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Medpac's for tanks...


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Even the Rakata Medpac doesn't heal 20% of a remotely decently geared tank's healthpool.


If we can have this for PvP: http://www.torhead.com/item/9jLTZb9/warzone-medpac


then there needs to be a PvE version, if only for tanks or only in operations. At this point for solo PvE/FPs/Ops, it's gotten to the point where the Rakata medpac isn't even worth the global cooldown for a tank with 21k hp.


And no, shifting the blame onto my healers and saying: "They need to heal better" isn't going to fix this. Better medpac please. Or maybe just remove them entirely from the game. If the best healthpac can't even heal one regular attack from a boss in operations or HM Flashpoints, then there is Sumtingwong with it.

Edited by Synica
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Even the Rakata Medpac doesn't heal 20% of a remotely decently geared tank's healthpool.


If we can have this for PvP: http://www.torhead.com/item/9jLTZb9/warzone-medpac


then there needs to be a PvE version, if only for tanks or only in operations. At this point for solo PvE/FPs/Ops, it's gotten to the point where the Rakata medpac isn't even worth the global cooldown for a tank with 21k hp.


And no, shifting the blame onto my healers and saying: "They need to heal better" isn't going to fix this. Better medpac please. Or maybe just remove them entirely from the game. If the best healthpac can't even heal one regular attack from a boss in operations or HM Flashpoints, then there is Sumtingwong with it.


Tanks need a heal Full stop.....I assume your referring to JKGuard when you mention Tank, we are the only tanking class that has no self heal...


Have a JCShadow in my guild who can get his Shield rating past 60% his absorption past 50%, in Instances he is effectively a better tank and has on par defence's to a JKG with the ability to heal HIMSELF...


VANGUARD's also have self heals....Why not JKG...???

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Tanks need a heal Full stop.....I assume your referring to JKGuard when you mention Tank, we are the only tanking class that has no self heal...


Have a JCShadow in my guild who can get his Shield rating past 60% his absorption past 50%, in Instances he is effectively a better tank and has on par defence's to a JKG with the ability to heal HIMSELF...


VANGUARD's also have self heals....Why not JKG...???


... No, I'm not talking about any specific class. I'm talking about medpacs for tanks, especially the best medpac (which is crafted) which is why this topic is in the CREW SKILLS FORUM and not the tanking subforum of CLASSES.

Edited by Synica
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Saw this on a thread about "Why is there no solo-mode for HCs?"


This is an MMO...Bring a healer friend along with you if you are having problems with content (most of which is easily soloable at 50, barring HC 2+ or HC 4). For the most part, a lot of the content isn't meant to be soloed until you're either leveled beyond it, or well-geared at 50.


I am confused why there needs to be something for self-healing like this...Everyone has either self-heals or a healer companion. If your companion can't keep you topped off while you're out soloing and you need a bigger heal from a medpac, perhaps you're just trying to bite off more than you can chew...

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I am confused why there needs to be something for self-healing like this...Everyone has either self-heals or a healer companion.

Nope. Gunslinger Smugglers don't get a healer for ages. Jedi Knights don't get any healing for ages. Don't know where SWs get their healer companion, but it's not by level 20.


And in group situations, medpacks are there to give you a little extra help that's under your control, for when a Healer gets interrupted/CCed/pushbacked and you're not sure they'll save your ***. They're there for the non-tanks to be able to pop some self-healing in a pinch without using up resource. They're an additional facet of the game. Even if they're marginal, they might just make the difference.

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Don't know where SWs get their healer companion, but it's not by level 20.



SW's get Quinn when they complete the Balmorra class questline.



As for the Medpacks, we don't need better medpacks in my opinion, just make them require less materials.... the Prototype Ultimate Medpack requires 17 ingredients FFS!

4,4,4,1 to be exact.

17 is a little much, I would be happy with 13.

Edited by Thundergulch
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SW's get Quinn when they complete the Balmorra class questline.



As for the Medpacks, we don't need better medpacks in my opinion, just make them require less materials.... the Prototype Ultimate Medpack requires 17 ingredients FFS!

4,4,4,1 to be exact.

17 is a little much, I would be happy with 13.


Are you a tank? I have 21k HP, which means I'm in Rakata/Columi gear. Do you have any idea what a 4k heal does for me in an operation when the healer's been stunned or is out of range?


*********** nothing. Usually around 17% of my lifebar. At times I have to check a second time to make sure I actually used it because my lifebar barely moved. For you DPS and healers, medpacs are fine it heals at least a third of your lifebar, if not more. Tanks? It does nothing. Like I said, as the tank it's not even worth the global cooldown to use it.

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Just change the OP to "I want the defense of a tank and the healing ability of a medic no matter the impact to other playstyles."


That is basically what this thread is asking for. The medpacks do not appear to do a significant amount of difference because your health bar is quite a bit more significant than non tank classes.



