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PT vs. Jugg - please help! :)


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Hi All,


I've asked this question a few times... and never seem to get a conclusive answer. I'm trying to dodge the whining and QQing - thats not what I'm here for.


I'd like to hear from people who have a levelled Jugg AND Powertech if possible.


I have a 50 Jugg... loved the levelling...felt like a nice easy grind compared to some of my alts... BUT... hating the AOE threat issues in flashpoints.. I know I can work around them... and still tank flashpoints/operations successfully... but it annoys me... and I honestly don't want to feel annoyed while I'm tanking - I've done that for too many years lol.


I have limited time to play the game unfortunately due to work etc... but I get the feeling I'll have a better time AOEing in flashpoints with the PT... and thats kinda what I'm after really - I've done MMOs with single target tanking focus too much in the past - now I'd like a better shot at some AOE damage options.


Don't get me wrong..I like the Jugg, like the toolset..and I understand that their focus is essentially different to that of a PT (so I'm not just in here crying about it) but there's just something making me feel "meh" about keeping him as my main...


So... my question, if anyone has the experience (because I don't!) - can anyone advise me on whether I should bother taking the time to level my lvl 22 Powertech to the top?...or will I ultimately have the same issues?




Any help/advice would be appreciated.


TY :)

Edited by Onostoolan
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I played a jedi guardian to 45, a powertech to 50, and a vanguard to 43. All full tank.


I'll be more detailed if you want, but to put it as simply as possible:


Powertechs are way better at holding aggro, and Juggernauts are way better at staying alive via their 'OH ****' damage reduction/defense abilities.

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Sounds like you really wanna be a jugg, and pls do by all means. BH tanking isn't as easy as many paint it out to be.


Hehe thats not quite what I meant. I've got a 50 Jugg already...but feeing "myeh"....What I'd really like is for someone to give me a level 50 Powertech for the day so that i could take him for a spin...have a bash at a few flashpoints..and weigh up the differences for myself


...but failing that..(and back to reality...thats not going to happen lol) :)


I'm basically asking anyone who has levelled both Jugg and Powertech for their advice.. ideally I'd like to find out if the endgame Powertech plays to the kind of style I'm after...without levelling mine from 22 to 50 ..and finding out I've wasted hours lol


I played a jedi guardian to 45, a powertech to 50, and a vanguard to 43. All full tank.


I'll be more detailed if you want, but to put it as simply as possible:


Powertechs are way better at holding aggro, and Juggernauts are way better at staying alive via their 'OH ****' damage reduction/defense abilities.


This is kinda what i had in mind... and pretty much the sort of thing I'd like to test out for myself (when i finally get time that is!) :)


Anyone got any further info?



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Ok :p well I got a lvl 50 PT and lvled a Jugg until 43. One thing I must say is first the "Its was better at holding aggro" just applies to the beginning of the fight, because thats when ur heat is at its lowest and u got this tons of heat-dissipating abilities. As for the "Juggs Live Longer" thats really not true... Only difference survival wise is, you get a 40% dmg reduction every 3min. And we get a 20% accuracy debuff every min, see the balance there ;)?


For me tho lvling both tank specs have identical dps, (I got as I annoyed in my PT tank as in my Jugg Tank, in my inability to down stuff faster). One thing to consider seriously tho PT's don't feel as ****** as juggs.


There go my true two cents :)

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I have a 42 PT, and a 25 Jugg.


The Jugg was my main, until I started leveling my PT in the offtime tanking some FP's for kicks.


Ooh I have Death From Above to start my AoE, cool, then I learned Flame Sweep. Spammable AOE on demand Heat depending. But there was still that straggler out from the group, bingo Grapple.


I find that Power Techs have more control over tanking in FP's than my Jugger did, granted I did not have all of the late game skills that you do now, but I did not really want to wait till 30+ before I was comfortable tanking.


And PvP is a Blast.


Now on the flip side. I do not really feel like a Tank on my PT, I feel like a DPS that all the mobs just hate?

I think I want to tank on my Jugg because he has a Light Sabre, and I have always been used to the Sword n Board style Tanking, not with a Gun?

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When pre-launched started I had my heart completely set on rolling a jug. Being loyal to the class I started with an immortal jugg and ran all the quests and jug story. However as I was leveling my jug I noticed that I wasn't doing a whole lot of damage nor kills in PvP. In addition I seemed very squishy. Staying loyal to the class and not rolling anything else, I continued playing the class hoping that I would eventually become this unstoppable machine at higher levels. After about 5 weeks I finally hit lvl 50 (casual player here). Got all the datacrons, decent gear, relics, etc, etc,...and still just wasn't impressed with this class at lvl 50. After getting owned on Illum and warzone PvP countless times, I admitted defeat and gave up the class (rage quit to be exact). I pretty much wrote up the fact that I just didn't know how to play the class.


