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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Assassin or Powertech?


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Cant really decide.

Any suggestion or recommendations are appreciated :)


Powertech - arguably requires more skill to play effectively; really good damage output if you master it


Assassin - incredibly versatile skill set; more accessible due to the the skill combinations


This is not absolute. I gather that Assassin is just as rewarding if you invest heavily skill-wise, but more forgiving while learning.


Also, would you like to play an insidious Sith, or a free agent?


Do you like bulkier heavy armor? Do you prefer the robe-style look?


Would you prefer using fire and pistols for most of your abilities, or would you prefer a combination of lightsaber and lightning?


EDIT: Lastly, companions are an important part of the game. For me, they make of break the character.


Edited by JoyProtocol
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