Where are the trolls flaming the absurdity of a tank-specific medpack? Where is the L2P or get a better medic in your group comments?

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Are you a tank? I have 21k HP, which means I'm in Rakata/Columi gear. Do you have any idea what a 4k heal does for me in an operation when the healer's been stunned or is out of range?

Well as a dps in rakata/columi, I have almost 19k HP, so a 4k heal doesn't do much more for me than for you. It's even worse since the +15% health bonus is useless as a dps when it's pretty good for a tank.


For you DPS and healers, medpacs are fine it heals at least a third of your lifebar, if not more. Tanks? It does nothing. Like I said, as the tank it's not even worth the global cooldown to use it.

Like I said before, any dps/heal doing pve have at least 17-18k hp, there's no way a 4k medpack will heal a third of anyone's lifebar. Also it doesn't take a global cooldown.

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Well as a dps in rakata/columi, I have almost 19k HP, so a 4k heal doesn't do much more for me than for you. It's even worse since the +15% health bonus is useless as a dps when it's pretty good for a tank.



Like I said before, any dps/heal doing pve have at least 17-18k hp, there's no way a 4k medpack will heal a third of anyone's lifebar. Also it doesn't take a global cooldown.


I've seen plenty of DPS in columi/rakata gear. No DPS has ever had anywhere NEAR 19k hp. Not unless you rip out all your mods and stack endurance and you use the Rakata Fortitude Stim and get a few +endurance skills. Oh and throw in the BH class buff as well.


DPS toting 19k hp in PvE gear. Rofl, got any other good ones?

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If they introduced a scaling medpack usable only in operations, they would have to design content around everyone using it. That would be a pretty unfortunate development, because nothing they could give other professions would ever match Biochem (short of extremely OP craftables, which would remove the incentive of raiding in the first place).


My main problem with scaling medpacks is that they likely scale better than healer talents and spells, given that all our spells have varying coefficients. The fact that it already exists for PvP is already grossly unfair to healers, whose top-tier talents get handed around, but who get nothing in return.


I'd be fine with it if they introduced scaling consumables which mimicked tanking or DPS CDs, like a 40% damage reduction medpack, or an instant grenade on a 90-sec CD which did at least as much damage as a top-tier talent. However, going down that path would lead to cheesing encounters to a ridiculous degree.


I'm sure you'll get mad and throw some choice words at me, but since your group is in full Rakata, you really don't need better consumables.

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Just change the OP to "I want the defense of a tank and the healing ability of a medic no matter the impact to other playstyles."


That is basically what this thread is asking for. The medpacks do not appear to do a significant amount of difference because your health bar is quite a bit more significant than non tank classes.



Where are the trolls flaming the absurdity of a tank-specific medpack? Where is the L2P or get a better medic in your group comments?


I see what you did there. Specifically exaggerate what I say and throw it back in my mouth and claim I said it, be a dick and specifically incite and provoke the OP to get a reaction, sit there slapping the refresh button so you can try and get them banned.


You're a piece of ****. Go **** yourself. :)

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If they introduced a scaling medpack usable only in operations, they would have to design content around everyone using it. That would be a pretty unfortunate development, because nothing they could give other professions would ever match Biochem (short of extremely OP craftables, which would remove the incentive of raiding in the first place).


My main problem with scaling medpacks is that they likely scale better than healer talents and spells, given that all our spells have varying coefficients. The fact that it already exists for PvP is already grossly unfair to healers, whose top-tier talents get handed around, but who get nothing in return.


I'd be fine with it if they introduced scaling consumables which mimicked tanking or DPS CDs, like a 40% damage reduction medpack, or an instant grenade on a 90-sec CD which did at least as much damage as a top-tier talent. However, going down that path would lead to cheesing encounters to a ridiculous degree.


I'm sure you'll get mad and throw some choice words at me, but since your group is in full Rakata, you really don't need better consumables.


I'm abusive to the other people here because they're being giant ******es. People who are ******es to me get treated as ******es back. The only way to deal with them is knifing them in the neck irl. The rules of the board mean nothing, and since I've done everything this game has to offer and I've already unsubbed being banned means NOTHING to me.


You on the other hand actually instead of just saying: "Rofl rofl, u noob u dumb dumb u suck go l2p rofl rofl dumb dumb noob noob hurr hurr", you're actually giving some sort of logical and concise reasoning for disagreeing. Even so, there's no legitimate reason not to make a medpac that heals a specific percent of your lifebar for endgame. They have it in PvP for a disturbingly cheap price, they can make one in game too. Or even make it a vendor bought one only useable in OPs, doesn't matter to me.

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Tanks already get more benefit out of medpacks than other classes due to higher mitigation and hence more effective hitpoints gained.


And this is relevant when even with all that mitigation you're still taking 5k damage per regular hit on nightmare... How?

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