After doing a lot of research on the forum, I was intrigued with the Bounty Hunter Powertech class. After hitting my low teens with this class and started playing PvP, I always seemed to hit the top 3-4 rank of both damage and kills, and it typically took 2 people to kill me. Not to mention I had the crappiest gear with no relics. I went straight up the Pyro tree and to be honest, I have never looked back at my sad, sad, sad lvl 50 jugg. I am so happy with my Pyrotech Bounty Hunter, I will probably never touch the jugg ever again. Nothing better than to have off tank abilities, ranged damage, death from above, and grapple. Trust me, go Powertech and you will not regret it!

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Bounty Hunters' main difference from Jugg is the heat stat. It's like a reverse version of energy from rogues. Honestly, it feels more like being a tanking rogue than anything else, great dps capability but lacking in the ability to survive like a juggernaut. I routinely go into war zones with a juggernaut buddy and the biggest difference is that he's able to weather burst better. I don't know how he does it but there it is.


I hit harder, he hits longer, other than that, same stats for the most part.

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It's a difficult one.


On the one hand, Juggs do have a lot of stuff going for them. Having the panic buttons is nice, and I too was more comfortable with a more traditional style of melee tank. It's still quite nice to not rely on Heat, I feel guilty as a BH or IA when I misuse an ability and screw up my regen. It can occasionally feel slightly stilted as a PT, because you have all these instant cast abilities but in order to not misuse heat you have to stagger their usage manually. As a tank in an MMO I never relied on a set 'rotation' as such because everything is reactional (ofc), but a priority system was still easy to use. A Jugg in my opinion has an ever so slightly 'smoother' set of abilities, requiring less manual timing from the player and less judgement on how full they think the heat bar is.


On the other hand, I've have to say Powertech all the way. Purely in terms of tanking, I really like the PT style. Gathering up mobs isn't too arduous, we've got plenty of aoe options and mobility as well as kickass range. Basically, I like tanking as a PT because I can just enjoy myself as I easily gather up the mobs. Whilst I appreciate the awesomeness of defensive cooldowns it's refreshing to not really have many - we can just rely on our good natural mitigation, I tend to hoard defensive cooldowns if I have them.


One other thing I feel is a major factor is how... rounded the Powertech is. The Juggernaut is a classic class - I enjoy that kind of Warrior/Fighter archetype. In SWTOR you get a lightsaber, cool skills, cool outfits, it's a solid class. The Powertech just fits in with my slightly schizophrenic taste more. I'm actually astounded at how much of a ranged class I am at times. I recently specced into Pyro and I can take down an average group of enemies (a few normals and a strong mob) at range without breaking a sweat. You get to use cool gadgets and change up your playstyle quite a lot as a PT. Levelling up as a shieldtech or pyrotech is so easy and quick, with Mako healing you just rip through content. I really like the freedom that being a hybrid range/melee character gives you. You can stay constantly on the move, engaging with enemies at long range while cycling through your skills as you get closer and closer until you get into melee range and finish them off, before running to the next group without breaking stride and doing it again.


I'm also enjoying PvP. I miss my Sniper a tiny bit (sneaking about just out of view is enjoyable) but I find I can enjoy myself with any spec in PvP as PT. If I'm tanking, then I can zip about the battlefield and genuinely cause menace. You've got a little bit of utility in just about every category, and the ranged taunts/stun/armour bypass etc. is useful. Freely firing at range with aoe/etc. makes you a very efficient and durable defender. As Pyro, I recently found out that it's possible to fall in love with pixels on a screen. I almost don't even play my Pyrotech as a melee class; I mean, I'll be in melee range in most fights but I rarely get there pro-actively. I focus on my incendiary missiles, rail shots, unload, death from above etc., and flame burst feels quite long-range. If I'm facing a ranged class like a Gunslinger/Sorc/Merc then obviously I'll be taking advantage of melee but it's very liberating to not be centred around it. If I'm facing another melee character I can lay down a lot of firepower and kite them so that if we do get in melee range, I've practically won the fight already. It's great to realise that, after all the shooting and the missiles and the mobility... you end up in melee range and think 'Oh yeah, this is where I'm actually supposed to be, things only get better!'.


I'd still rate Jugg as an awesome class, and I will play on mine again some day. When it comes to tanking, my personal preference is the PT. After playing as a healer for so many years, my approach to tanking is 'Well I did my job, everyone is attacking me, if I die I'm guilt-free!'. The passive nature of the PT defence and their mobility and tools just suits me, even if every tank can tank all content with equal effectiveness. Outside of tanking, I just think the Powertech has a lot more variety and flexibility.


