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Wasted $100


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Where? The first month of the game for me was ok. You know leveling up. But once your 50 it is totally different. Then you make an alt to see the other class quests and realize you have to spend 10x the amount of time doing boring stuff to just watch a cutscene.


I gave the game a chance and after spending $75 bucks its not worth to waste any more since they wont be changing anything for a while.


That 1.2 parch coming in march. LOL good luck if you see it in april and good luck if it has 1/2 the items they said were going to be in it. My guess is it will have some weak version of what the players thought it would be and then they will say they are making addition changes to it in the future. That meaning things that should have been in the game at launch will now be spread out for 6-12 months so that it looks like you are getting something when you should have had it in the beginning.


You are exactly the type of poster he was referring to.


How long are you going to pay $15/mo to complain?

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Depends on how much time you have/will put into Rift. if its 100 hours you end up with a ratio of 1 hour of entertainment per dollar which is very good value, hence, no wasted money.


Also, welcome back :)

↑ ↑ ↑ This game is easily worth 50¢ a day to play and I'm excited about the direction it is going. Welcome back. :)
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You are exactly the type of poster he was referring to.


How long are you going to pay $15/mo to complain?


Don't bother guy; everyone on the forum knows what the deal is that is like his tenth account; even Adam Sessler at G4 remarked about the lunatic fringe hate machine on the SWTOR forums. One thing I hope to address at the Summit is a more effective way of dealing with the Astroturfers and agenda based posters.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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You are always so negative. Why do you find it impossible for someone to like the game?


I grow weary of you.


Let's see, you quit to go back to WoW then came right back here...




I feel bad for you.


I love you.

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Don't bother guy; everyone on the forum knows what the deal is that is like his tenth account; even Adama Sessler at G4 remarked about the lunatic fringe hate machine on the SWTOR forums. One thing I hope to address at the Summit is a more effective way of dealing with the Astroturfers and agenda based posters.
Looks like TOR has stirred up a hornet's nest within the genre. Different is catching on and appears to be making the not-so-different a tad nervous. I see that as a good thing. The core community here rocks, but trimming the fringe fat would only lead to more flagrant fringe dissention. Not sure what can be done without taking a PR hit. The only peaceful solution I see is to limit posting on the forums to paying game subscribers in good standing. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Looks like TOR has stirred up a hornet's nest within the genre. Different is catching on and making the not-so-different nervous. I see that as a good thing. The core community here rocks, but trimming the fringe fat would only lead to more flagrant fringe dissention. Not sure what can be done without taking a PR hit. The only real alternative I see is to limit posting on the forums to game subscribers in good standing.


Well it wouldn't be easy most of these guys have multiple accounts and use proxy's and it shouldn't be done publicly...one of the suggestions I made in our Google Circle (which several developers belong to) is to track posting habits...if a mod looks at a posting history and that history is negative posts for eight to twelve hours a day...that is ether a Astroturfer or a very bored Troll...in either case it should be forum banned.


That would stop it.

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Well it wouldn't be easy most of these guys have multiple accounts and use proxy's and it shouldn't be done publicly...one of the suggestions I made in our Google Circle (which several developers belong to) is to track posting habits...if a mod looks at a posting history and that history is negative posts for eight to twelve hours a day...that is ether a Astroturfer or a very bored Troll...in either case it should be forum banned.


That would stop it.

So they'd have to be treated like gold spammers then? That's a lot of work. How feasible would it be for BW to ask the community's help and flag... nvm. The spammers would do likewise in retaliation. Ugh. Wonder if anyone important in Homeland Security's cybercrime division plays and has answers. Edited by GalacticKegger
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OP: glad to see you back.


The OTish discussion: I just cross my fingers hoping the forum moderators are smarter than the average person* and when they see posts like "I've played WoW for 4 years, I'm a VET!! FIX THIS OR I LEAVE AND HAUNT YOUR FORUMS" that they blow them off, and I have faith that they do, well, not THAT strong of faith because I am still crossing my fingers heh.


*Think about how dumb the average person is, now understand that ~half the population is dumber than that. :rolleyes:

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OP I don't know what to say. I guess it's cool you realize there are some things wrong with the game and those reasons led you to unsubbing. Going back to Rift, okay that's one move to make to. Hope you enjoy your time there. I'm playing myself but only subbed for a month since I'm waiting on other games.


I don't see myself coming back to resub back to SWTOR, I don't know what you've missed in your two weeks if that even completely true, but I can tell you they haven't fixed anything really and the game is more than likely in a worst state than when you originally left SWTOR.


