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U.S Players on Swiftsure, how the upcoming server transfers will effect us.


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I love playing on a mixed server with Oceanic and American Players, it means regardless of the time of day I have someone to play with. so even if I cant get on till late at night, my Australian Buddies might be playing. The problem is, if they are all leaving for AUS/Pacific servers there's no point in me staying on the server which will die. And I don't want to jump to a pacific server as I don't have the greatest internet as it stands. If I am on a Oceanic server I will have incredibly bad ping... probably around 250-400. So let me restate my question, Will I as an AMERICAN player. be able to get a free transfer to another US server? since Bioware is killing the healthiest server in all of SWTOR


PS. I am not asking Australians to stay, I am simply saying afford those of us that are US players the ability to get off the server as well. As it will be a ghost town. or Merge us with another server on the westcoast. I have 8 characters, 3 50's and many other 20's and 30's. I cannot afford to transfer them, and that's ALOT of time lost.

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So I don't know if this has been answered, but amongst my Aussie buddies, they are claiming they are receiving free server Transfers to the new Oceanic server on release. My Question is what happens to those of us that are U.S players on the Swiftsure, especially those with multiple characters. Are we stuck upon the Titanic of a server, slowly sinking as the population seeps away to the oceanic servers? or will we also get the option of transfers to other servers?

Finally a reason to use the Tortanic jab. :p


Anyhow, the US players are probably stuck.

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