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RP help for corporations during this era.


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I play on an RP server (The Ebon Hawk) and have been working on RP and my characters’ background story. There is so much lore covering many thousands of years I am having a hard time finding information about companies and corporations that were active during this era (3643-3641 BBY).


I did find a few company and corporate references in Wookieepedia, as follows:



Chempat Engineered Defenses

Corellian Engineering Corporation

Corellia Mining Corporation

Coronet Mining Corporation

Kuat Drive Yards

Loronar Corporation

The Nerfworks

Vuh'Jinêau Mining Company


Anyone have more good reference material for RP background and lore? Got a great story for my characters (all hail from Corellia, and family roots come from Tralus).


Any feedback would be appreciated. And if you haven't done any RP, give it a try. It can be a lot of fun, and flashing out your character's background story gives you a lot of in-game material to make RP that much more interesting.

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A lot of data from this era is hard to come by. It leaves room for improv and adding things, but never gives a whole lot to start with. I say pick a corporation without a lot of information (or create your own, I mean it is a big galaxy) and add your spin to it. Otherwise I think you'll end up hunting stray ends and never coming up with a clear picture.
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