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Mauraders vs pyro merc (HELP!!)


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(edit) nm...u said pyro. Still key to electro dart them in undying rage. Keep them off you, dot, use your procs, electro dart when they are in undying rage.


As arsenal I don't have much issues with marauders. inquisitor dps (sorc or assassin) is the toughest for me.

Edited by McGarnagle
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This is the pryrotech's worst matchup by far. They are perfectly equiped to close the gap, mitigate our damage, and keep us immobile. The best think its not to approch them one on one and be aware of where they are at all times. The key is to use your stun at the right time, use your knockback to knoch them off catwalks and know when to get the heck out of there.


In a one on one with them having all their cooldowns and you having all yours, they are going to win at least 70% of the time. The exceptions are the ones that are undergeared or not that great of players. The odds go up ALOT if you catch them on exausted cooldowns or when you are not their focus.


The rules for facing them are:

1. Don't let yourself be a target

2. Avoid one on one situations

3. Play smart

4. Positioning is key to keep them at bay.

Edited by lijahrobinson
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i'm BG spec. always queue with BM marauder. we've ruin a lot of sorc fun.


weird thing about pyro. we melt merc pyro. but if pyro focus on me i can't stand it.


against PT pyro, the mara just burn with me spamming all my heal. i can outheal same PT pyro after my mara is down. we fight again after that 1vs1 in same match. i just stand there outheal his dmg until he give up leave me alone.

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