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leveling companions


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I'll probably finish my shadow lvling before I get going on my sentinel to much, but I gotta say I'm having alot of fun just smashing things. My question is which companions work best for pve leveling. I get that once you get doc you stick with him, but curious up until then who works best. T7 sure seems like a beast. I always see people running with Kira once they get her so kinda curious what companions work best/when. Or if they are just using Kira to romance.
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it depends, T7 wears heavy armor and can draw aggro really well leaving you free to dps/dot the target. however Kira can be a monster killer and is happy to leap from target to target. she'll drop 3 to 4 weak in a mob while I deal w/the champ/elite and then she'll leap in to help me finish him off.


Both are very gear dependent... keep them equipped for their current lvl and either one will work depending on your play style.


btw my sent is lvl44 I have doc and still like running w/Kira.


(Kira: Eat lightsaber jerk!)

Edited by magecutter
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I'll probably finish my shadow lvling before I get going on my sentinel to much, but I gotta say I'm having alot of fun just smashing things. My question is which companions work best for pve leveling. I get that once you get doc you stick with him, but curious up until then who works best. T7 sure seems like a beast. I always see people running with Kira once they get her so kinda curious what companions work best/when. Or if they are just using Kira to romance.


I used Kira fine until getting Doc.

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(Combat 23 here) I tried Kira when I got her and really wanted to like her. Her personality is great and dual Jedi is boss, but the tanking of T7 just fits my playstyle better. So I'm a bit sad for now. I prob won't get Doc for some time so maybe I'll try her out again when I've gotten more burn-phase skills. Till then, T7 + Jedi = unstoppable force!
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My 2 cents =)


T7 : Good tank, good dps. He does everything and he's good at it. He talks in code so it's quite geeky though. Very good overall =). Too bad he does not heal :D


Kira : Well do I really need to say that she has a nice pair of b****? This + her personnality are the 2 main reasons she is picked i guess. Apart from that forget about her. She does have good dps, but you do too. No heal, Squishy, no tank stance. To me it's a bad choice unless you outlevel your area and do not need heal or tank, just speed.


C2N2 : Well he (it?) is ugly, no attack, tough to gear but... he heals. Heals mean everybody should hit you if you play well, so rebuke more effective, centering building faster (defensive forms), riposte proc more often (as you do not really have a lot of options, do not get rid of riposte since the beginning). To me it's the best. But his impact on the story is quite... empty?

Plus he is quite annoying.


As a conclusion : T7 as safe choice, Kira for story, C2N2 for effectiveness and stomping planets.


A little comment, C2N2 is the only one letting you going dark side without seing -1/-80 at each decision. Also C2N2 will allow to not stop every tough fight to regen. He does it all the time =)

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I used T7 then Doc.


Kira doesn't suit my play style and to be honest she annoys me..

The whole passive aggressive thing. "Glad to finally have something useful to do", and "Eat lightsabre jerk" always sounds like "Lightside jerk"...

If thats you attitude, you can sod off back to daddy! Oh wait I smashed him and teabagged his corpse... You can just go treasure hunting then.

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I used Kira exclusively till I got Doc. Kept her geared with latest wearable mods and Me and her blew through mobs like butter. I did not find her squishy as others here have posted. Me and her both stayed alive pretty easily. Main thing is keeping any companion you use equipped with the mods for thier lvl, they will all "live" if you do that. It really all comes down to playstyle on which to use. I still use Kira until there are 2+ gold star bosses plus an silver star elite, then I switch to Doc (which btw on Hoth that is pretty much the NPC grp make-up throughout most of the missions).
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