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Hybrid build?


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Yeah pretty pointless. Out of both of those trees you're missing the things that make them most viable.


If i HAD to play a hybrid spec id pry go the other way. Spec enough into annihilation to get a tiny bit of bleeds/deadly saber and then stay rage for the rest.

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I know a sent who is hybrid but more so in focus/rage tree getting all the abilities in that tree that do not require shii-cho form as he will play that spec in juyo form.




without the 31 in focus/rage it means less super dmg slam crits, but juyo stacking 10% extra damage means the 1 slam you do get after choke will hit harder. and you get the bleeds.


what would almost seem worth it is the last talent in rage tree increses critical strike damage of force attacks by 30%. and if bleeds are force, then that + bleedout would mean +60% crit damage from bleeds? or am i wrong in assuming that?

Edited by KilllerRock
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