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Everything posted by Dionx

  1. Except it give 4500 hp MAX and while you get 15% more max health, you don't get heal by that much (if you're at 50% your max health get increase by 15% but you only heal by 3k7-4k5 + 7,5% of your health)
  2. Well as a dps in rakata/columi, I have almost 19k HP, so a 4k heal doesn't do much more for me than for you. It's even worse since the +15% health bonus is useless as a dps when it's pretty good for a tank. Like I said before, any dps/heal doing pve have at least 17-18k hp, there's no way a 4k medpack will heal a third of anyone's lifebar. Also it doesn't take a global cooldown.
  3. Naaa that would make sense, they can't possibly do something like that.
  4. Who care? People don't take biochem for the medpack but mostly for the infinite adrenal/stim. The medpack is just the icing on the cake.
  5. Dionx

    PvP - past rank 60

    Indeed people will switch on the winning side, increasing every imbalance already present.
  6. It reduce your damage. It's meant to be use by healer, who don't care (most of the time) about their damage.
  7. Doesn't matter since everyone at lvl 50 will be in their class pve/pvp gear. Except when afking at the fleet or something where they could wear a social armor set, but then it doesn't matter if it's light or not.
  8. In fact it's a pretty minor issue considering there are still people that can't play the game AT ALL or you know, how so many ppl experience huge lag spike in warzone <- these are huge issue, not hey sometimes your daily pvp doesn't record your win.
  9. Que ca soit en pvp ou en pve c'est "pratiquement" le seul métier utile une fois lvl 50 et un minimum stuff. On peut rajouter la cybernetique et ses grenades à la limite, mais à mon sens ca équivaut pas à medpack + stim + adrenal à la fois réutilisable ET supérieur aux bleu qu'on peut vendre (et que tout le monde peut utiliser donc)
  10. Almost every flashpoint is : 1) random briefing from darth malgus 2) get in, start killing stuff 3) oh a dark side/light side choice (only one obviously) 4) kill more stuff 5) get out Which when compare with the first flashpoint is absolutely boring
  11. No there's no real branching, only one main story.
  12. That's the problem, pvp gear is way too good (even when ignoring the pvp stat) especially considering how easy it is to get a full set of it.
  13. D'ailleurs en passant bien que j'arrive à bind ctrl + D, impossible de l'utiliser en jeu et meme pire si je ne bind rien sur ctrl + D, mais que j'appuie sur D et ctrl en même temps l'action bind sur D n'est pas effectué alors que ca marche très bien pour d'autres touches.
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