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concussion missle


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No idea about duration, though I imagine locking a player out for 60 seconds is a touch overpowered.


Yes it is single target.


Yes of course damage interrupts it (imagine a 10+ seconds lockout where you are able to hammer a target with DPS during that time).

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I think the CC last around 8-10 seconds and can confirm damage does interrupt it... in fact if there is another player on your team with in 50 yards of the person you CC they will come over and break it. It's like people do it on purpose just to get on my NERVES!!!!
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Come on, if you were in PvP and you saw a single enemy player just kind of hanging out tottering around and not doing anything... you'd go over and try to kill them too. People don't think "lol, that guy's stunned, and probably pretty irate, we need to kill all of his buddies and then go get him", they think "look at the noob, what did he do, go afk for a potty break? ima kill dat foo".


Human nature is human nature, unless a big glowing "don't shoot this target" sign pops up over their head when their kd'd or stunned... someone's going to attack them. Heck, even if they did have the sign... someone's going to attack them.

Edited by bahdasz
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I only bother with Concussion when Electro-dart is off cooldown. When in trouble (getting to about half health) electro-dart the other guy. If they sit there pop off a heal and then keep fighting. If they break the stun with their CC-break cast concussion right away and you get 8 seconds to heal and get distance (or get away if they are stronger).
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Come on, if you were in PvP and you saw a single enemy player just kind of hanging out tottering around and not doing anything... you'd go over and try to kill them too. People don't think "lol, that guy's stunned, and probably pretty irate, we need to kill all of his buddies and then go get him", they think "look at the noob, what did he do, go afk for a potty break? ima kill dat foo".


Human nature is human nature, unless a big glowing "don't shoot this target" sign pops up over their head when their kd'd or stunned... someone's going to attack them. Heck, even if they did have the sign... someone's going to attack them.


primarily a 1v1 skill due to the break on damage, i use it often as an insta-cast with specials, leave the guy hanging for 8 seconds


in a solo fight (duel) it is a nice heal and then a windup for a TM/HS/unload combo


it IS the way i win a lot of 1v1 duels (which people get very surprised about)

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I feel concussion missile is just a waste of your time in PvP since


1. it heals the target while they are CCed

2. it breaks on damage and in pvp I find a lot of people aoe a lot so your just giving them free full resolve making them immune to any other CC afterwards

3. it takes too long to cast unless you waste your instant cast cooldown but that seems like a waste cuz of the first 2 points.


the only reason you'd want to use this ability is what was mentioned above is if your facing 2 opponents and you know that your allies wont be using AOE at all, and hoping that the enemy being CCed doesnt have his break away ability, and if the CCed target is already at full health. too much of a situational ability for PvP to be useful at all

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I feel concussion missile is just a waste of your time in PvP since


1. it heals the target while they are CCed

2. it breaks on damage and in pvp I find a lot of people aoe a lot so your just giving them free full resolve making them immune to any other CC afterwards

3. it takes too long to cast unless you waste your instant cast cooldown but that seems like a waste cuz of the first 2 points.


the only reason you'd want to use this ability is what was mentioned above is if your facing 2 opponents and you know that your allies wont be using AOE at all, and hoping that the enemy being CCed doesnt have his break away ability, and if the CCed target is already at full health. too much of a situational ability for PvP to be useful at all


scratch #1, it does NOT HEAL IN PVP


in a solo duel it is much much much better than Electrodart, like almost 3 times better (8 seconds vs 3) ... I can heal from 1/3 health to full and que up a missle before they can move (assuming i wait til they use their break to use it on them)

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