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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

vangaurd vs other tank(s)


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Reroll to another class, if you don't LOVE your Vanguard at any level you are not one of us.


im a ALT'aholic i have love for all my char, its also my down fall. in the 7 years of playing MMO's i have NEVER capped, i get drawn in to other things when i see pros play their class to perfection, but in ever MMO i start as a tank and end as a tank....

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I went through the same thing in the midlevels. I had a lot of abilities but not many ways to regenerate ammo. Trust me it gets easier. Procs from shielding and, in my spec, energy blast both help a lot.


Check out Mirrormusume's (spelling?) excellent posts on bounty hunter powertech tanks if you want ideas for efficient rotations. Just keep a tab open on TORhead for the ability name translations.

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my vanguard is currently 21 and i'm struggling to see why i would remain as one,

ammo is far too annoying to keep an eye on with your CD, and buff/proc's


the only thing i see that the vanguard has going for it is the ''ranged'' tanking which is total BS as you need to be within at least 10m (for the good agro holders. for my level as i see it)


so my question is what does the vanguard have in terms of tanking that the shadow and the guardian does not have that would make people want me over the other 2? i want to keep it as equal as possible so all 3 tanks are of their defense trees...if possible, also mention if your argument is endgame or just in general


Why do we have to sell you on the class you should play? Pick what you want and stick with it. I started tanking with my Vanguard at level 10 (the only Republic class that can start tanking at level 10) and haven't looked back. You can frontload threat, you hit like a truck, and in PVP, you're an instant threat for a top three finish. Pick a Vanguard if you like stylish armor, being powerful, and feeling useful.

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I didnt pvp alot till 45, but for pve using yojacks build, unless i was an idiot I never die normally taking out 2 elites at a time with a strong. <3 dorne lol. In pvp, Im not in any fantastic gear just good from my own armormeching, But 90% of the time im in top 3 damage, highest protection, least deaths (unless otherside gets sick of me haha) and up there in kills. I never stand still, im running in and out of large groups, putting taunts on individuals and groups, protecting players, area stunning, interrupting, cryoing, smacking people in the head, storming, harpooning and generally just a huge headache for who ever im against. I use 30 some buttons and after a while it becomes second nature. It sucked until about 30 since then its been the most fun ive ever had in a class in 14 yrs off mmo since my monk in eq 1.


edit, yes the armor mechanic in pvp is dumb, and some tweaks need addressed, but mostly really well versital class that can do great across all fronts



Ghrunn Felshard, 47

Vanguard, Corillean Run

Order of Methedras

Edited by Necodreus
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In pvp, Im not in any fantastic gear just good from my own armormeching, But 90% of the time im in top 3 damage, highest protection, least deaths (unless otherside gets sick of me haha) and up there in kills. I never stand still, im running in and out of large groups, putting taunts on individuals and groups, protecting players, area stunning, interrupting, cryoing, smacking people in the head, storming, harpooning and generally just a huge headache for who ever im against.


lol, this is me exactly. I don't have any pvp gear, just mostly all purple/some blue mod and purple implants/earpiece, and I do quite well just being a giant pain in the rear to anyone im fighting. Storm and harpoon are the two coolest abilitys as vanguard imo, toying with runners is fun, either by luring them back to you or storming up to them and droppin' some roots and stuns on them, lol.

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I have gotten my vanguard up to lvl 30 so far and I love it so far. I see a lot of players use the vanguard at long range which is a bad habit. Once u get used to the concept of the close ranged ranged dps it'll be fun to play. Vanguards have harpoon and AoE threat not to mention storm once obtain on the skill tree. As for ammo as you go up the shield specialist tree your shield chances will increase, activating skills that increase crit chance and surge and even recharge your cells. On top of all that shielding you can give it a hefty armor rating.


Compared to my Jedi Guardian I feel this class is a better tank.


I personally like to keep abilities that focus on CQC on my hotbar when i was lvl 14-20 ion pulse, sticky gren, pulse cannon, stockstrike, cryo gren, recharge cells, guard, and ion cell, and impact bolt. I thought these would be the best abilities to use for it and have other abilites as back up.

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