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What cast makes vanguards have so much burst?


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This isnt a QQ post, I have died several times to vanguards (I think they were assault spec cuz of the fire) so fast on my 600 expertise sorc. I want to know what spell/cast does so much dmg to kill me so fast so I can learn to counter them or at leats have a chance of wining, cuz right now I die so fast I cant do anything.

I dont die that fast not even to scoundrels or sentinels

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This isnt a QQ post, I have died several times to vanguards (I think they were assault spec cuz of the fire) so fast on my 600 expertise sorc. I want to know what spell/cast does so much dmg to kill me so fast so I can learn to counter them or at leats have a chance of wining, cuz right now I die so fast I cant do anything.

I dont die that fast not even to scoundrels or sentinels


Fire can be 1 of two things: Incendiary Round (most likely) or Fire Pulse (a bit smaller and not as obvious).


Tactics (fire pulse) can pack a bit more burst however, I agree that is was most likely Assault with a nice AP, Stock and HIB crit combination.


Hard to say what your best counter is to this, but my two cents for either case:


If its against the Tactics spec, just try to stay 10m away at all times since the 1-2-3 combo punch of Fire Pulse/Stock strike/HIB hurts a lot and is not a lot of ammo cost if done in that order. If the fight pursues and they get off more than 3+ ion pulses on you, watch out for cryo grenade and pulse cannon combo, it hits like a truck once enough of the debuffs are stacked. interrupting its cast or moving out of range is advised.


Assault spec is a bit harder since a lot of their damage is 30m range... My guess would be to just try to out dps them since Assault spec Vanguards don't usually have too much in the way of damage mitigation and are usually running plasma cell.


FYI - Scoundrels and Sentinels don't kill what they can't reach... perhaps its way you are going about fighting a vanguard that is killing you.

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My guess is that none of their abilities are killing you VERY fast...without them popping their relics,stims, and adrenals beforehand. That being said, it's not uncommon for us to hit a stockstrike , assualt plastique, or HIB for 2000 ..... without the help of relics and stims/adrenals
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as an assault vanguard,I can tell you that sorcs are my FAVORITE target. Your general squishiness makes me squirm whenever I see one with low hp, and I tend to zoom in on them.


The assault burst is crazy because one of our main abilities: Assault Plastique, has a delay on damage. Meaning when we use it, it sticks onto you for about 3 seconds BEFORE it blows up, and hits very hard. On top of that, I can get High-Impact bolt crits of upwards to 4-5k with my cooldowns. So you can imagine, if I can get an Incendiary Round dot ticks, + plasma round ticks + a High impact bolt, followed by Assault plastique blowing up into a stockstrike, thats a lot of damage.


Best counter, would be to survive the initial burst. Without our cooldowns, we dont hit as hard, and rely on HIB procs to dish out the real pain. Keep your distance, and use your cc right off the bat if you see us pop any cooldown. We have our relic, adrenal, and Battle Focus (increases crit by 25%), so if you see those pop, cc right off the bat, get away as fast as possible, and while we're chasing you, if you see us pop our trinket, follow with a whirlwind.


Dont ever try to stand toe to toe with a vanguard, you're in light armor, and they're in heavy. We have keep us slowed and pillar hump us all day and there wont be much we can do.

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I play both a sorc and vanguard, among other classes. The answer is you spaced incorrectly on your sorc, and/or you didn't have all your CC available because you already used it. Do not let them get within 4 meters of you or they will stockstrike you and proc % chance to do much more damage.



Stay 5+ meter range.


Save a CC for their harpoon/pull.


Do not use kinetic dot (crushing darkness), use internal/elemental only. Maybe use it if you get a proc, it's spec'd, and you know for sure they are "full dps" (using plasma cell, NOT ion).


If you hear them chuckle then got a dps proc. (this also means they are at least 18 in dps tree). Shield or CC if you can. But note it lasts about as long as a wrath proc.. note : requires 18s dot on you to get their energy back.


If they are full dps then they get bonus damage if your health is under 30%.


It can help to cleanse yourself if you have the extra force/GCD to do it. (see comment above about proc).


Interrupt or dodge mortar volley.


Get the first hit on them. If you start at a health deficit you're dead. See spacing.

Edited by ururururu
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And yeah, what he said is actually all useful. Especially the below 30% HP part, we get a lot of extra DoT damage on targets like that. The laugh is a impending HiB. Yerp yerp. Agreed with him.



(P.S., Ururu, I posted the findings of Steely Resolve and Burnout on that one page. Its marginal in change, but it probably is a lot more in S.R.'s favor the higher level and +aim gear you get.)

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(P.S., Ururu, I posted the findings of Steely Resolve and Burnout on that one page. Its marginal in change, but it probably is a lot more in S.R.'s favor the higher level and +aim gear you get.)

Hmmm. I will respec and post my numbers on the thread too. With a few more datapoints we could determine at what level gear it makes sense to switch?


I've been playing my sorc alt more cause the [11-49] game is more fun.

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Hmmm. I will respec and post my numbers on the thread too. With a few more datapoints we could determine at what level gear it makes sense to switch?


I've been playing my sorc alt more cause the [11-49] game is more fun.


That would be really good! And you traitor! Sorcerer! Blegh! (JK :p)

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Hmmm. I will respec and post my numbers on the thread too. With a few more datapoints we could determine at what level gear it makes sense to switch?


I've been playing my sorc alt more cause the [11-49] game is more fun.


I agree, i dinged 50 earlier this week and went from ranking top 1-3 with decent win/lose ratio to losing a ton and running into nothing but premades with 5-6 battlemasters turning me into cannon-fodder... I still play but damn, definitely a different ball game.

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