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Why did we all come to SWTOR?


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Star Wars fan since first... Errr... Third episode. :p

After Blizz team butchered hunters, done with WoW.

Seeing how WoW goes down, done with WoW second time.

Hoping that this game brings in the future expansions space combat. Action in the space and on the ground, as name states, Star Wars.

Looking forward do something fresh and new, instead killing every raid boss once in week.

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Huge Bioware fan.


I didn't really plan to get this game at launch, but I was impressed with the quality of the storyline in the open beta.


I am not a huge star wars fan, but I'll admit, getting my lightsaber, and hearing that svrroooommmm sound for the first time. Made me feel all warm inside.


I grew up with star wars, but I feel GL has sacrificed a lot of the story (starting with RoTJ), for the sake of money.


But Bioware has earned my <3 many times.




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I like MMOs. I like Star Wars. Here to for, I'm taking a shot in the dark that I might like a star wars MMO. O.o


Edit: The Star Wars Trilogy was my fav movies next to ferngully when I was in my diabolical years. Mass Effect has a special place in my heart. <3

Edited by Ohaiguis
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Been doing high level raiding in WoW for a while, but it's getting old; and it seems to be heading in the wrong direction now. SW:ToR looks like the real WoW killer, so it's nice to get into the next big MMO hardcore raiding scene from the very beginning. I also like Sci-fi, and the Stargate MMO never came to be. :) Edited by Mirela
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SWG was my first MMO and loved almost every second of it. The game and I, had our moments. That is until SOE took a butcher knife and just kept stabbing away at the poor thing until it died. All the while, I'm sure, they enjoyed watching and got a few good laughs as the game was hemorrhaging metaphorical blood.

Anyways, loved KOTOR and my brother convinced me I'll need a Star Wars fix now that SWG is gone. So, here I am :)

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oh, why not, i'll bite! might as well make my first post on a good topic.


i watched the star wars movies on VHS when i was a kid (29 now, so i didn't see them when they first came out) from there, i got all into the sci-fi themed shows & movies. HUGE star trek fan, pretty much every one the series (except enterprise).


i should say i'm a big lucasarts fan, played pretty much all the games including The Dig, Full Throttle, indiana jones, Tie Fighter (my fav).


my favorite games are more like real time strat games, played a ton of warcraft II & III, Civilization I-IV and also Diablo I & II. Then started my first MMO with WoW. I started that around the release of Wrath of the Lich King and got hooked. i played pretty steady for about 2 years. When Cata came out, i slowly stopped playing, i never really felt the new expansion. i thought they changed too many of the dynamics i thought made the game really good, and just never got into the new story line. and overall, i was just burnt out on the same old stuff, daily after daily, same dungeon over and over. I tried star trek online for a month or so, but it never really felt like a MMO, i pretty much played it as a single player on everything until 1 or 2 missions at the very end.


i've been eagerly waiting for Diablo III to come out and i had a chance to try Beta for SW:TOR. i did one of the weekend plays and was hooked.


i don't consider myself a hard core MMO'er, just someone who enjoys a good game with a good story line and playing with good people from time to time.


the new star wars was pretty much that in my eyes. they took everything that was RIGHT with WoW and just made it better. it felt just like i was playing with WoW (alot of the controls are still the same) but just with a way better story, better graphics, the choice system, the voice acting, and much more. and of course, it's a new star wars game!

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Ever since EQ, I've always had at least one MMO. I like the genre, and it's nice to have something to do with my wife that we both enjoy. While we were playing WoW back in 2009, we heard about TOR, though I remember hearing KOTORO rumors well before the official announcement. Since that point, even before I knew it was certain, I've been waiting for this game.


Both my wife and I loved the KOTOR series. We loved Mass Effect. We liked (to a lesser degree) DA:O and DA2. We fall into three key categories for this game: BW fan, SW fan, and MMO vet. That mix just makes this game more appealing than anything out there right now. It's hard to play anything else knowing that we'll probably be getting in tomorrow.

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I am here mostly because I am a huge KotOR fan. It made me a fan of BioWare and I love a lot of their other games as well.


And, well, I (like a lot of people my age, I assume) always wanted to be Han Solo when I grew up (despite being a girl :) ) - so I assume that has a little bit to do with it. Mostly KotOR though. :p

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So I was wondering why we all decided to come check out SWTOR? Starwars fan? Bioware fan? Got tired of the other MMO game? What is your reason? I came to check it out because i was tired of the other MMO game i played. I grew bored then tired of everything beiing to easy. I am not that super big on starwars to be honesst but I loved the KOTOR games.


Star Wars fanboi here.


Playing as Bounty Hunter. Freaking AWESOME!! Thanks so much Bioware! Story is amazing.

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Well, I came from WoW.


Played with a bunch of friends on that game, had great times and eventually we all got sick of the community on that game, our guild died due to so many inactive people and we realm transferred to only find ourselves in a even worse position. All my friends quit except me and my brother. We still played the game. We both heard everyone was starting up SWTOR and at first I was thinking "Oh great, another attempt at a "WoW Killer" " I continued to say it'll be a bad game/ will keep people interested for two weeks, ect. I watched my friend play the Beta. Looked pretty good and I was considering it. WoW has been dull and is dying for a while now. The new patch already came out and I'm decently bored with it. Pre-ordered this game just in time, got a new laptop (old one died on me two days ago) downloaded SWTOR and now I'm waiting for my EA. Hopefully tomorrow. We made a huge group of friends and plan on playing on the same realm, some of us Sith, others Republic. It'll be fun to see my friends on the opposite side and PvP them and have some guild battles now and then.


I apologize for my terrible grammar and sentences, it's getting late and I'm probably heading off to bed soon.

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I was always a big star wars fan. I've been playing WoW for a while. I heard about swtor but already had so much time invested in WoW that I didn't want to leave. Then I heard about Pandaria, and all the time I spent with WoW seemed wasted.
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I had stopped playing MMOs after about the 2nd month of RIFT, and only really like "The Empire Strikes Back" in terms of Star Wars, so I wasn't initially interested, but a friend hooked me up with a beta key and the combination of voice-acted dialog options and MMO play is interesting enough to try out for a while.
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