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Assassinate working?


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Just curious if anyone else has been having issues with Assassinate? Dont seem to be hitting for anything close to what it should or out right no dmg since last nights patch. Might just be me but seems to not be working normal.




(NOTE: this is more in reference to pvp not pve since i have not pve'd for weeks):(

Edited by Bulvark
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Well, as you surely know, surge got nerfed roughly 10%, so you might see a little less dmg because of that (like ~3% less, but only on crits - hard to notice, really).


Other than that, I wouldn't know of any reason for your assassinate doing less damage apart from maybe having a streak of encountering more opponents of ACs with more mitigation or simply better gear.

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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I noticed the same thing. It seems like it hits for a lot less and sometimes although the animation goes off it doesnt seem to do anything at all. The nerf seemed to effect my other abilities at the intended levels but assassintate seems off. Wish there was a combat log so we could look it over.
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I noticed the same thing. It seems like it hits for a lot less and sometimes although the animation goes off it doesnt seem to do anything at all.


This happens with every class, it's a bug in the game. I have had it happen with Unload and Force Choke on my PT and Marauder. I had it happen on execute with Marauder as well - I press it, it goes on CD, but no animation and no damage at all. So in my experience, it happens to both channeled and unchanneled spells, and for at least 3 classes.

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Thanks for the info Sab. The only thing is I have never had it happen while using assassinate prior to the patch. Could just be me but I think something might not be working right with the ability. Both in damage and the trigger.
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My assassinate has missed atleast once since the patch. And I mean actual "miss" text on top of the mob.


Don't know what the problem is, as melee special attacks should have 100+ accuracy. Although I didn't remember to check debuffs at the time.

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