To each their own though, if you got the money to spend do you. But after throwing $100 for Rift, I wouldn't see myself missing in game time there for anything in SWTOR currently..


More power to you.. I guess.

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So they'd have to be treated like gold spammers then? That's a lot of work. How feasible would it be for BW to ask the community's help and flag... nvm. The spammers would do likewise in retaliation. Ugh. Wonder if anyone important in Homeland Security's cybercrime division plays and has answers.


Not really; say a poster has been flagged for trolling and non-constructive comments three times.....the posting history would be sent to a team lead for review....you could review the history in under Five minutes to make a determination. Back in the day in Asherons Call that is exactly what we did and it worked. Purchasing new accounts eventually gets expensive.


Also keep in mind that you only have the big rush of Trolls/Astroturfers in the first six months of a games life...after that the Trolls go away and the Astroturfers contracts are usually up; it gets a lot easier to give more personal attention to suspected Trolls then.

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Well it wouldn't be easy most of these guys have multiple accounts and use proxy's and it shouldn't be done publicly...one of the suggestions I made in our Google Circle (which several developers belong to) is to track posting habits...if a mod looks at a posting history and that history is negative posts for eight to twelve hours a day...that is ether a Astroturfer or a very bored Troll...in either case it should be forum banned.


That would stop it.


I'm sorry that would not work. Why do we insist on giving Bioware more ways to just decieve the consumers?


They already cut the fat on many of the credible things posted around here. They reason for post in it being inflametory or whatever. Then they turn around in some post and just take out tidpit post and edit them all together still leaving the thread up and open to discussion.


PR around here is BS dude, funny thing is the players do more damage control than Bioware actually does. It shows the grip that the Star Wars IP and this Bioware making a story game aura has on people.


When they see a story driven MMO done right, they will see how SWTOR fails in many departments. Fails not in its not going to make some money, because obviously people recently have been stating how they have extra cash to waste on SWTOR. More hype from the machine thats forming around here. They are just as bad as the real TROLLS the game has..


You have Jedi Trolls (Support Bioware) and Sith Trolls (Against Bioware).. ridiculous.


And I swear to god I better not get a private message about this post.. **** Bioware.. and fix you game..

Edited by Opapanax
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Let me get this straight:


1) You had previously bought Rift with your buddy

2) You bought swtor

3) Got bored of swtor, unsubbed

4) Spend $100 on a year of RIFT

5) Got bored of Ridt

6) Back to swtor


That seems to be a pretty typical cycle for mmo's - ie. get bored with one after a month or two, play a different game, go back to that mmo etc...


This is why I sub monthly, I may pay a little more, but if I want to quit playing a game I don't feel forced to stay or end up wasting money.


Welcome back though!

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You are always so negative. Why do you find it impossible for someone to like the game?


I grow weary of you.


Let's see, you quit to go back to WoW then came right back here...




I feel bad for you.


I agree with this post.

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Mostly unimportant post, but just wanted to see if i'm alone in this. Slight wall of textishness here.


I un subbed about 2 weeks ago. My friend i use to play Rift with kept trying to get me to go back to it after i quit that for The Old Republic. He won that little battle. I convinced myself I didn't like this game. The biggest issue being the majority of the community on my server appearing to downright refuse to do group content. Got tired of not being able to do flashpoints, despite how much I thoroughly enjoyed them.


So like I said I unsubbed. No I didn't make a rage thread. No need for that, really. Bought a year of Rift for $100. Played that over the 2 weeks i was away from this game. I still enjoy Rift. It's a very good game to me. But after the 2 weeks I felt a longing to come back to The Old Republic.


So here I am, resubbed, and playing Rift part time (i.e. when I need to switch it up for a bit).


Anybody else try to quit but couldn't?


Nope. I have played SWtOR every spare moment I can and I love every second of it. A few bugs hear and there get me twitchy but this is the best MMORPG on the market in my opinion.

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PR around here is BS dude, funny thing is the players do more damage control than Bioware actually does. It shows the grip that the Star Wars IP and this Bioware making a story game aura has on people.


When they see a story driven MMO done right, they will see how SWTOR fails in many departments. Fails not in its not going to make some money, because obviously people recently have been stating how they have extra cash to waste on SWTOR. More hype from the machine thats forming around here. They are just as bad as the real TROLLS the game has.




And I swear to god I better not get a private message about this post.. **** Bioware.. and fix you game..

Actually I see a story driven MMO done right, and I see how SWTOR succeeds in many departments. Not all, but many. Your getting a private message about your post would come as a surprise to no one but you. Edited by GalacticKegger
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