some money and XP is to play Warzones, which I absolutely hate. Especially when it's mostly ****ball. It just feels dead.


So I'm left to shelve my 2 month investment of time and energy and focus on a new character. Has anyone else basically had to quit playing a primary character due to a low population?

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I have a Sith Maurader on The Fatman and a Jedi Shadow on Keller's Void and it's like I'm playing two different MMOs. One's a vibrant community and a perfectionist dream as I'm +3 levels ahead of all my objectives because I completed all FPs and Heroics with no problem finding groups. The other is a barren wasteland where I might see another real person now and then. My character is struggling as I'm left to complete a class storyline that I'm underleveled for. The Republic Fleet might have 50 people on it and all I'm left to do to get some money and XP is to play Warzones, which I absolutely hate. Especially when it's mostly ****ball. It just feels dead.


So I'm left to shelve my 2 month investment of time and energy and focus on a new character. Has anyone else basically had to quit playing a primary character due to a low population?


They aren't gonna merge I hope. Just make two toons on one server.

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I have a Sith Maurader on The Fatman and a Jedi Shadow on Keller's Void and it's like I'm playing two different MMOs. One's a vibrant community and a perfectionist dream as I'm +3 levels ahead of all my objectives because I completed all FPs and Heroics with no problem finding groups. The other is a barren wasteland where I might see another real person now and then. My character is struggling as I'm left to complete a class storyline that I'm underleveled for. The Republic Fleet might have 50 people on it and all I'm left to do to get some money and XP is to play Warzones, which I absolutely hate. Especially when it's mostly ****ball. It just feels dead.


So I'm left to shelve my 2 month investment of time and energy and focus on a new character. Has anyone else basically had to quit playing a primary character due to a low population?


I feel your absolute pain Arsynic...I'm on Keetael server with my first Level 50 a Jedi Shadow and during peak times, there is maybe 15 ppl in Fleet. Even during peak times, this server is LIGHT on status. I can't stand it...I got to 50 about two weeks ago and so excited for end game and I'm only one of 3 level 50s in my guild that I know of and no one is around to do anything.


I log-in every night at peak time to see if I can get a group for something to gear up a lil bit, but give up after 30 min of those 15 ppl in Fleet are actually just ppl leveling and not 50s.


Sucks I started the game late around the 5th of January and the server I chose is just plain dead.


I'm currently playing an Alt on another server now almost ALL the time, but would love to play my shadow as it took me 5 weeks of great gameplay to achieve level 50 and love the character (as well as Legacy name and accomplishments, level 8 Legacy Level)...I would even transfer the character if there was the option as now playing an Alt immediately is making me feel like grinding to 50 instead of enjoying it :-(

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Moving characters may not be that easy with legacy between characters. Im also on a dead server with a 50, but if I start a character on another populated one... Will they merge my legacy points? Will I lose my new one if I want to salvage my old?


Will they even let me transfer from a low to high population server? Or will 10 lows be allowed to transfer to 2 select lows thereby making those more populated?


Lots of unanswered questions and it gets tricky with legacy.

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I've never seen 40 people in the republic fleet (or anywhere else, for that matter) on my server, and I can still find groups. I also tend to group up for quests and heroics with some of the same people, making for a great community. I try to be proactive and respond whenever someone is LFG, even if I have already done the fp/heroic, and I don't mind dropping out of the middle of a quest to group up for something.


Sometimes you just have to be more flexible, and maybe do solo questing until someone else is LFG. Perhaps you can group for something you don't want to do in hopes that the others will want to help you when you are finished helping them.


I guess you just have to adapt to your environment until server transfers are integrated.

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I have a Sith Maurader on The Fatman and a Jedi Shadow on Keller's Void and it's like I'm playing two different MMOs. One's a vibrant community and a perfectionist dream as I'm +3 levels ahead of all my objectives because I completed all FPs and Heroics with no problem finding groups. The other is a barren wasteland where I might see another real person now and then. My character is struggling as I'm left to complete a class storyline that I'm underleveled for. The Republic Fleet might have 50 people on it and all I'm left to do to get some money and XP is to play Warzones, which I absolutely hate. Especially when it's mostly ****ball. It just feels dead.


So I'm left to shelve my 2 month investment of time and energy and focus on a new character. Has anyone else basically had to quit playing a primary character due to a low population?


Try playing on Test Server, most of the time you are the ONLY player on the planet and sometimes the ONLY player in the game.

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I tend to agree with the OP. I'm an Imp on a server with a very low Republic population. (We aren't exactly a packed house either WZ queues can really linger at times.) It sucks a lot of the life out of PvP and Ilum. You never see Voidstar or Civil War because of it...it's 24/7 Huttball. The recent weapon crate spawn rate change which may have balanced things on high pop or well balanced servers basically decimated us. Those goals are ridiculous grind fests because we never see any fighting just dozens of Imps spinning in circles. We are lucky if we see a Republic player at Central once a night never mind a full OPS group capable of putting up a legit fight. I have friends on balanced servers who describe what sounds like a completely different and more enjoyable game. It would be nice to see balance restored and server pops increased. WZ queuing will help but more needs to be done. Edited by Zarrot
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