Oh and, aesthetically, we look awesome. One pistol, bulky armour, jetpack, yeah. Are you a fan of Firefly? Because the D-5 Mantis is obviously a homage to Serenity. The third wing/engine that pops down underneath the craft in flight annoys me, but everything else is remarkably similar, just scaled down. Inside it's all triangular hatches, browny-reddy-rust colour, grilled flooring, etc.

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Hah I asked whether you were a Firefly fan or not, before realising that you are obviously (hopefully) a Steven Erikson - Malazan fan? Onostoolan, do you carry a flint sword? xD


Haha yep you got me - maybe thats why I'm having problems as a Jugg....damn flint sword doesn't stack up to the lightsabers! :)


I met Steven Erikson once... Waterstones in Manchester. Really small book signing thing (lol..I sat next to him chatting before it started but didn't even realise it was him until he stood up at the front (facepalm!) )


On the other hand, I've have to say Powertech all the way. Purely in terms of tanking, I really like the PT style. Gathering up mobs isn't too arduous, we've got plenty of aoe options and mobility as well as kickass range. Basically, I like tanking as a PT because I can just enjoy myself as I easily gather up the mobs. Whilst I appreciate the awesomeness of defensive cooldowns it's refreshing to not really have many - we can just rely on our good natural mitigation, I tend to hoard defensive cooldowns if I have them.


So yeh... this is the kind of thing I was talking about. I think that you and me are in the same boat. I tend to hoard too... which I shouldn't as a Jugg. Yes I DO like the look and feel of the Jugg, BUT I've spent many years in another MMO fighting a hard fight with threat-gen - ultimately its a winnable battle of course... but I would like to enjoy tanking again to be honest. I like a challenge, but when it becomes a stress (and a guilt trip from losing aggro ...even when I'm not supposed to have it lol) ...then I think I need to re-look at what class I'm playing.


Not sure what it is... but despite all the really good parts of the Juggernaut... all the really cool tools and the "heroic" feel of leaping around the place... something (for me) seems to be not quite right.


Thanks to all for the feedback - much appreciated everyone. I'm going to give my Powertech a shot at the title ... will need some considerable grind time, but I'll feed back on here when I make some worthwhile progress.


It may be that I find it no better of course..its a possibility..... if so then I might ask for volunteers to shoot me :)


TY all

Edited by Onostoolan
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Oh yeh.. forgot to ask (now that I'm decided on my course of action...thanks again all by the way)


Can anyone advise me on a levelling spec? I'm assuming that with me wanting to be a tank at endgame...I should probably level in Shield tree - but does anyone have any advice for e good levellnig spec?


TY again :)

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I'd spec full shieldtech until level 30 and then switch to pyro DPS.


This is a good plan. You can still kill things quickly as a shieldtech during Act 1, but you'll get used to the playstyle. Soloing is a breeze with Mako, you can take on heroic 2+ quests by yourself (I accidentally did a heroic quest by accident, it was late at night and I didn't actually notice a significant increase in difficulty). ST actually has some good dps talents up to that level.


It's definitely worth speccing into Pyro DPS at some point because it's such a laugh. Once you get Incendiary Missile and can upgrade your Rail Shot to vent heat then the spec really opens up.


Near the end of the game I'm a big Carolina Parakeet fan - check these forums for the exact spec. It's a hybrid of Shieldtech/Pyrotech which lets you tank stuff effectively but lets you keep a remarkable amount of DPS, a good 40-50 build.


Gonna have to spec AP at some point, maybe invent an awesome and OP new hybrid AP/Pyro build...

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This is a good plan. You can still kill things quickly as a shieldtech during Act 1, but you'll get used to the playstyle. Soloing is a breeze with Mako, you can take on heroic 2+ quests by yourself (I accidentally did a heroic quest by accident, it was late at night and I didn't actually notice a significant increase in difficulty). ST actually has some good dps talents up to that level.


It's definitely worth speccing into Pyro DPS at some point because it's such a laugh. Once you get Incendiary Missile and can upgrade your Rail Shot to vent heat then the spec really opens up.


Near the end of the game I'm a big Carolina Parakeet fan - check these forums for the exact spec. It's a hybrid of Shieldtech/Pyrotech which lets you tank stuff effectively but lets you keep a remarkable amount of DPS, a good 40-50 build.


Gonna have to spec AP at some point, maybe invent an awesome and OP new hybrid AP/Pyro build...


Yeh I stumbled across the Parakeet thing - not sure I get it yet. The short version (that I took from my reading of it) was that it makes you slightly less tanky... but much more powerful DPS wise.


I think the jist of it is that I'd need to tank in full shield spec until I get some decent gear... then think about switching to the Parakeet spec ... will have to go back and read some more i guess :)



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