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Why no new timelines?


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Couldnt help but notice that there hasnt been any new timelines in a long while. Did they state why this is so or has there just not been any? I personally found them very intresting to watch and gave a real sense of history to a game that lacks connections to events precceding it. Now do you think they just stopped making them for no reason, maybe they are holding off for new story elements to come out such as new patch content expansions? discuss in the comments.
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Before the games release, I admit i looked forward to seeing database entries such as timelines. The videos were entertaining for sure and I do miss them.


There is the CODEX in game, that has textbased information you can read. By discovering DATACRONS, you can unlock Galactic History Entries. I think that is the closest thing we have now, but i wouldnt mind seeing come new webstory releases.

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I strongly suspect that the real reason they haven't released any new timeline content, is because the last video had a couple inconcistencies and skewed portrayals that made a couple diehards raaaaaage. For those of you who saw that particular thread in the Jedi Knight section, you know what I am talking about.
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I strongly suspect that the real reason they haven't released any new timeline content, is because the last video had a couple inconcistencies and skewed portrayals that made a couple diehards raaaaaage. For those of you who saw that particular thread in the Jedi Knight section, you know what I am talking about.


The rage might have played a part, but there were no "skewed portrayals", as they couldn't take even minor questioning on the actions of previous generations of Jedi nor that the Sith Empire's history was explored in depth. They wanted their Jedi to allways be right and true and gallant knights serving the best possible government in the galaxy.


I would put much "blame" on to Dark Horse's re-write of the history of the early Jedi though; only the next - and now never coming - episode could have dealt with things not directly connected to them:











Edited by Rouge
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