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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing - the worst imbalance in PVP history, in it's current form


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in my opinion healers are pretty balanced, healing is ok , they can keep everyone alive if you let them free cast, but they die really fast if you focus fire them, the only change i would do in pvp around healing was drastically increase the cost of heals , and if you go healing tree they are reduced to normal state like they are now , cause sorcer and BH can offheal really easy with not much losses on dps , but thats just AN OPINION
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As a longtime MMO player and avid PVPer...


You beat healers in a GROUP situation by using AOE's and bursting down individual targets during the confusuion...

Its a default behaviour for a healer to revert to self preservation the moment they take damage..thus leaving their team to die.... you use that to your advantage.


In a 1v1 situation you beat them by using your stuns and then interrupts at a time where your maximum burst damage will be hitting...that involves knowing your DPS class well,



Right now i think the balance is near perfect, healers are where they need to be... aka VIABLE and VALUABLE.



I say this as a DPS who occasionally(once in a blue moon) meets a healer who uses "rope a dope" and manages to burn me out of energy/heat before i can kill them.... all i think is..


"Well played"


This, and I want to add that if a group is having a hard time with a healer it's usually with more than one complementing each other. Most of the time however if a group cannot take down two healers they are doing something wrong, and do not know what they are doing.

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I'm just amazed over the lack of knowledge you guys actually have about healing overall. I guess it is easier to go onto the forums and complain about something is op rather than actually learning the system, and finding out how it works.
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I can tell you love numbers.


Your argument doesn't really fit properly. You are number crunching and theory crafting, which is a very PvE view of a MMO's mechanics.


The reason this never works with PvP is because what you are fighting is a person on the other end. So reason comes into play and you can never account for that on the PvE end. No script determines what the opponent does ... things like strategy and a battle of wits takes place during PvP ... not in PvE. Seizing windows of opportunity to shut down the healer ... or using what you have available to control the healer's allies to score a kill on the healer, that is what PvP is about.


I understand your comparisons to other PvP games such as LoL ... but that is that game's design, well-rounded fair PvP regardless of class choice. Here BioWare's wish is for you to play a role during combat and force you into a teamwork environment.


You also seem to be speaking from a 1v1 stand point ... which doesn't apply to this MMO.

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Not sure about other healing classes, but try healing as a smuggler. The only reason I last is that I run around taking advantage of LOS and terrain to get away from dps. My heals are weaker than other healers and than most dps attacks (except autoshot) and I am in champion gear.


This is all on top of being penalized in commendations by design for healing. Let's not talk about how poorly our gear scaling is compared to dps too.

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Not sure about other healing classes, but try healing as a smuggler. The only reason I last is that I run around taking advantage of LOS and terrain to get away from dps. My heals are weaker than other healers and than most dps attacks (except autoshot) and I am in champion gear.


This is all on top of being penalized in commendations by design for healing. Let's not talk about how poorly our gear scaling is compared to dps too.


Hint. you need to team up with another healer, or with a tank that will guard you.

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@OP: The flaw in your protest is so fundamental it's frightening. Healing is a part of the game. You can't argue that a healer is playing at an advantage because he can heal. That's like healers complaining that dps can put out more damage than they can. If you want healers to be effectively removed from viable pvp gameplay and have every match be a throw down of "who can blow their big cooldowns the fastest" you might as well just go play wow.


It is sad so many people are so incapable of moving beyond the "you suck" part of their brain. I worry about the new generation of gamers.


Reading posts like yours makes me worry too.

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Nice try, but thats BS aswell. Dps classes have energy as well and use up more of it trying to break through the **** IWIN heals every healing class now has.


This shows you have no idea what you are talking about, The sage talent in telekinetics tree that reduces next attack cost by 50%, 100% of the time when max to 2/2, gives unlimited mana.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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kinda makes u have to lol in swtor how a lvl 20+ hlr whos not bad, is a better pvp tank then a geared out 50 tank class haha


but yea any ways, pro tip:


1 guy on each hlr who can make em gotta heal them selfs


rest of tm burn down others by ff in rite order


then finish hlrs

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kinda makes u have to lol in swtor how a lvl 20+ hlr whos not bad, is a better pvp tank then a geared out 50 tank class haha


but yea any ways, pro tip:


1 guy on each hlr who can make em gotta heal them selfs


rest of tm burn down others by ff in rite order


then finish hlrs


lvl 20's don't even fight in the same bracket as a lvl 50, they fight in the 10-49 lvl bracket. Lvl 50's have their own bracket for warzones.......and no they are not better tanks. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but they probably have other healers healing them and working to complement each other. Try again.


Conversely if a lvl 20 healer is out tanking a lvl 50 tank class in FULL GEAR, then that tank really needs to quit pvp'ing because he is doing his a team a great diservice.

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lvl 20's don't even fight in the same bracket as a lvl 50, they fight in the 10-49 lvl bracket. Lvl 50's have their own bracket for warzones.......and no they are not better tanks. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but they probably have other healers healing them and working to complement each other. Try again.


Conversely if a lvl 20 healer is out tanking a lvl 50 tank class in FULL GEAR, then that tank really needs to quit pvp'ing because he is doing his a team a great diservice.


Also in the lvl 10-49 bracket everyone is boosted up to the same level(49) stat wise(not skills wise). So when a lvl 20 was in a warzone against lvl 50 before they seperated the brackets it was more like a lvl 49 against a lvl 50 stat wise.

Edited by bellok
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PvP healing in general is fine, except I do feel in this game having such high energy regen for a healer is what's making it feel off. In most other games, a healer in PVP may seem godlike until his mana bar eventually runs out, in which case you can still exploit their weakness by outlast their mana bar til it's depleted. But with this game you can't really do that, because essentially you have healers with high energy regen rate but short energy bar, like a rogue's energy bar but used for healing. It regens so fast that it's basically giving them enough energy every few seconds to cast another heal and they can do that indefinitely as their energy continues to regen.


You know something is wrong when there's situations where a healer can naturally regen more energy than their need to spend it, that right there means they can last forever if they manage their energy properly.


I think the OP does have a point, most games fix this problem by giving healers a large but limited resource so they can't just heal indefinitely.

Edited by Dead_Ted
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There are healer-killer specs in-game. Annihilation Marauders with their 6s CD interrupt and point-blank interrupting force leap along with their healing debuff and perma slow is one such spec. The only time I can't make good progress on a healer's health bar is when it's a Merc/Commando with their energy shield up. Edited by Swarna
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I did read the sea and come away with two things:



1) if healing in MMOS PVP bothers you this much MMOs might not be the genre for you

2) It does not sound like you have actually played a healer in PVP for any significant length of time (Note: I am ignoring the Hybrid dps builds with heals, Sorcs come to mind).

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Hes not trying to say the healer can or cant overcome the dps via cc and tactical choices by both players. So he is not assuming anything.


He is delivering a concept on the fundamental mechanics of healing by measuring potential resources.


Drawing conclusions from such a comparison when it ignores all other mitigating factors seems slightly pointless.


Calling it an 'imbalance' in the thread title when it does not actually exist in the game as described - similarly dubious.

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The mind can only but recoil in sheer horror at the amount of badness in this thread.


Its almost Lovecraftian in nature I swear. I had to stop halfway through the op to avoid devolving into a frothy-mouthed madman.


Lockout the spam heal. Interrupt everything else. Butcher the poor sod, piss on his bones, and move on.


Hell, if you're feeling too lazy to do a proper rotation pop a relic/adrenal and blow said healer away in 3-4 globals.

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