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Why there is so much QQ and this game is dying!


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Maybe it is a question of expectations. I picked this game on a whim and didn't expect much, maybe that is why I was really pleasantly surprised.


I'm still playing and enjoying myself. However there have been games that I was dying for to come out. EQ2 stands out most in my mind. I had such high expectations and was horribly disappointed. So I can understand on some level what those of you who had built this game up might be feeling.


Objectively, I think its a pretty good game. It launched in a better and more complete state than most mmos, in my opinion. I like the story lines and I think the pvp is in pretty good shape for two months after launch. I'm not saying that there isn't room for improvement.


Also, I agree Warhammer is a great game for pvp, but unfortunately nobody plays it anymore.


We shall see what the future brings for SWTOR, but I am going stick around for a bit.


I don't think its the next huge thing everyone was expecting, but then again, I don't know that Tera or GW2 will be either.


If you are having fun, keep playing, if not take a break.


Cheers to all.

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Soon to be released in Aus and

We're getting local servers this alone will pull players

From the Australasia community


Also my guild has over

30 Members avg online most days and all Are pretty happy with the game

We fp hm ops and wz ilum

People are playing the game and having fun

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Hey bro your posting on the forums answering my thread, takes one to know one I guess.


Personal insults aside my point is not that I have proof it is dying other than witnessing less people online personally, my point is I think it will die because people have played WOW and there is actually less innovation here to keep people interested.


It's more of a novelty now than a STAR WARS!!


Well sry but calling retard to anyone that is enjoying this game for whataver reason doesnt seem a good way to make an argument. So yeah i responded in kind.

I dont feel the game is dying at least not in my server anyhow. in Imperial fleet just now was 266 ppl.

But if it is, the diference i dont find that a greater issue for the most part. rift and other MMOs are just like wow and they are pretty much alive. So that is why i dont worry to much. And swtor has manny manny servers. pop is way spread out too.

Edited by Spartanik
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The game is not dying. I can understand why forums are filled with negativity because most of us who continue to enjoy the game and look forward to TOR evolving into an even greater masterpiece over time are actually playing.


There is only a very small segment of the player population that can do nothing but theory craft their prophecy of doom about the game.

Edited by mandrillagon
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game is not dying..its going strong with almost 2 mil subs.


the vocal few on the forums think so....I guess its true



It HAD 2 mil, lost 300K in first month.


Tends to be as soon as people hit L50 they have about 2 weeks of 'this is AWESOME' before 'There's NOTHING to do'.


This has to be a big concern for BW considering that most are going to hit L50 in next couple of weeks.


Game was too easy and fast to level up in.



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Bottom line there is no innovation on the mmo side of things. It Kotor single player and WOW pvp.


Where are the space fights, guild ships, boarding ships, capture of planets, mayors of planets or towns, meaningful open world pvp, a new paradigm in mmo gear grinds...anything new and innovative???


They played safe instead of being innovative, but I don't think it looks to good for the future of this game.


Where is the War in Star Wars.


Go throw some balls around you Jedi and Sith!


It was called SWG :p

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The game is not dying. I can understand why forums are filled with negativity because most of us who continue to enjoy the game and look forward to TOR evolving into an even greater masterpiece over time are actually playing.



'An even greater masterpiece over time ... ' ?


Are we playing the same game?


Dude, I don't dislike the game. For the most part I like it but it's basically an MMO in name only. It's a solo-player RPG with occassional co-op (Heroics, etc) and a limited multiplayer.


If they said that THIS was the Beta, I'd be over the moon. Have my money, consider it pre-ordered! Has a lot of potential, should be awesome.


IMO, I have more fun discussing aspects of the game and interacting with people on the forums than actually playing the same 3 WZs over and over. That shouldn't be :p

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'An even greater masterpiece over time ... ' ?


Are we playing the same game?


Dude, I don't dislike the game. For the most part I like it but it's basically an MMO in name only. It's a solo-player RPG with occassional co-op (Heroics, etc) and a limited multiplayer.


If they said that THIS was the Beta, I'd be over the moon. Have my money, consider it pre-ordered! Has a lot of potential, should be awesome.


IMO, I have more fun discussing aspects of the game and interacting with people on the forums than actually playing the same 3 WZs over and over. That shouldn't be :p


I can understand your perspective hinging more in the pvp aspect of the game which seems to have more if its problems. I'm not ashamed to say I am more of a roleplayer and have been enjoying a new alt as I reach endgame with my main. I also get to play through the storyline of two factions. For people like us end game is very far off.

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Ah, overlooked that specific one. True, that would be awesome. My main points still stand.


It would be awesome as long as a single enemy players cannot just land, walk up to one of these control bases, pull a bazooka out of arse and blow it away without even a scratch. There should be fortifications you should be able to buy & place, reinforce armors around vehicles/doors/walls, upgrade guards maybe with guild valor points. An entire ops group should still take some time breaking defenses so the other side may have a chance to assemble and defend the base.


On that note, be nice to see guild alliance ability along with chats, and maybe even a server wide call to arms 'chat'.

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Dude, I don't dislike the game. For the most part I like it but it's basically an MMO in name only. It's a solo-player RPG with occassional co-op (Heroics, etc) and a limited multiplayer.



*** game are you playing? lol.

I really don't know how people consider this game a single player RPG.. Guess you don't know how to be social. I quest A LOT more with other ppl in this game, than any other MMO I have..


Guess being in WZs, FP, and in Ilum isn't enough people to make you not feel like its a single player.


Be Social. lol..

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I can understand your perspective hinging more in the pvp aspect of the game which seems to have more if its problems. I'm not ashamed to say I am more of a roleplayer and have been enjoying a new alt as I reach endgame with my main. I also get to play through the storyline of two factions. For people like us end game is very far off.



Ah, not I see.


Yes, for PvE it's not bad.


Completely different story for PvP.

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Dying? LOL

In my server is not dying, and the imp still zerging illum (1) and (2) with their 2734908928479274892749827 sith casting instant lightings!

If u dont like the game there are plenty of other places, we don't need your rants and claims not backed up by facts here. Thanks.

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2/3+ of most guilds have quit (my own guild has only 18 players left out of the 150 we had), queues are gone, most of the servers sit at light/standard pop even at prime times, and there's <100 people on the fleets.


You on the Jar-Jar Binks server? One of the last servers to launch?


Still have WZ queues, guild is 150 strong, 200-250 on fleet. There's even a login server queue every once in a while


Plus, people who are content with the game dont come on the forums to start threads about how awesome the game is

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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The game is not dying, nor is it going to. I'd even say with all that was invested it's too big to ever fail. That being said, I don't ever see it growing much beyond where it is now unless BioWare changes some things and expands upon other things. In the end this game will be successful, but I don't see it ever reaching its true potential.
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