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Wasted $100


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Mostly unimportant post, but just wanted to see if i'm alone in this. Slight wall of textishness here.


I un subbed about 2 weeks ago. My friend i use to play Rift with kept trying to get me to go back to it after i quit that for The Old Republic. He won that little battle. I convinced myself I didn't like this game. The biggest issue being the majority of the community on my server appearing to downright refuse to do group content. Got tired of not being able to do flashpoints, despite how much I thoroughly enjoyed them.


So like I said I unsubbed. No I didn't make a rage thread. No need for that, really. Bought a year of Rift for $100. Played that over the 2 weeks i was away from this game. I still enjoy Rift. It's a very good game to me. But after the 2 weeks I felt a longing to come back to The Old Republic.


So here I am, resubbed, and playing Rift part time (i.e. when I need to switch it up for a bit).


Anybody else try to quit but couldn't?

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Let me get this straight:


1) You had previously bought Rift with your buddy

2) You bought swtor

3) Got bored of swtor, unsubbed

4) Spend $100 on a year of RIFT

5) Got bored of Ridt

6) Back to swtor


That seems to be a pretty typical cycle for mmo's - ie. get bored with one after a month or two, play a different game, go back to that mmo etc...

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I un subbed about 2 weeks ago. My friend i use to play Rift with kept trying to get me to go back to it after i quit that for The Old Republic. He won that little battle. I convinced myself I didn't like this game. The biggest issue being the majority of the community on my server appearing to downright refuse to do group content. Got tired of not being able to do flashpoints, despite how much I thoroughly enjoyed them.


Fix your own problem. Start a guild or find a guild of like minded players.

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I'd just suggest in the future pay month to month if you aren't sure you're gonna stick with it heh. That said, I bought 6 months for swtor, though not entirely sure I am gonna stick around that long, at least not until there are some much needed changes which thankfully seem to be coming in march.
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Mostly unimportant post, but just wanted to see if i'm alone in this. Slight wall of textishness here.


I un subbed about 2 weeks ago. My friend i use to play Rift with kept trying to get me to go back to it after i quit that for The Old Republic. He won that little battle. I convinced myself I didn't like this game. The biggest issue being the majority of the community on my server appearing to downright refuse to do group content. Got tired of not being able to do flashpoints, despite how much I thoroughly enjoyed them.


So like I said I unsubbed. No I didn't make a rage thread. No need for that, really. Bought a year of Rift for $100. Played that over the 2 weeks i was away from this game. I still enjoy Rift. It's a very good game to me. But after the 2 weeks I felt a longing to come back to The Old Republic.


So here I am, resubbed, and playing Rift part time (i.e. when I need to switch it up for a bit).


Anybody else try to quit but couldn't?


You didnt quit but couldnt. You did quit. You came back I guess thinking that something had been changed so you would like the game but nothing has changed.


So you wasted $100 on rift and another $15 on SWTOR.


Also the reason you came back was not because of the game but what you thought the game could have been if they had any clue on how to do things. Wait until you log in and see that there are still no people to group with and the game is still a bore as it was when you quit.

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Anybody else try to quit but couldn't?


Quite the opposite...I'm trying my best to enjoy the game, but I feel like there are so many pesky problems and missing functionality that I find myself questioning what I'm paying for.


I actually unsubbed in January before my 30days was up. I really had no desire to go back to WoW...I'm just so thoroughly burned out on it after 5 years. I was really looking forward to Diablo3 coming out this Spring, and even started playing D2 again. Then Blizzard announced they are reworkign so many things in D3, and that a Spring launch was not going to happen....I resubbed to SWTOR almost out of spite to Blizzard.


In that time, I finished my consular up to 50, leveled an Inquisitor up to 40 (until I realized my DarkSide points were no longer accumulating due to a long-known bug that isn't resolved yet).....tried a bunch of other classes. I have them all up thru level 10 now, and I just get tired of fighting the UI, I've given up on group quests and flashpoints, the GTN is worthless, various pesky bugs always pop up.....many of the same complaints plastered all over the forum.


I'm about a week away from my sub being up...and yeah, once again I'll likely unsubscribe. We'll see. I just really need something different to play (curse you Diablo 3).

