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Camera movement smoothing makes me unable to enjoy this game...


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The camera movement smoothing just disallows me to enjoy the game... insetad of focusing on the game, lore, immersion, nice views of in-games zones im struggling with awkward camera smoothing and auto-follow :/ Camera movement smoothing in game is like adding unnecesary lag to it.... After each quick camera turn you need to first realise where are you looking now, and then make corrections to where you wanted to look, becouse the turn rate is not linear to mouse movement :/

The only option is to move camera only slowly, when its neccesary and skip the free-look around you when you drive speeder or taxi... abandon pvp awaraness with having eyes around your head etc... Limit camera movement to minimum or become irritated by its mechanic.


I have already re-subbed and there is still no hotfix for that even tho its just disabling part of the code - it doesnt require writing much of a new code - just a toggle.

Edited by MuNieK
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To be honest op, sounds like fps problem. Are you saying your camera shutters or isn't smooth while turning it? If yes then you have a low fps. What is yours? Ctl+sht+F to find out.


Mine wasn't smooth till I upgraded my gpu. Now everything runs smooth as shimmersilk.


Now the camera zoom is a whole other problem.

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how come for you "camera movement smoothing" sounds like stuttering and being not smooth...?


edit: its rethorical question, dont answer it...


Im talking about smoothing / acceleration - the non-linear mouse-to-camera movement dependance.

Edited by MuNieK
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