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If you consider yourself skill-capped: [looking for guild]


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This topic IS NOT a player recruitment thread. This topic IS a guild recruitment thread. Meaning that I am recruiting a guild. It would be against my self interest to post this topic across the various server/recruitment forums and track multiple threads when I have only need for one centralized topic.


This topic does belong on the pvp board because it is where the majority of the audience I am seeking will be.


Trolling in my topic will not be tolerated. If you do not understand what is happening here then please move along. The parameters of posting are clearly listed. I have tracked this topic and I will await notifications via email that encompass the information I am seeking. If your replies do not follow posting parameters I will flag you for trolling.


If it is moderated again I will have to pursue course in getting in touch with your superiors to begin negotiation of a fit compromise. If the topic is indeed moderated again you leave me no choice; I will be forced to follow the last moderator's suggestion which was to post this across each server recruitment forum.



I have a proposition for you. I am giving you the chance to recruit me to your guild. I am noticing a lot of players are scrubs in pvp and I stomp them. Fight alongside me!


I am looking for a professional mmo pvp guild. Reply giving your guild information and tell me a little bit about your guild. How would you rate the overall teamwork, combat IQ and awareness of the member population? Tell me about the goals your guild has. My preference is republic and I am willing to reroll.


Guilds found deserving will receive a formal application and the interviewing process will begin.


:wea_03::wea_03::wea_03:Jin:wea_03::wea_03: :wea_03:

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I would like to take this time to update my thread and provide a little more information about myself and the purpose of this thread.


I consider myself skill-capped and it hurts my soul to participate in pvp with those less knowledgeable of calculated, effective and efficient pvp strategies. I am NOT seeking a group of players that consider themselves good at pvp. I AM seeking a group of players that consider themselves the absolute best at what they do. There is no doubt in my mind that I can perform at the highest level of competition. If you are reading this and CANNOT relate to this feeling, then please leave my thread immediately.


Instead of wasting countless hours searching for a guild that will live up to my standards, I am cutting right to the chase. If you feel like you and your team are the best at pvp, this thread IS for you, and I welcome you with open arms.


I am looking for a team to build around myself that can execute with flawless precision. I am looking for players that know the importance of surrendering ego in accordance of teamwork. I am looking for those so adept in the force that they realize what is happening on the other side of the battlefield, and queue their actions accordingly. Most importantly I am looking for those who fight with passion. I am looking for those who never, ever give up.


Individual, weak.. but together. Together, very strong.



:wea_03::wea_03::wea_03:Jin:wea_03::wea_03: :wea_03:

Edited by hiottsw
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I realize this is unusual behavior and the lower caliber of player will be undeniably intimidated by this topic. However, I will remain steadfast in my hope there are others like me. I watch with vigilant eyes. May the force be with you, all of you.
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I realize this is unusual behavior and the lower caliber of player will be undeniably intimidated by this topic. However, I will remain steadfast in my hope there are others like me. I watch with vigilant eyes. May the force be with you, all of you.


No, it's because you come off like a douche. Tone the ego down a few hundred marks and you'll find a guild willing to accept you.

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