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jugg or mara?


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just got my assassin to 50 and now want to roll an alt, i'm looking for a purely dps class with high burst potential shold i pick jugg or mara?




Juggy have the same tanky abilities as your Sin(I mean guard/taunts and ****).


AND juggy dps does not get all ours survivability abilities

Edited by atreyuz
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Juggy have the same tanky abilities as your Sin(I mean guard/taunts and ****).


AND juggy dps does not get all ours survivability abilities


Thank you, will roll a mara, however i still managed to get a nice silly name for a jug should i ever want to roll one :D "Hulksmash"

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Both are good fun (I play a Guardian and Marauder).


As above I'd go with Marauder as Jugg is quite similar to Assassin..


i'm playing a mara, they feel really alien... like are like ballsasks, you get hit scream and fall to the floor dead.. only 27 atm..



also i'm having a skill overload, seem to get like 100, i have a naga and still finding issues, also im feeling energy starved and all the main skills seem to always be on cooldown, is ravenge a joke?

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i'm playing a mara, they feel really alien... like are like ballsasks, you get hit scream and fall to the floor dead.. only 27 atm..



also i'm having a skill overload, seem to get like 100, i have a naga and still finding issues, also im feeling energy starved and all the main skills seem to always be on cooldown, is ravenge a joke?


Have you considered a Merc or a Sorc?


Merc, no worries with buttons. Just bind Tracer Missile to 1. Press it repeatedly. 200k+ in a warzone guaranteed, starting at level 20.


Sorc, no worries about energy starvation. You get a pool of 600 Force. Your abilities cost 25-45 Force. You regen 10 force/sec. Do the math. Plus tons of talents to boost your regen rate. Again, bind Force Lightning to 1. Press repeatedly. 200k+ guaranteed, starting at level 20 too, Madness spec.

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If you want to be a difficult class to play but has the potential to be amazing, go mara. If you want to smash your face on your keyboard and profit go any other class. Well ok assassin isnt totally face roll, but BH, IE, yes.



lol i have sorcerer and assassin, they are pretty face roll. i will stick with mara, but it was a rude awakening pvping as a mara

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I have a Jugg lvl 50 full Rakata minus chestpiece and im leveling a marauder and making it my main since its better dps, better raid utility, and better in pvp when i choose to.


As I've told many people before, be prepared to be very frustrated with marauder in pvp for a while. Stick with it, though, because at 50 we are the best melee and one of the best all around dps in the game.

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Rage is so obvious and easy to avoid. I see the 4 stacks, i know he has smash ready, camo and take 0 damage (if specced in it). I will take MAYBE 25% damage and the jugg will be dead. You can also use undying rage for that too, but obviously make sure you are down in health and the trade off will be worth it. Or, force jump to a different enemy when you see the 4 stack and the obv smash spam.
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