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War Leader Rakata Gear...Why Bother?


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Can someone please explain why the Sith Warriors War Leaders Rakata gear has surge all through it when the warrior uses no to very little surge? im now 2 pieces into mine. It will be very annoying to have to go and collect twice the amount of gear to put right enhancements into slots. May aswell just stay in columi or not have a juggernaut tank.

Bioware basic thing needs fixing fast!

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Yes I have already done that, shouldnt have to is the point, the Bounty Hunter tanking rakata gear has all the appropriate stats you should expect with tanking gear....just created this since bioware say tey read and listen to forums so hopefully they can fix it real quickly if not future warrior tanks dont waste your time.
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You do understand that surge is useful right?


I think the question is if it's more usefull then the secondary stat it is replacing. As far as I'm concerned there are 2 possible reasons for end-game gear stat distribution.

1: Bioware rolled the dice and distributed stats accordingly.

2: Bioware wants you to use the swappable mod system badly, so you can appreciate how nice it is.(Not saying it's not. I REALLY like it) Which is also the reason why the bosses drop rakata level mods.


Which one you belive to be correct I guess is a matter of how much faith you have in Bioware.

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I main tank nightmare just fine in full rakata war leaders. I dont see the problem here. Until they release some harder content, just having the rakata set makes jugg tanking PvEasymode. Personally I like the burst dmg for fights where the boss has shielded phases, and obv, more dmg=more threat which always helps juggs
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I'm iffy about the surge, but can we talk about the real bizzaro world problem here?


Why in the blue blazes of hell do the DPS type relics all have more Endurance than the Tanking type relics?


Having Power on the tanking type relics and more Endurance on the DPS ones just seem backwards.

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All valid repsonses glad to get some feed back, yeah i know surge is usefull but my crit chance is 18% roughly, curious to know what other tanks crit chance is at? i always thought we wanted end, str, acc and shield bonus and defence bonus for damage reduction surge isnt that great without the crit chance fairly high.

At the moment yes tanking is very easy in ops doing HM at the moment and not haveing hardly any dramas but like you said when harder bosses come out surge will be pointless i believe, be good if it increased threat per hit or something not just a crit bonus which it does i know in a roundabout type of way but with such a low %chance i dont believe it is worth it.

The Rakata Relics seems wired yes extra power increaes damage so threat is slightly better but without a guage hard to tell.

I have both shield, defence bonus ones plus power and crit bonus ones the extra endurance isnt that much and with my damage reduction and shield chance at around 45% only think you need 22kish of health to tank. I could be wrong

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Can someone please explain why the Sith Warriors War Leaders Rakata gear has surge all through it when the warrior uses no to very little surge? im now 2 pieces into mine. It will be very annoying to have to go and collect twice the amount of gear to put right enhancements into slots. May aswell just stay in columi or not have a juggernaut tank.

Bioware basic thing needs fixing fast!


Only 2 set pcs have surge. when you crit it does contribute to the damage that ups your threat. What you should be worried about a lot more is the defense you are trading for absorption.

Edited by Foenixz
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I think the question is if it's more usefull then the secondary stat it is replacing. As far as I'm concerned there are 2 possible reasons for end-game gear stat distribution.

1: Bioware rolled the dice and distributed stats accordingly.

2: Bioware wants you to use the swappable mod system badly, so you can appreciate how nice it is.(Not saying it's not. I REALLY like it) Which is also the reason why the bosses drop rakata level mods.


Which one you belive to be correct I guess is a matter of how much faith you have in Bioware.


Theres a third. Team A created the classes. Team B created the flashpoints. Team C created the stats and forumla. Team D created items. No team ever talked to each other throughout the 7 years this game was developed and tried to tie it all together in the last week.


This game has evidence of bad management and communication all over it.

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Only 2 set pcs have surge. when you crit it does contribute to the damage that ups your threat. What you should be worried about a lot more is the defense you are trading for absorption.


Meh, if it's meant to increase threat then Surge seems kind of random. Wouldn't Power be better for increasing damage and thereby threat? Or even better Shield or Absorb for tanking. :p Defense is a great stat for tanks but Surge?

Edited by MorgonKara
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Ideally, a jugg tank should have 0 crit rating and 0 surge. Either stat is worse than... any other stat besides alacrity.


Only 2 pieces of rakata war leaders has surge on it - replace those enhancements with columi enhancements until you get spare rakata (hard ops will drop raw rakata enhancements as well, since you're the tank you should automatically be getting any tanking ones that drop).


Almost every class/spec has bad itemization at several different points, thankfully none of them are without workarounds.


That being said, a badly itemized tank will still do fine in this games current state. A badly itemized tank can still solo-tank any fight except for the kp puzzle. That being said, it is still worth caring about your stats as itemized tank will be able to do better if bad luck hits you - last week we had a healer DC during nightmare gharj, and the other healer was still able to keep everyone up. I doubt a tank with surge/crit would be able to handle that (In my experience, the majority of gharj healing is spent on the lazy dps, giving them little time to be casting on the tank)

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