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I'd just suggest in the future pay month to month if you aren't sure you're gonna stick with it heh. That said, I bought 6 months for swtor, though not entirely sure I am gonna stick around that long, at least not until there are some much needed changes which thankfully seem to be coming in march.


o yes thank the great almighty they are actually going to fix the problems they should have before releasing this ... your right thanks a hole bunch

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This isn't new...right now there is at least 25 posters on the forums who hate loathe and detest SWTOR...yet they keep paying every month for the ability to warn everyone how fail it is. :rolleyes:


Where? The first month of the game for me was ok. You know leveling up. But once your 50 it is totally different. Then you make an alt to see the other class quests and realize you have to spend 10x the amount of time doing boring stuff to just watch a cutscene.


I gave the game a chance and after spending $75 bucks its not worth to waste any more since they wont be changing anything for a while.


That 1.2 parch coming in march. LOL good luck if you see it in april and good luck if it has 1/2 the items they said were going to be in it. My guess is it will have some weak version of what the players thought it would be and then they will say they are making addition changes to it in the future. That meaning things that should have been in the game at launch will now be spread out for 6-12 months so that it looks like you are getting something when you should have had it in the beginning.

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Fiance wanted to try out MMOS this past weekend so I figured we would do Rift lite since I hadnt played since last april and was curious. I am now unsubbed from tor and we are both subbed (she got hooked) to Rift. Cannot believe the night and day difference in these games AT LAUNCH not to mention what all trion has added not to mention their STELLAR customer support (had mobile key authenticator problems and got a free month "for my troubles")


Maybe the content in 1.2 will bring me back (I was really looking forward to the legacy system since I am a altoholic) but I doubt it. As of now Rift has been the first mmo I have went back to after moving on. I really wanted this game to be somewhere I could setup camp for a few years but the SW lore just cant cover up a lacking game anymore :(

Edited by AaronPenick
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Mostly unimportant post, but just wanted to see if i'm alone in this. Slight wall of textishness here.


I un subbed about 2 weeks ago. My friend i use to play Rift with kept trying to get me to go back to it after i quit that for The Old Republic. He won that little battle. I convinced myself I didn't like this game. The biggest issue being the majority of the community on my server appearing to downright refuse to do group content. Got tired of not being able to do flashpoints, despite how much I thoroughly enjoyed them.


So like I said I unsubbed. No I didn't make a rage thread. No need for that, really. Bought a year of Rift for $100. Played that over the 2 weeks i was away from this game. I still enjoy Rift. It's a very good game to me. But after the 2 weeks I felt a longing to come back to The Old Republic.


So here I am, resubbed, and playing Rift part time (i.e. when I need to switch it up for a bit).


Anybody else try to quit but couldn't?

If you think about it, instead of getting a meal at McDonalds once a month, you are paying for a month of Rift.


2 totally different genres of game too. No reason you can't play both.


This is like people saying GW2 is going to kill all, its Free. No reason you can't play GW2 with another MMO.

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Where? The first month of the game for me was ok. You know leveling up. But once your 50 it is totally different. Then you make an alt to see the other class quests and realize you have to spend 10x the amount of time doing boring stuff to just watch a cutscene.


I gave the game a chance and after spending $75 bucks its not worth to waste any more since they wont be changing anything for a while.


That 1.2 parch coming in march. LOL good luck if you see it in april and good luck if it has 1/2 the items they said were going to be in it. My guess is it will have some weak version of what the players thought it would be and then they will say they are making addition changes to it in the future. That meaning things that should have been in the game at launch will now be spread out for 6-12 months so that it looks like you are getting something when you should have had it in the beginning.


Yeah meet Shady my prime example guys.



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You didnt quit but couldnt. You did quit. You came back I guess thinking that something had been changed so you would like the game but nothing has changed.


So you wasted $100 on rift and another $15 on SWTOR.


Also the reason you came back was not because of the game but what you thought the game could have been if they had any clue on how to do things. Wait until you log in and see that there are still no people to group with and the game is still a bore as it was when you quit.


You are always so negative. Why do you find it impossible for someone to like the game?


I grow weary of you.


Let's see, you quit to go back to WoW then came right back here...




I feel bad for you.

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You are always so negative. Why do you find it impossible for someone to like the game?


I grow weary of you.


Let's see, you quit to go back to WoW then came right back here...




I feel bad for you.


Don't feel bad; Shady is paid to do that. :rolleyes:

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I was ready to get my anti-troll face on until I saw the last lines lol.


Welcome back buddy.


But yeah i would agree with you, i keep trying to come off for an evening but find myself logging in everynight even though theres a lack of content

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