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2/14 - Stealth KC Nerf?


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I was infiltration until the patch. Then, I moved to 31/0/10. It was awkward at first, but after a few dozen warzones I started to do pretty well. I normally led my faction on the leader board, and I seemed to be able to solo most of my opponents.


Then, this morning, after the update. Playability seems different. I dont seem to be doing as much damage. I am squishier. At first, I thought it was just the mix of my opponents. Maybe a disproportionate amount of geared premades. So I kept playing. Now, after about 30 warzones today, I can definately say -- something is different. I am averaging 1-2 less medals per match. It's not certain medals I am having trouble with today. It varies by match. But the game seems harder today. Harder to survive. Harder to put down an opponent.


Anyone else notice anything? Were we stealth nerfed?

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Anyone else notice anything? Were we stealth nerfed?
I noticed exactly the same thing. Feels like everything is a bit harder to kill except you(you are still hard to kill but not harder like everyone else seems to be). I have been also getting 2-3 less medals per match. Perhaps some defense got buffed?


I think it just feels like it but still..


I've already moved back to infiltration today and it seems to play like before. :)


As for being squishy, it is because more and more people are getting champion gear at lvl 50. What you're feeling is the field being even out (gear wise).
For me this is not the case. My shadow is just lvl42. Edited by shagatha
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No stealth nerf. Just a big blanket nerf of surge, probably why your damage dropped a bit. :p As for being squishy, it is because more and more people are getting champion gear at lvl 50. What you're feeling is the field being even out (gear wise).


The surge nerf may explain lower damage, but I don't know how to explain being squishier. In comparison, I averaged 20-50 kills and 2-5 deaths per match since I switched to KC. Today, I am averaging 15-20 kills and 8-10 deaths.


Also, I am not talking about now versus a month ago. I am talking about now versus yesterday. 24 hours.

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sounds like the surge change is getting to your head and now your playing worse. There was no nerf at all in my eyes


This is possible. I suppose my lower damage output just means my oponent has those extra few strikes to finish me off that he didnt have before. But there is no doubt I am getting blown up in warzones today. It is a noticable difference,

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sounds like the surge change is getting to your head and now your playing worse. There was no nerf at all in my eyes


This is exactly it.


You also likely aren't gearing properly (here is a hint...if you aren't geared like a PvE tank that is your problem). Our PvP sets are absolutely horrendously itemized.


This is the order of operations for attacks in TOR.


You are attacked...

>check against defense - if you win defense roll no damage taken

>check crit chance - if check is succesful you get crit upon and skip to step 5

>check shield chance - if you win this check move to step 4

>check absorption rating - if you win shield check then damage recieved is cut by this amount

>check armor rating - damage is reduced by this percentage


Now take a look at how much shield and absorbtion rating is on our tank sets in this game for both PvP and PvE and you see the main problem.


You have to manually strip gear regularly and place +defense gear in it's place. I'm not wearing any raid gear, tossed my PvP gear away awhile ago (minus PvP weapon and an implant/earpeice). My defense chance is at 30%...meaning 30% of all attacks used against me will never land, pushing close to 20k hp unbuffed.

As a tank I still hit hard regularly (slow time not critting is hitting for 2k on all targets, guarenteed crits of project hitting 2.5k...note we are talking tanks people don't expect the 4k hits) and reliably. I have no problem taking out full battlemasters 1 or 2 at a time.


You are a tank, build like one, never take the itemization handed to you as Bioware seems utterly inept at giving tanks stats we honestly need. The amount of accuracy on our tank gear makes me /facepalm, we only need 5% bonus accuracy no more and if you take what they give us you end up at 9-11% bonus accuracy (it is pointlessly high).

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This is exactly it.


(slow time not critting is hitting for 2k on all targets, guarenteed crits of project hitting 2.5k...note we are talking tanks people don't expect the 4k hits) and reliably. I have no problem taking out full battlemasters 1 or 2 at a time.


I am wearing BM Stalker, instead of Survivor for PvP. I have the complete set. How are you hitting slow time for 2K non crits? I hit for about 400, maybe 1100 if it crits.

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This is the order of operations for attacks in TOR.


You are attacked...

>check against defense - if you win defense roll no damage taken

>check crit chance - if check is succesful you get crit upon and skip to step 5

>check shield chance - if you win this check move to step 4

>check absorption rating - if you win shield check then damage recieved is cut by this amount

>check armor rating - damage is reduced by this percentage


Now take a look at how much shield and absorbtion rating is on our tank sets in this game for both PvP and PvE and you see the main problem.


Mostly correct, but Shield and Crit chance are checked simmultaneously with Crit chance having the priority. Having those increase could theoretically push normal hits and then even shield chance (say if your opponent has 70% crit and you have 40% shield, which is unlikely) off the combat table.



You have to manually strip gear regularly and place +defense gear in it's place. I'm not wearing any raid gear, tossed my PvP gear away awhile ago (minus PvP weapon and an implant/earpeice). My defense chance is at 30%...meaning 30% of all attacks used against me will never land, pushing close to 20k hp unbuffed.


You realize that defense chance (as well as shield chance) applies only to melee and ranged attacks, and not to force and tech attacks, right?


Just like Turlinde I am also quite curious how you'd be hitting for those numbers, considering I am using the Stalker set (since defensive stats are borderline useless in PvP due to the above) which has a good deal more offensive stats, and if you aren't wearing PvP gear my expertise is also going to be way higher than yours. Unless you of course mean either Relic/Adrenal/Warzone damage buff stacking and/or PvE targets.

Edited by SWB-NL
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You also likely aren't gearing properly (here is a hint...if you aren't geared like a PvE tank that is your problem). Our PvP sets are absolutely horrendously itemized.




You are a tank, build like one, never take the itemization handed to you as Bioware seems utterly inept at giving tanks stats we honestly need. The amount of accuracy on our tank gear makes me /facepalm, we only need 5% bonus accuracy no more and if you take what they give us you end up at 9-11% bonus accuracy (it is pointlessly high).


This is the brightest thing you said, the rest is half correct at best. Socketing +def for PVP is just bad.


The problem with the itemization is that they coupled accuracy and absorption together on enhancements and didn't put absorption with def or shield. So if we need to up our absorb rating, we have to take the accuracy as well. This degrades our ability to customize our gear because accuracy is a poor stat, while absorption is a great stat. So really for PVE you should be swapping out your accuracy+absorb enhancements and keeping your absorb mods.


Luckily you can get these mods through champ gear or columi badges or items, shouldn't take you long to swap out all your enhancements.


BTW 30% def is just overkill. You are completely wasting your stat point allotments to hit that number.

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