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Don't use half the healing skills


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This class has six healing abilities, and after trying to find a use for them all, I eventually ended up taking three of them off my quickbars (I might have kept them there had I room, but I'm already using 32 keybinds and don't have any comfortable ones left). I really did try to make them work, but ultimately I found that healing just works better if I restrict myself to injection, kolto probe and surgical probe with a 22/0/19 build. As a bonus, this build has better offensive abilities and better energy management in addition to healing basically as well as a 31 point healing spec.


Here are the problems I see with the other abilities:


Kolto Infusion


I'm not sure what the intent behind this skill is suppose to be. I initially thought it was suppose to be a quick, powerful heal. In comparison to injection, it costs slightly less energy, has a slightly faster activation time, and consumes TA instead of generating it. And for that, at 50 it actually heals for less than injection, and really not that much more than surgical probe. Infusion is just too weak and too costly compared to the alternatives.


Suggestions- Leaving the resource cost as is, infusion would need to heal for about the same as an injection and surgical probe combined (in other words, make it heal for A LOT more). Right off the bat I would increase its healing by 50%, and then add in a talent that makes it heal for 10% more per stack of kolto probe on the target. That would make it a valuable skill and add in some much needed synergy into the healing tree. This proposed talent could replace one of the less useful talents, such as Prognosis Critical (which is pretty bad; more on that below).



Recuperative nanotech


Our most expensive heal, this puts a low HPS HoT on up to 4 targets within 10 meters. The targeting is frustrating, as 10 meters is not a very large radius, and if there are more than 4 targets in range, it doesn't appear to use any "smart" targeting based on who needs the heal the most. Though given how weak the heal is, it's a wonder why there's a target limit at all. Furthermore, when you compare what you could get by investing in the lethality tree instead of getting RN, namely combat stims (which is a very good talent for healing), RN just doesn't make any sense. It gets even worse when you compare it to the sorc's aoe healing ability, which has no target limit.


Suggestions- Get rid of the target limits, and let it affect all players in range. The 10 meter radius is already restrictive enough. The HPS also needs to be increased; keep the healing amount the same, but decrease the duration to 8 seconds (letting HoTs be affected by alacrity would be nice as well, but that's another thread). Finally, the skill needs some utility to compete with combat stims, as energy management without combat stims is really awful right now. One idea would be that while under the effect of your own RN, your energy regen is increased by 100%. That sounds like a lot, but again, energy management is really bad without combat stims, and would be even worse if we kolto infusion were to made good enough to put back into our healing arsenal. As our 31 pointer, I'd like RN to be both powerful and synergize with the rest of our playstyle.



Diagnostic Scan


Our weakest heal, it costs no energy and is presumably used as a filler or when we're out of energy. However, the heal is so trivially weak, I feel more useful using rifle shot during my downtime. The talents associated with it are also not very impressive, and I ended up specing out of them. Once again, investing in lethality is more worthwhile in terms of energy management than putting talents into DS.


Suggestions- Triple the amount healed. Make it tick restore 2 energy natively, and let patient studies grant another 2 energy (on all ticks, not just crits). Put it on a short cooldown (~6 seconds). Get rid of prognosis critical (see above kolto infusion section for suggested replacement); DS does not need that many talents associated with it.



Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. The TL;DR version: many of our healing abilities are not very useful and are in need of major overhaul.

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Diagnostic scan and recuperative nanotech are really only pve spells.


Kolto infusion is useful only in rare situations (something like free surgical probe>kolto infusion during burst encounters)


bah make people interupt infusion so you can cast injection. It's worth putting the TA at risk. Hey this marauders just jumped me, he's itching to interupt my healing here Blow your CD now beforte my HOT"s stop ticking please....


I think the spell was more intended for use by damage specs that wouldn't have things like pushback talents or the more advanced medicine talents that make Injection far preferred (TA gen). +30% to crit heal value for example(A more valuable talent with surge adjusted). If there was a talent somewhere in the tree that gave it a chance to proc a shield and return the TA I'ld understand the spell better. It has an out of the way place still on my bars.


RN isn't useless and it isn't that hard to get it on 4 regularly even in PvP. But then I like to move through the scrum pile and drop it on myself in transit through. If you are playing on an objective it's helpful as a single button single GCD. I do wish Medical therapy was bonusing it for the additional 10% it should be. It's a use it early or middle talent as moving and positioning talent instead of on the back end. It's a decent arriving on the scene talent to cast before you plant the feet for a KI-SP combo on the most needy. Would love it to be longer range and a bit more powerful.


Why a bonus to Kolto Infusion is included in Accomplished Doctor and not Kolto Probes instead or and does drive me crazy. Believe it should be. That high in the tree accomplished doctor should benefit every heal we might cast but certainly the always cast like KP.

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Instead of using kolto infusion I rather use kolto injection with the gained healing bonus while TA is active.


The hybrid medicine/lethality build is actually quite effective, sadly I think BW are going to be looking at hybrid builds (mainly because of lightning/madness sorcs).

Edited by Sookster
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actually infusion is ~25% stronger in hps than ki for me. it still doesn't warrant it's cost though compared to sp.


if they add a talent that hots for equal amount, or even 50%, over 9secs it will be fine imo.


ds needs some love, either make it an instant hot (so you can apply two for double healing+double energy for longer casting time since it wont be affected by alacrity any more) or straight up boost its hps by 100% or boost its energy regeneration to 4/8 up from 1/2. all those solutions would work for me.


rn needs some serious love though. imo make it either 8people, or not restricted at all from people AND give it something more. either make it a TA generator like kp or boost its healing, or (my favorite) make it shield for equal amount on application, or give it a beneficial buff (like 10% elemental/internal resistance for 15secs) or something...

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