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The Valis fight is not about damage (i.e. killing him quickly before he kills you), but about survivability. It's all about interrupting every single one of his spells, and trying to avoid taking maximum damage from his attacks by using your defensive cooldowns. You need to time this right, interrupt him and dish out some damage. Use stims and medpacs and use Call on the Force in an emergency. If you have Biochem, theres something you can craft that will heal both you and Kira for x health and more over time. That will help you immensely.


What I did was I sent Kira in first, let her tank him for a while then switched him over to me (since she cant interrupt him), and when he did his knockback attack, I faced my back to the wall, and somehow that seemed to work. Basically its all about tactics with this guy. Pay attention to what hes doing and what attacks he's using and use your defensive cooldowns accordingly :)

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