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Its pretty rare for me to start a thread to complain about stuff. I usually just comment on others threads or read. Today unfortunately got me so worked up that i feel the need to post.




I logged on this mourning and grabbed the daily's and weekly's from the pvp terminal, flew to Ilum and saw no repubs there. I'm heal specced commando so that means im out of luck. Impossible to do anything on ilum solo unless your a stealth class or a sorc/sage since on my server you wont find anyone solo except for stealth class's who can usually run away if they are loosing. I therefor decide to just que up for warzones and get that done, planning on coming back to Ilum later in the day.



Lo and behold, i get into a warzone and find that somehow, melee DPS are now dealing DOUBLE the damage they should (or at least that they have previously been doing).



I am battlemaster ranked with only 1 battlemaster gear (body) due to fail rng commendation drops, but i use Endurance stim and this brings my HP up to 18k. I have 666 (12.42ish% effects) expertise and a base damage reduction of 33.96%. So without ANY buffs i should be taking just slightly more than half damage from most attacks.



However, for some reason, even with my 25% increased damage reduction bubble up, a marauder, juggernaught, and BH litterally drained my 18k HP pool in 4 seconds without even setting up their combo's. They litterally jumped on me, rooting me in place, and melted me in 4 seconds with me having time to only begin casting one heal, which somehow got interrupted while they were doing this obscene amount of damage.



Stunned, i figured they must have gotten lucky crits and just respawned, going back out to fight. The same three guys, less than 50 seconds after proceeded to instagib me again, obviously still not doped up on adrenals.


I tried one more time, to see if i could figure out what was going on. Watching their animations and my HP bar intently. They jumped on me, my hp droped about 40% instantly, I began casting a heal and bam i went from 11k hp to 0 while the marauder was halfway through his master strike animation..........




TLDR: Somebody has either found a glitch and is abusing it, or bioware fuscked somthing up in the patch and some melee abilities are currently completely overpowered.

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hmmm i just had the same issue in a wz against melee, this guy pretty much alphaed me and im almost full BM.... and a sorc, he went through bubble and heal stim as well... didnt see the numbers he hit for... but I thought something was wrong with my setup... but nothing has changed... so glad to hear its not only me that saw this issue.
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please keep this up top until someone important see's it. I posted a report in game, but the more exposure the better. This is game breaking stuff.





EDIT: i'd like to know if others have experienced this. It cant only be happening on my server (Belgoth's Beacon).

Edited by Eihnlazer
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I've had similar problems in Warzones.


I'm Jedi Sentinel with Centurion/Champion armor, 14k health, I use all buffs, stims, health packs I can and the best combinations I can.


Some PvP players take little to no damage from me, very rarely do they take a decent amount of damage, and they kill me sometimes in 1-4 seconds. While dying that fast doesn't always happen, I've had single Battlemasters take me out in a couple seconds death after death. This isn't a one time deal, if the team/player combination is right, then it always happens.

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Vicious damage is fine, i wouldnt cry about 5k crits since i have 18K hp and would have time to react. Im talking about over 10k hp instantly gone without warning. NOONE can react to that and noone should have to.



Thats simply too much damage, no matter how you look at it.

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Damage is too high at the moment across the board. Hopefully the surge nerf will fix some of it.


Also, mitigation stats aren't really preventing damage in the way most people think they would. A lot of attacks out right ignore them.

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This is gamebrakingly broken right here.


Earlier today, I as well was jumped by four people, and between them, they were able to kill me. They even went so far as to interrupt one of the abilities that I began to cast.


We need to bring more light to this issue so that it can be fixed.


Please Bioware, if you are reading this, something needs to be done about this blatant problem.

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