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Guardian Vs Shadow tank


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Alright so these builds you have been given are all standered boring builds and like they say a normal guardian tanks dmg is not great but what I will tell u in reality a shadow tanking vs a guardian is a joke question shadows will never have the dmg reduction we have in heavy armor and they can not hold aggro of multiple mobs well.


I want to show u my build i use for tanking and for dpsing most likely people will flame me for how terrible it is but if u want to be a good tank as a guardian this is what you should use. Your dmg will be much higher and boss fights will be a lot quicker killing trash mobs is great when u run around hitting for 2k and PVP in **shien** and u will still live but u will be able to destroy those guys that used to piss you off (like the BM healers)




To anyone that disagrees I dare u to try it and tell me it does not do More dmg and u didn't rly miss warding call that much because it doesn't help enough to really worry about it


will add numbers when i get back to my computer later sry i don't have them on hand



Self buffed in Tank Gear(all champion atm) and Sorensu Form

18600 HP

7355 Armor

50.51%dmg reduction

22.34% Defense Chance

30.32% Shield Chance

28.87% Shield Absorption


Basically in columi gear your looking at about 20k self buffed but i have be gathering dps gear so far cause i only tank when i have to.

I'm sorry, you lost your cred as someone who knows anything about anything else when you said Shadows can't hold AoE threat.


Shadows and Vanguards have a dozen times more AoE threat than Guardians do.


Moving on.

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I'm sorry, you lost your cred as someone who knows anything about anything else when you said Shadows can't hold AoE threat.


Shadows and Vanguards have a dozen times more AoE threat than Guardians do.


Moving on.


I don't know, he could just have experience with Shadows that haven't a clue of what they are doing.


You know how we get complained on that we jump into things haphazard like idiots and I actually encountered someone that did that just yesterday.


I finally just let him get himself killed.

Edited by GarfieldJL
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I'm sorry, you lost your cred as someone who knows anything about anything else when you said Shadows can't hold AoE threat.


Shadows and Vanguards have a dozen times more AoE threat than Guardians do.


Moving on.


right u do but i have not seen any use it successfully hold it or be able to tank it. just saying maybe it can be done well on a shadow just haven't seen any shadow tanks that take the same dmg as i do as well as i do (and im just partial to my heavy armor)

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I'm sorry, you lost your cred as someone who knows anything about anything else when you said Shadows can't hold AoE threat.


Shadows and Vanguards have a dozen times more AoE threat than Guardians do.


Moving on.


Um... LOLNO? Shadows have 3 aoe abilities, 1 of them is awful unless your infiltration and the other 2 are lucky to hit for more than 1k. Want to say Shadows have good AOE again? Honestly, Shadows are the worst aoe tanks, period.

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Um... LOLNO? Shadows have 3 aoe abilities, 1 of them is awful unless your infiltration and the other 2 are lucky to hit for more than 1k. Want to say Shadows have good AOE again? Honestly, Shadows are the worst aoe tanks, period.


.... Aaaand here's the proof you don't have a Guardian. Our Cyclone Slash barely scrapes above 600. In ½ Columi, ½ Rakata gear. Oh, and it costs 25% of our theoretical maximum focus.

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Shadows hiting above 300k dmg in pvp are full stalker Battle master geared. The most top of them have changed acuracy mods for usefull stats from PvE gear - top are hiting 400k+ in pvp.

With full champ survival my ending score were around 120-150k , depends on mood and gamestyle i choose - as camper on alderaan with 80k dmg at the end, not build/gear/class issue.

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Um... LOLNO? Shadows have 3 aoe abilities, 1 of them is awful unless your infiltration and the other 2 are lucky to hit for more than 1k. Want to say Shadows have good AOE again? Honestly, Shadows are the worst aoe tanks, period.


The person you quoted said AoE THREAT, not AoE damage. My main is a Shadow tank and they have great AoE threat especially due to Slow Time on such a short CD. The problem Shadows run into with AoE is that if they pull too many enemies, their Kinetic Ward (shield buff) loses all of its charges before it comes off of CD. This is why Shadow tanks need to make use of their various stuns, knockdowns, interrupts to control adds right after the pull.


As for the Shadow AoE abilities, they do decent damage but they are even more important for their debuffs on the affected enemies.

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I don't have Guardian, but have Shadow(Main) and Vanguard. both has 4set of Columi and Mastercrafts.

also has a Rakata Implant, only this is what I have Rakata/T3 thing.


stats (with Tank Stance. no other buffs.)



Health 20577

Armor 6765

Damage Reduction 42.52%

Defense Chance 30.22%

Shield Chance 36.62%( 56.62% with Kinetic Ward. Shadow Tank keeps this self buff always)

Shield Absorption 36.40%



Health 19834

Armor 8046

Damage Reduction 51.86%

Defense Chance 19.65%

Shield Chance 53.89%

Shield Absorption 33.46%




I customizing [Defense] more than shielding.

most Tank has 40%~50% Shield Absorption, and minus 10% Defense Chance.


hope it will some help.


You have to be careful stacking defense over shield/absorb as it will lead to more spikey damage. If you have a good healer though, you should be ok.

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