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marauder aoe


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If you won't, then step aside for others that can AoE the group and singletarget dps mobs.

Why do you need to excell in everything? Why would we need different classes?


Probably because there are basic tasks that every spec needs to be able to accomplish and two of our three specs fails at being able to AE. I don't agree that they should just buff sweeping strike damage though, they should buff carnage and annihilation AE damage in ways that fit with the theme of the spec.


I'd remove the 1.5 second cooldown from Ataru procs when used with a sweeping strike and I would do the same for Deadly Saber. Deadly saber would then apply it's 3 charges to 3 separate random targets in the AE pack when a sweeping strike was used and everything hit by that sweeping strike would have a chance to take an additional ataru strike.

Edited by Rouncer
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Probably because there are basic tasks that every spec needs to be able to accomplish and two of our three specs fails at being able to AE. I don't agree that they should just buff sweeping strike damage though, they should buff carnage and annihilation AE damage in ways that fit with the theme of the spec.


I'd remove the 1.5 second cooldown from Ataru procs when used with a sweeping strike and I would do the same for Deadly Saber. Deadly saber would then apply it's 3 charges to 3 separate random targets in the AE pack when a sweeping strike was used and everything hit by that sweeping strike would have a chance to take an additional ataru strike.


Kinda Like that idea. I run Ops as Anni, so usually I'll just battering assault -> smash and alternate sweeping slash/normal hits. Tesco Marauder, every little helps


Unless it's a mix of strong/elites like before Pylon then I'll just focus down the golds

Edited by DarkenWulf
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Kinda Like that idea. I run Ops as Anni, so usually I'll just battering assault -> smash and alternate sweeping slash/normal hits. Tesco Marauder, every little helps


Unless it's a mix of strong/elites like before Pylon then I'll just focus down the golds


I think that's their reasoning for why our AE is allowed to be so weak, that someone needs to focus down the golds. Problem is that every dps spec can be used to focus down the golds but only a few of them are able to AE effectively.


Other thing I'd like to see changed would be crippling slash. It really should be an AE ability. Hell, they should probably just remove it altogether and make chilling scream a warrior ability instead of just a juggernaut one.

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