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OMG! People who leave BG's!!!!


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What is up with this!?!?!? I can't believe it. How can Bioware not act on a persons choice to participate or not in a battle ground!!!


Asking for a timer for people who leave a bg would be like a non pvper asking that a timer be placed on people who leave a dungeon, or form a group and disband it.. Guess what, when you make a group for a Flash Point, a Quest or an Operation.. YOU GET TO CHOSE WHO YOU GO WITH... Not us tho.. nope! We get who we are stuck with and then people cry because people leave.


You know what, you dont want people to leave, dont suck. Stop playing team death match in the middle and I'll stay to heal you. Stop chasing kills and I will stay to Guard you.. Stop crying all the time and I may care what you say.


All in all.. you get to choose your groups in pve, I can't choose mine.. I have the right to leave, dont like it.. quit.


Thanks :)


Half a premade does not count.. because you can still have 4 people who have no clue what they are doing.. even if they are not afk.

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It is.. since I'm saying the opposite of what all the other posts are!!!


1/10 Reading Comprehension


If you had read those threads, you'd realize the topic has been beaten to death in regards to the arguement on both sides.


Congrats on a fail thread /hi5

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What is up with this!?!?!? I can't believe it. How can Bioware not act on a persons choice to participate or not in a battle ground!!!


You are playing Bioware's game. They can take away your choice whenever they want. When you clicked to join the battleground you indicated that you chose to play it.


And if you're a scumbag leaver, they should punish you in any way possible.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Reward people for staying.


Don't punish them for leaving.




Why would I stay for a pointless loss and waste my time when I could already be requed looking for a win to get daily/weekly done?


Punishing people will only make them not PvP. The way it is done needs to be changed.

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You are playing Bioware's game. They can take away your choice whenever they want. When you clicked to join the battleground you indicated that you chose to play it.


And if you're a scumbag leaver, they should punish you in any way possible.


The same bioware also stated that you can legitimately AFK in warzones as long as you look at your screen. Also imps winning vast majority of games due to superior gear given them for free basically(huttball yay who needs opposing faction anyway? lets introduce MORE same faction WZs!).

Edited by Lerdoc
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I'd rather leave a Voidstar than trying to heal a group that has no concept about how to defend a couple of doors, or any idea about the objectives of Voidstar at all. Better to leave than start whining in ops. Dammit, now I'm whining on the forums. /leavegroup
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I almost always leave asap when it puts me in huttball, but that's before it has started. I just hate huttball.


LOL huttball is actually one of the best WZ's Voidstar is broken and needs work... you will understand after being 50 for 2-3 weeks.... huttballs awesome...

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What is up with this!?!?!? I can't believe it. How can Bioware not act on a persons choice to participate or not in a battle ground!!!


Asking for a timer for people who leave a bg would be like a non pvper asking that a timer be placed on people who leave a dungeon, or form a group and disband it.. Guess what, when you make a group for a Flash Point, a Quest or an Operation.. YOU GET TO CHOSE WHO YOU GO WITH... Not us tho.. nope! We get who we are stuck with and then people cry because people leave.


You know what, you dont want people to leave, dont suck. Stop playing team death match in the middle and I'll stay to heal you. Stop chasing kills and I will stay to Guard you.. Stop crying all the time and I may care what you say.


All in all.. you get to choose your groups in pve, I can't choose mine.. I have the right to leave, dont like it.. quit.


Thanks :)


Half a premade does not count.. because you can still have 4 people who have no clue what they are doing.. even if they are not afk.


Same way they can tolerate all the hackers in the game. Theres a new exploit every friggin day, you have to be a research scientist to keep up with them all. We're supposed to take this game seriously?

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I hate Huttball. Everything about it. The announcer, the play style, the people, and the entire warzone. I rarely leave WZs, generally only ones that I get pulled into and are 235-600 and I keep seeing the message game will close down because of 8v11 exploits, BUT I 100% leave huttball unless I run a premade, as I despise the map. I don't care if it ruins your game experience, being in Huttball ruins my game experience.


If you let me queue for just VS and CW, I'll have almost a 100% retention in those warzones.

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